The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 793 Official Exploration of the Tomb of the Demon God

Chapter 793 Official Exploration of the Tomb of the Demon God (Part [-])
Several people in the team looked at each other, then walked around and began to climb up the valley gropingly.

The few players who can fight at this depth are very curious.

"Guys, there is a battle ahead, I think we may have encountered a guild's land reclamation group." Yiye Chengguo said.

After everyone climbed up the valley, they found that things were a little different from what they thought.

What is fighting in the valley is not a certain land reclamation group, but a small team, only seven people, and the one who is fighting with them is——

"Guys, guess what I saw? Seven people challenged a level [-] rare boss!"

"The strength of those people doesn't seem to have reached level [-] yet!" Inexplicably said suddenly.

"That's right." Long Teng Nineteen nodded, "And their team configuration is very strange. Seven people have three assistants, two fighters, and two mages. I didn't see anyone else."

"It's amazing." The crispy toffee said with emotion.

Everyone else nodded in agreement.

It's not that they haven't seen the scene of dealing with a level [-] boss, but these few players, this level, and this team configuration dare to fight against a level [-] rare boss, which is indeed very powerful, whether it is strength or courage.

"They seem to have taken advantage of the terrain and used the water in the lake to restrain the boss. It's a clever idea." Long Teng Nineteen said.

On the other hand, Mo Ling, who had the lowest sense of presence, narrowed his eyes.

Although the scene looked like seven players were using the terrain to kill the boss, the strength, operation, and equipment of those players showed that this was not a group of ordinary players.


Mo Ling looked at the purple-robed mage in the distance, always feeling that that person seemed to find himself waiting for someone.


The people fighting in the valley are Ling Huohuo and his party, and the boss is the Fire Wing Snake King brought by Satania.

After pressing the Fire Wing Snake King into the lake, the battle was inexplicably easy.

As long as the Fire Wing Snake King is not allowed to climb up, the Fire Wing Snake King is a lamb to be slaughtered.

In fact, it is not easy to achieve this. First of all, ordinary players cannot do it if they want to get the Fire Wing Snake King into the lake.

"Ding Ning, you should be level [-] after killing this Firewing Snake King," Ling Huohuo said suddenly.

Ding Ning nodded.

"Not only me, Rafael, Blood Rabbit, Gabriel, and Vinet are all at level [-]."

Ling Huohuo nodded.

When the first batch of people in the studio reached level [-], the studio would enter a new stage of development.

"Someone is here." Ling Huohuo said.

Ding Ning was taken aback, but did not show any abnormality.

"Does it need to be resolved?"

"It should be the adventure team. As long as we don't bother us, we don't have to get used to it. Let's kill the Fire Wing Snake King first. I think this Fire Wing Snake King will have a snake tooth in its body."

"What if not?" Ding Ning asked back.

"No... then no." Ling Huohuo still didn't have the guts to set a flag for himself.

In the end, the Fire Wing Snake King died tragically in the lake.

This time Ling Huohuo and the others took the initiative to pull the Fire Wing Snake King ashore.

After Ling Huohuo's dissection, he really found a snake tooth in the body of the Fire Wing Snake King.

"Orange snake teeth: Gathering seven snake teeth will open the altar of snakes. Carrying this item increases recovery power by five levels, attack speed by three levels, and agility by three levels. Put it in the backpack and it will take effect."

"It really is." Gabriel sighed.

After cleaning up the corpses of Snake Tooth and Fire Wing Snake King, Ling Huohuo ignored the adventure team who were watching from a distance, but left directly with his people.

In the distance, Yiye Chengguo and his party realized this scene.

"It's really incredible. That direction is the depths of the barren land. Old men, I decided to follow up and have a look, but in order not to cause misunderstandings, I decided to go up and say hello first." One step after Ling Huohuo and the others, Mo Ling and Crispy Toffee also hurriedly followed.

Inexplicable and Long Teng Nineteen deliberately slowed down.

"That group of people are not weak." He said inexplicably.

Long Teng Nineteen nodded. Although this battle seemed to be won by using the terrain, a group of people in the live broadcast room thought that they could do it too, but the first step was a group of players with more than 40 levels. How to press the rare BOSS of level [-] into the lake is not something ordinary people can do.

This group of players couldn't just catch up with the Fire Wing Snake King who was taking a bath in the lake, right?

If it wasn't for the use of any special props, then the strength of this group of people would be terrifying.

"The game is really Crouching Dragon Hidden Tiger. Apart from their strength, the equipment on that group of people seems to be of an excellent level. It's not easy." Long Teng Nineteen said.

Although the Shinhwa guild and the Longteng guild are in a hostile relationship, they both come from the same height, and they can somehow think of going together when looking at problems.

What's more, inexplicable and unspeakable have fought against Long Teng Nineteen many times, and the two can still talk.

Encountered a strange team, the two also attached great importance to it.

Is it the enemy?Is it a friend?Can you win over?

These are things that both of you need to consider.

Now this team has not grown up yet, if it grows up, then the situation in the future game circle may change again.

Overnight Chengguo and the others did not catch up with Ling Huohuo and the others.

The place where Ling Huohuo and the others are going has not been discovered yet, and the relationship is so important, how could it be easy for others to follow behind.

Ling Huohuo led the team to turn left and right before throwing off the exploration team.

"There are people behind, let's put the task of Snake Fang first, and go to the Tomb of the Demon God first." Ding Ning suggested.

"Yes." Ling Huohuo nodded.

The team turned again, this time pointing directly at the Tomb of the Demon God!
The road to the Tomb of the Demon God is not easy. The level of ordinary wild monsters around the Tomb of the Demon God has reached level [-]. Ling Huohuo and the others have to be careful, lest a group of wild monsters will be attracted and then wiped out here.

Facing a level [-] Fire Wing Snake King boss can use the terrain, but facing a group of level [-] ordinary wild monsters, it is difficult not to overturn.

Later, Ling Huohuo had to go to the front to explore the road in person, walking one meter at a time, and his moving speed was greatly reduced.

Finally, after a long journey, the group finally arrived at the entrance of the Tomb of the Demon God.

The barren land where Ling Huohuo and the others are located can only be reached by some large-scale land reclamation groups, and large-scale land reclamation groups are not available all the time, so people rarely come here.

Of course, those players who have reached level [-] can also come here alone, but it is obviously impossible for those players to wander here without incident.

The entrance to the Tomb of the Demon God is on a cliff, requiring a special opening method.

But Ling Huohuo didn't plan to go in today, because everyone in the team was already feeling mentally exhausted.

"Find a safe area to go offline and rest, and go online on time tomorrow morning!"


The next day, a few lights flashed in front of a cliff, and then Ling Huohuo and his party appeared.

Today, Ling Huohuo is going to officially explore the Tomb of the Demon God!

 I've got a cold, I'm sick, let's stop here today

(End of this chapter)

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