The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 795: I Have Been a God and Been a Demon...

Chapter 795: I Have Been a God and Been a Demon... (Second Update)

The real world, the capital, the future club.

At this time Ling Miao was sitting quietly in her room.

Today Ling Miao had a premonition, but he didn't know what he felt. He could only feel that something was about to happen, but he didn't know what it was, which made Ling Miao very upset, so he could only sit quietly Here, stabilize your state of mind, otherwise you may become obsessed.

Suddenly, Ling Miao opened his eyes.


Ling Miao shouted coldly!
A phantom appeared in front of Ling Miao as if stepping through time and space.

The phantom gradually solidifies, and it has a very similar appearance to Ling Miao, with long hair and shawls. Although the phantom is very similar to Ling Miao, it makes people unable to distinguish between men and women. A chrysanthemum above the head is extremely eye-catching.

The figure that appeared just stood quietly in front of Ling Miao, and Ling Miao looked at the figure in front of him in disbelief.

Looking at the figure, the feeling became stronger and stronger, but what exactly is it?
"Ling Miao, who is this person?!" A black air emerged from Ling Miao's body.

Suddenly, an existence very similar to Ling Miao appeared, which made the black energy in Ling Miao's body aware that something was wrong. For his own sake, the black energy had to come out and ask.

Ling Miao frowned, and similarly, the figure frowned when he saw Heiqi.

For some reason, Ling Miao suddenly felt awkward, irritable, and even angry when seeing the black shadow this time.

But more is the coldness of indifference, the kind of indifference to people who are about to die!

dong dong!

Ling Miao felt something beating in her body.

The heart is normal, what beats is... the soul!
Ling Miao felt as if her soul had come alive!
"Damn it!" Hei Qi also sensed that something was wrong, and at the same time, Ling Miao's eyes suddenly changed.

I don't know what happened, but Hei Qi knows that since this strange figure appeared, Ling Miao's situation has become more and more wrong.

"No, we can't wait any longer!"

The black air suddenly rose, enveloping Ling Miao.

"Although I'm not yet mature, but... If you want to blame it, it's too sudden. Ling Miao, farewell!" The black air invaded Ling Miao's body again, but this time it was not deposited, but fused!

However, until the black air completely invaded Ling Miao's body, Ling Miao did not express anything, but Ling Miao's eyes turned into dazzling golden pupils.

Golden Dragon Eyes!

But Ling Miao's body has no other changes, it seems that only Ling Miao's pupils have changed.

"What's the situation?!" Heiqi's voice came from Ling Miao's body.

The corners of Ling Miao's mouth curled up.

"Ling Miao, it's impossible for you to plot against me. How did you hide the arrangement I made in your body?!" The voice of black air came again.

"It's not because you're stupid." Ling Miao said expressionlessly.

"Damn it, but do you really think this unfinished arrangement can really deal with me?" Heiqi's voice came again.

"It was true that I couldn't deal with it before, but now it's not necessarily the case. A monster formed by the evil spirit of the earth veins dares to attack me!" Ling Miao sneered.

"What?!" Hei Qi was taken aback for a moment, then let out a scream.

"Impossible, with this kind of power, you are actually... a dragon vein... a demon..." Hei Qi fell silent.

But Ling Miao hiccupped suddenly.

Ling Miao's indifference melted away.

Ling Miao rubbed her nose with a look of lingering fear.

"Actually, I just found out about my other identity, and..." Ling Miao looked at the lamp above her head.

"I don't even know anything but a name."

Ling Miao swears a rare curse.

Ling Miao finally looked at the figure in front of her with a pair of golden dragon pupils.

This pair of golden dragon pupils allowed Ling Miao to see clearly many things that he could not see before.

"So that's how it feels." Ling Miao smiled wryly, "Is this the strength I left for myself before?"

Ling Miao reached out to touch the figure, and the figure slowly merged into Ling Miao's body, as if water and milk blended together.

When the figure disappeared, the chrysanthemum on top of the figure fell to the ground.

"I didn't even have any memory for myself. Does my soul force have any other memories?" Ling Miao smiled wryly again.

When that figure appeared in front of Ling Miao, Ling Miao suddenly realized that even he couldn't see clearly what was going on with him.

Ling Miao now only knows that he was born in a certain dragon vein in this world, which was originally a certain god, but later became a demon for some reason.

This is also the reason why Ling Miao knew that she was a demon even though she was born as a human in this life.

Then there is no more.

So now Ling Miao can only show a wry smile.

Looking at the chrysanthemums on the ground, Ling Miao bent down to pick them up, looking puzzled.

Ling Miao could feel that this chrysanthemum was not her own, but it was very important to her.

Putting away the chrysanthemum, Ling Miao looked at the mirror on one side and blinked her eyes.

Ling Miao is still the same as before, with just the right amount of warmth, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a male god.

However, at this time, Ling Miao's eyes were a pair of golden vertical pupils, no longer noble, but looking extremely evil and indifferent, which greatly damaged Ling Miao's overall temperament.


Inside an optical shop.

A man wearing a cap walked in.

"I want to buy a pair of colored contact lenses."

"Sir, what style do you want?" The female clerk stepped forward and asked.

"Style? Ordinary is fine..." The man raised his head slightly, but the waiter subconsciously took a step back.

A pair of golden dragon eyes flashed with a strange light.

"Can you hurry up?" the man lowered his head and said.

"Oh, oh, good!" The female clerk hurriedly ran to the side to get the contact lenses.

Ling Miao walked out of the optical shop carrying things related to color contact lenses, took off her peaked cap, and Ling Miao looked at the starry sky.

At this time, Ling Miao had already put on the black pupil color contact lenses.

The reason why Ling Miao chooses to wear colored contact lenses is because Ling Miao's golden dragon pupils will never disappear.

Ling Miao rubbed her uncomfortable eyes with colored contact lenses, then turned and left.

At this time, Ling Miao looked the same as usual, but Ling Miao knew that no matter whether it was her previous plan or her original life, they were all disrupted by the black shadow that appeared tonight, but this black shadow was her previous life. Ling Miao had no place to reason with what was left to her.

Ling Miao was very puzzled at this moment - what was the purpose of leaving these things to the present self?What does that chrysanthemum represent?What is your state?
Ling Miao was a little confused for a while.

"Whether it is a human or a demon, it is because they can't see their own destiny that they feel confused and afraid, but no matter what, destiny is already waiting ahead. Great freedom is destiny, and a life of hardship is also destiny. No one can escape fate , Even if it is a god, isn’t it a kind of fate to transcend fate, but fate is our choice, and what we can do is to make the right choice at the right time..."

A low moan sounded in Ling Miao's ear. I don't know where the sound came from. It may be from the bottom of Ling Miao's heart, or it may be the voice from Ling Miao's unknown past self in a certain time and space...

 Ling Miao's lines are about to unfold...

(End of this chapter)

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