The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 824 Qualification Competition

Chapter 824 Qualifying Tournament (Part [-])
The battle in the city of sacrificial water has officially begun!

There were more than 200 people entering the City of Sacrificial Water this time, and the first day was the qualifying round, and the number of the opponent who was randomly matched and the position of the opponent would appear on each person's sign.

The qualifying competition will last for three days, and the battlefield is the entire city. To win, one needs to find the enemy shown on the sign, and then...defeat him and crush the opponent's sign!

Crush the sign by yourself as a waiver. If the two sides in the battle do not decide the winner within three days, then both sides will lose the qualification to continue the game.

Those who are disqualified will stay in the city until the final champion is determined, and then return to the real world together.

However, Ling Huohuo felt that the Demon King's army might have changed their nature, and there was a rule of "no killing" in this battle, which surprised Ling Huohuo for a long time.

In other words, after three days, at least half of the people here will lose their qualifications, but no one will die!

"In short, let's get the qualification to continue the competition first." Ling Huohuo patted Ling Zhuo's shoulder.

"But... I'm not right to fight." Ling Zhuo looked mournful.

"Don't worry, I'll help you. If I say I'll bring you fun, I won't let you down." Ling Huohuo comforted.

"How?" Ling Zhuo was a little puzzled.

"The rules don't say that you are not allowed to join forces or attack other people's opponents." Ling Huohuo smiled.

Ling Zhuo was taken aback for a moment, and after thinking for a while, there really was no such rule.

Ling Zhuo looked at Ling Huohuo.

"What's wrong?" Ling Zhuo's gaze made Ling Huohuo feel a little strange.

"You are such a clever little ghost~"

Ling Huohuo: "..."


There must be a plan for everything. For example, in this qualifying competition, Ling Huohuo and the others have formulated two plans-wait for the rabbit and take the initiative to attack!

However, Ling Huohuo and Ling Zhuo were prepared to sit on the sidelines for the first two days, and they would take the initiative to attack on the last day.

But rather than taking the initiative to attack, Ling Huohuo and Ling Zhuo wanted to sit back and wait.

The first two days must be the period of high incidence of battles and the most frequent battles. People who fight at this time are generally not well prepared. It is much easier in comparison, and the opponents are not too difficult or easy to deal with. , or it is easy to solve other people's.

On the last day, the remaining ones will be those truly difficult opponents, and the opponents are likely to choose the battlefield one step in advance to arrange, which is not easy to deal with.

However, although the last day may increase the difficulty and give the opponent sufficient preparation time, the outside will be chaotic in the first two days, with many people active, it is easy to attract the attention of others, and finally reveal the strength.

Although Ling Huohuo can open Wushuang Carry for the whole audience, he doesn't plan to expose too much now.

There must be someone with a heart to collect information on other people in this qualifying competition.

Who knows if there will be a real capable person?Will there be any moths in the future?
After experiencing the previous incidents, Ling Huohuo became calmer and took things seriously. After all, he has not been truly invincible in this world. Maybe one day he reaches the realm of the sword god before he can truly ignore any rules. .

Therefore, in this qualifying match, Ling Huohuo decided that it is okay to stand out, but it is absolutely not allowed to stand out.

If someone is watching, someone will definitely come to make trouble.

Ling Huohuo's way is broken and domineering, but only a fool will be unscrupulous. The real strength is not crushing, but not leaving any handles, and being able to face things with ease!

It was only at this time that Ling Huohuo realized that his path itself was a dangerous path, and what he needed to do was to be careful and careful, and finally make himself invulnerable and unassailable!
This world is like this, if you are not afraid of the strong being invincible, you are afraid that the strong will be invincible while still being a LYB!

Pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger is always tried and tested, and those who squat in the grass will always be pleasantly surprised.


At this time, Ling Huohuo and Ling Zhuo were sitting in a western restaurant and eating.

"If someone comes to your door, you should pay attention and act like it." Ling Huohuo told Ling Zhuo.

Ling Zhuo nodded nervously. Facing the possible attack, Ling Zhuo, who was still a little unaccustomed to it, was a little uneasy. Even the delicious food he usually ate became a little hard to swallow.

Suddenly, Ling Huohuo's eyes trembled.


Ling Huohuo reminded.

The guard he set up outside was touched!

Then Ling Huohuo and Ling Zhuo looked at their cards at the same time, and none of the opponent's positions shown on their cards coincided with their own!

"That is to say, is it someone else?"

Ling Huohuo winked at Ling Zhuo, Ling Zhuo took a deep breath, and then showed a calm look, eating the steak unhurriedly, without any sign of the cowardice before.

Ling Huohuo nodded in satisfaction. This Ling Zhuo's acting skills are still very good. I remember that I got an entertainment company in Zhonghai City from the Demon King Army. I can let Ling Zhuo become an actor. Maybe I can dig out An acting genius.

The reason why Ling Zhuo acted like this was entirely to pretend to be a big-tailed wolf. After all, under Ling Huohuo's plan, Ling Zhuo would have to participate in the next competition with him. It's easy for people to catch Ling Zhuo's weakness and put Ling Zhuo in a disadvantageous situation.

Although Ling Zhuo has no strength, other people can't see his own strength, as long as he and Ling Zhuo show that they are both strong, false and true, they will be able to secure a fortune.

As for why Ling Zhuo was not allowed to surrender directly, it was because Ling Huohuo would lose face in that case, and Ling Huohuo also wanted to see how things would develop in the future. It would be much more interesting to have someone with him, even if he watched it with him The person with the scenery is not a big girl but a cute girl, and Ling Zhuo looks quite handsome...

cough cough.

While thinking wildly, the person who came to the western restaurant also appeared in the sight of Ling Huohuo and Ling Zhuo.

A group of four people, two men and two women, are all Westerners, and they are not easy to talk to at first sight.


The four men and women communicated in English, but Ling Huohuo could understand it. After all, he had stayed in Chaofan Academy for a long time.

But Ling Zhuo was having a bit of trouble. Ling Zhuo squinted his eyes, but he didn't understand a few words. Although his grades were not bad, his English learning was all in writing, and he didn't take the listening test yet. Zhuo didn't pay much attention to English listening and reading, and the four men and women spoke not too slowly, so it sounded a bit difficult.

Ling Zhuo looked at Ling Huohuo. He couldn't understand and naturally didn't know how to answer the conversation, so he could only let Ling Huohuo, the master, make up his mind.

And Ling Huohuo also understood that the four men and women also thought of joining forces to solve other people, and they were going to use this place as their residence. The most important thing was that these people were not polite at all, yelling at themselves, talking There are also dirty words, and he looks down on himself.

To this, Ling Huohuo's answer is——

"Your mother exploded!"


(End of this chapter)

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