The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 801 Gale Snake King and Fire Snake King

Chapter 801 Wind Snake King and Fiery Snake King (Part [-])

Naturally, it is impossible to attack the boss easily, and it is even more impossible to shout "Ola Ola" and rush forward, so planning is necessary!

However, before dealing with the bosses, Ling Huohuo and the others also conducted observations to see if these bosses might have snake teeth on their bodies.

It is impossible to wipe out all these bosses with the configuration of Ling Huohuo's team. It is okay to deal with small monsters. Ling Huohuo can rely on his own strength to solve those ordinary monsters, but dealing with bosses can only depend on the situation It depends, so far Ling Huohuo's team has only killed a few bosses in this area, but most of them are bosses of level [-] or [-]. There is only one boss of level [-], which is the Fire Wing Snake King. The terrain advantage made Ling Huohuo and the others think they could do it.

The remaining bosses are relatively strong, all above level [-]. Hard steel has a certain chance of winning, but has a greater chance of overturning.

The bosses in the barren land are not easy to deal with, because the monsters in the barren land are generally stronger and more vicious. Those who can open up wasteland in the barren land are generally the mainstream teams of the guild, because it is impossible to completely gather all the main forces. Sent to the barren land, the main team that can open up wasteland in the barren land is generally around 50 people, and most of them are the main forces of multiple guilds united to open up wasteland.

Due to various reasons, the speed of land reclamation is relatively slow, and the wild safe area opened up is not large.

And even if you explore other areas, you will rarely attack boss level wild monsters and large tribes rashly, especially snake bosses and tribes, because both snake bosses and snake tribes are easier to deal with than other creatures. Trouble, the attack of the stalking poison-type skills can easily overturn the players.

This is also the reason why Ling Huohuo and the others can find these snake teeth here, because the snake teeth Ling Huohuo and the others got were obtained from the bosses and tribal leaders.

For this reason, it is not ruled out that the snake tooth is obtained and taken away by other players in advance, but Ling Huohuo and the others have not found the snake tooth in the trading interface for the time being. If other players get the snake tooth and want to get the snake tooth, There is more trouble.

After observing around, Ling Huohuo and the others didn't find any special bosses for the time being, none of which looked like snake teeth, and they didn't find any bosses that could be easily attacked for the time being.

However, when Ling Huohuo and the others observed the bosses, they discovered that there were still people attacking two of the snake bosses.

Ling Huohuo and the others were very unwilling to face the two snake bosses that were dealt with by other players, because these two snake bosses were not only level [-] bosses, but also lived together!
That is to say, to face two snake bosses at the same time, if there is another teammate with Ling Huohuo's strength and means in Ling Huohuo's team, Ling Huohuo would dare to make a gesture, but unless Ling Huohuo and the others can The first way is to separate the two snake bosses and deal with them one by one, otherwise Ling Huohuo and the others will have no way to start.

But Ling Huohuo and the others didn't have a way to separate the two snake bosses to ensure that they could fight one by one.

And it turned out to be a five-member team that dealt with the two level 65 snake bosses, and only two of them were able to deal with the two bosses, and the strength of those two people was not weak, at least level [-], and all The equipment is also extremely advanced, which belongs to the advanced players in the game.

Even if these two players are not top players, they are very close to the top players among the top players.

"Twin Snake Kings - Gale: Rare boss, lv60,..."

"Twin Snake King-Agni: Rare boss, lv60,..."

The two players fought against the two snake kings and it was a tie, but the two sides only dealt with each other alone and did not cooperate, and the two snake kings did not cooperate together.

But Ling Huohuo felt that, based on the set routines, the twin snake kings should have cooperative moves.

When the two players were fighting, the other three players did not do anything, but watched from a distance, commenting from time to time, and two of them seemed to be game anchors.

At this time, it was completely the performance time of the two players who were fighting against each other.

Ling Huohuo signaled the rest of the team to retreat, then turned on the "team shared vision" function, sneaked into the void, and quietly approached the three players who were watching.

"Old irons, let's take a look at the inexplicable old iron. Oh, although the Gale Snake King is fast, but inexplicably follows the road of speed flow, not slower than the Gale Snake King. The two fight back and forth. , looks very dazzling, whoops, my eyes can no longer keep up with the speed of the two."

"As for Longteng Nineteenth Old Tie, the battle is more intense than Dazzling. The Fire Snake King and Longteng Nineteen are both in explosive style, and the attack covers a wide range. Besides these, the flames of the Fire Snake King are also extremely difficult to deal with. , Long Teng Nineteen is bathed in flames and fighting, he is truly powerful!"

"Miss Toffee, do you have anything to say about the battle?"

Yiye Chengguo pointed the camera at the crispy toffee with a smile on his face.

The crispy toffee looked like a sigh.

"It's really powerful. Whether it's inexplicable or Longteng Nineteen's strength is very impressive. It really deserves to be the mainstay of the Mythology Guild and the Longteng Guild. The two are evenly matched and will meet good talents."

Yiye Chengguo nodded in agreement.

As for Mo Ling on one side, his brows were furrowed. He was not optimistic about the battle over there.

Yiye Chengguo thought for a while, and then pointed the camera at Mo Ling.

"Old Tie Moling, what do you think about the battle over there?" Yiye Chengguo asked.

"I'm worried about the strength of the two snake kings." Mo Ling said bluntly.

Cheng Guo overnight is also knowledgeable, so he naturally knows what Mo Ling is worried about.

"It turns out that there is a reason for Mo Ling's worry. Although the two snake kings are inseparable from the inexplicable and Long Teng Nineteen's fight now, it will be difficult to say in the future."

Mo Zero nodded.

"Not only the possible joint skills, but also the outbreak after the two snake kings. Although the wild monsters in the barren land do not have much wisdom, they are inexplicably cunning. This kind of cunning is like instinct, or it can be said that they are fighting The instinct left behind, the two snake kings are likely to have cards." Mo Ling said.

"That's right, if veterans come to the barren land to practice leveling, they must not let down their vigilance. They must pay attention to this. Our previous experience shows everything." Yiye Chengguo said, and they also met with others along the way. The young wild monsters fought.

Not long after the words of Yiye Chengguo fell, the two snake kings really broke out suddenly.

The Gale Snake King exploded with a stronger speed, while the Fierce Snake King erupted with a more powerful attack. Because of the sudden explosion of the two Snake Kings, Inexplicable and Long Teng Nineteen fell into a disadvantage in a blink of an eye, and their blood volume dropped rapidly. , Seeing that he was about to be counter-killed...

(End of this chapter)

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