The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 812 The Showdown Between Pancakes and Fruits

Chapter 812 The Showdown Between Pancakes and Fruits (Part [-])
Ling Huohuo and his group walked along the streets of the city.

Although they are walking together, there is still a long distance between them, it is enough to ensure that they can take care of each other.

The scenery of the old era on the street also makes everyone feel a little lingering, giving people a feeling of traveling through time and space.

The shops on both sides are also very traditional, but they sell a lot of things. There are traditional snacks from a long time ago, century-old shops, and shops selling modern electronic equipment. Ling Huohuo and the others even saw shops selling arms and cold weapons. .

Of course, roadside stalls are also indispensable.

"Pancake fruit, add two eggs!" Rogier said in front of a roadside stall of pancake fruit.

"Okay~" the boss said enthusiastically.

"Panbing fruit, add three eggs!" An equally immature voice sounded beside Rogier.

From Rogier's eyes, it was a little girl wearing a cheongsam, who looked slightly older than Rogier.

The little girl in the cheongsam also looked at Rogier with a provocative look.

The corners of Rogier's eyes twitched, looking at the little girl in the cheongsam.

"I add four eggs!"

"Five eggs!" The little girl in the cheongsam said immediately.

"Six eggs!" Rogier said.

"Seven!" The little girl in cheongsam.

"Eight!" Rogier said.

"Nine, no, I want to add ten!" The little girl in the cheongsam said.


This is to provoke trouble!
The boss twitched the corner of his mouth in embarrassment.

Although I really want to kneel down to the other party if I add ten eggs, the key is that it is better to go to the restaurant next door and order a plate of scrambled eggs!

Rogier snorted coldly, ignoring the little girl in the cheongsam.

"Just add two to me."

"Okay~" The boss responded hastily.

"Hehe, you lost!" The little girl in the cheongsam smiled at Rogier, with her arms folded, looking like a winner.

"Boring." Rogier rolled his eyes.

Having been with Ling Huohuo for so long, Rogier's temper has almost worn out. Now Rogier's kingly aura is more restrained, and her perspective on people and things has also changed.

It is the act of a tyrant to be angry at a provocative enemy.

Ignoring those ants who are not even enemies is the real king.

A king needs to have the courage to endure provocations, the courage to forgive other people's mistakes, and the strength to kill all those who violate the king's majesty.

All in all, it's not easy to be a king.

Rogier also passed the age of shouting and killing when she disagreed with each other, and gradually grew into a qualified king.

The king never doubts himself, and never needs others to discuss his actions!
Rogier didn't continue to pay attention to the cheongsam girl. For Rogier, the cheongsam girl was not qualified to waste her energy and saliva, no matter her status or strength.

"Hey, why don't you speak, are you scared?" the little girl in cheongsam shouted to Rogier.

Rogier closed her eyes, this little girl is so annoying, can she be killed?

"Xiao Qi, don't bully people!" A deep voice sounded behind the two of them.

The little girl in the cheongsam turned her head. Although Rogier didn't turn her head, she knew what was going on.

Level seven strength... Tsk, rubbish.

Therefore, Rogier didn't care about the people who came, but concentrated on waiting for the pancakes that were about to be ready.

"Brother Viper." The little girl in the cheongsam called out to the person coming.

The person who came was a dull-looking man, not very old, he looked only in his early twenties, wearing a black suit, and his callused hands proved that the man was not simple.

The man named Viper smiled and rubbed the head of the little girl in cheongsam.

"I've said it all, don't run around alone, this city is not simple."

Viper squatted down and looked directly at the little girl in cheongsam.

The little girl in the cheongsam tightened her body and her face froze.

"Also, don't bully others, isn't it good to be an honest person? Sigh~"

Viper seemed to be preaching, but in the eyes of outsiders, Viper and the little girl in the cheongsam were like a poisonous snake and a guinea pig stared at by a poisonous snake.

"Viper, don't scare Xiaoqi." This time a woman's voice came, and a steamed bun was shot at Viper, but Viper's hand turned and caught the bun accurately.

This time it was a slim woman who also wore a cheongsam, her hair was combed into two neat ponytails, she was not very old, but her hands and feet were wrapped with bandages, and she was full of heroism.

Viper stood up, looked at the person coming, and took a bite of the steamed stuffed bun.

"I'm not trying to scare you. I'm just like this. In fact, I'm doing it for Xiaoqi's benefit."

The little girl in the cheongsam forced a smile, and then hurriedly ran to the woman who was also wearing the cheongsam. Although Viper was not malicious, his aura was indeed not very pleasing. In my heart, I wouldn't like people like Viper.

The cheongsam woman led the little cheongsam girl to Rogier's side.

"Little sister, I apologize to you for being rude to Xiaoqi just now." The cheongsam woman smiled apologetically at Rogier.

But Rogier took the pancake fruit first, and then looked at the three women after paying the bill.

Turning around, finally Rogier's eyes fell on Viper, a purple light flashed in his eyes.

Rogier did not cover up, Viper and the woman in cheongsam were taken aback, and the woman in cheongsam subconsciously protected the little girl in cheongsam behind her.

Rogier didn't say anything, but turned and left while eating the pancake fruit.

After Rogier walked away, Viper and the cheongsam woman breathed a sigh of relief.

"Lianhua, that child just now..." Viper walked away.

"That child... is not simple." Lianhua said solemnly.

But the little girl in the cheongsam looked like she didn't know what to say.


Luo Jier returned to Ling Huohuo's side, at this time Ling Huohuo was leading Toyotomi Xiuya and Hongshuang to watch an old master making mash.

"Saccharification, good-looking, delicious, fun..."

The recorded yells were still ringing from the speakers.

A lifelike dragon is outlined in the hands of the master.

Ling Huohuo and the other onlookers applauded.

Ling Huohuo felt the corner of his clothes being pulled twice, Ling Huohuo looked down, it was Rogier.

"What's wrong?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"I'm bored, I want to go somewhere else." Rogier said.

Ling Huohuo scratched his head.

At this time, Toyotomi Xiuya bought back the big dragon that the old master had just drawn, and handed it to Ling Huohuo, who then passed it on to Rogier.

Holding a pancake fruit in one hand and a sugar figurine in the other, Rogier has become a proper snack food. With Luogier's cute appearance, many people are cute.

"Then go to the next area." Ling Huohuo scratched his head and said.

Rogier nodded, but glanced behind her before leaving.

"It's really interesting that the oldest snake will appear in this form, and it was almost missed."

(End of this chapter)

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