The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 841 One step of transformation

Chapter 841 Transformation in one step (second update)

In fact, Ling Huohuo didn't know the name of the spar in Ling Zhuo's hand, but he could tell the function of the spar.


Is it by chance?Or is it the arrangement of the Demon King Army?

But something was exactly what was needed.

Ling Huohuo picked up the spar.

"I don't want the stuff, but it just so happens that you can use it."

"Huh?" Ling Zhuo was taken aback.

At this time, in Ling Zhuo's sight, Ling Huohuo held the spar and made a gesture of preparing to punch.

"and many more……"

"Starburst Abandonment... Punch!"


Ling Huohuo punched Ling Zhuo in the stomach, and the spar was placed between Ling Huohuo's palm and Ling Zhuo's stomach.

The spar shattered.

Ling Zhuo only felt that his internal organs were beaten into a ball, probably like hitting the freshly made dough with his fist.


The power of the water system appears as the spar is broken.

Ling Huohuo retreated, but the force of the water system that appeared because of the shattered spar attracted Ling Zhuo's body to it.

Ling Huohuo raised his eyebrows. Just now, he suddenly discovered that the seal of this room had disappeared, but the room was covered by a barrier.

"Sure enough, this item was specially given to Ling Zhuo."

The corner of Ling Huohuo's mouth curled up, and then he pinched his hand.


Flames floated out of Ling Zhuo's body, enveloped Ling Zhuo and the power of the water system, and then roasted them like a barbecue.

Ling Huohuo could see the role of that spar, that ball of spar was formed by the condensation of very pure water system power.

There is no pure gold, no one is perfect, even power is the same.

However, when the degree of purity reaches a certain level, then power will become a rare treasure, and it will be more useful.

The purer water power can refine the water power of the water superman to a higher level, so that even with the same skill, the power will be enhanced to a higher level.

Even if it is used as a water-based material, it can produce very advanced items.

However, this spar is a bit different. Apart from power, this spar has a set of power running veins drawn inside it!
And this power circulation vein is completely the most basic circulation vein, without any special ones, but it contains all the veins that can operate power in the human body, so it is also the most comprehensive power circulation vein.

If it is combined with a good pair of exercises, then it will definitely burst out with great power!

But this spar was given to Ling Zhuo, saying it was a coincidence, even if Ling Huohuo was killed, he would not believe it.

After this battle, when we return to Zhonghai City, not to mention other things, it is absolutely impossible for the person who made the limelight in this competition to remain unknown, and all kinds of glory and... trouble will follow!
Others can talk about it, but Ling Zhuo is the glory that he won by cheating. Facing those troubles, he will definitely rush to the street immediately.

But Ling Huohuo is not worried, with himself, even if it is a pig, Ling Huohuo can make the opponent super god.

Of course, the premise is that in this world, those big bosses don't come to make trouble.

But now the Demon King Army sent this spar, apparently to solve Ling Zhuo's hidden dangers. Obviously, the Demon King Army already knew that Ling Zhuo was cheating.

In addition to the enchantment that appeared in the room just now and the seal that was lifted, it is obvious that the Demon King Army is still watching the two of them.

However, no matter what, it is not a loss to give this spar to Ling Zhuo for use.

And now, Ling Huohuo is helping Ling Zhuo refine this group of power and its meridians.

If all these powers are successfully refined by Ling Zhuo, then Ling Zhuo's life level can reach at least the sixth level!

From an ordinary person to a sixth-order powerhouse, it is a complete leap to the sky in one step!
This situation is not uncommon after the appearance of "The Lost World", and Ding Ning is one of the beneficiaries.

Although it took a lot of strength for Ling Huohuo to break through the sixth level, but speaking of it, breaking through from the fifth level to the sixth level is not as complicated as imagined.

It only includes two aspects-the superposition of power and the transformation of the soul!
The transformation of the soul often comes from the stimulation of external forces.

As long as the stimulation is enough and the strength is enough, it can completely transform.

However, if you want to elaborate, it is easier for ordinary people's souls to undergo transformation due to stimulation than for extraordinary people.

In fact, the reason is very simple. If a transcendent wants to transform, he usually chooses to use his own power to stimulate him. However, because of the long-term use of power, the soul is very adaptable to his own power, and it is difficult to transform in one go.

It's like drug resistance.

Even if more advanced power is used for stimulation, the effect will be discounted.

Therefore, if ordinary superhumans want to transform their souls, they either choose to be influenced by power for a long time and transform bit by bit, or they choose to use quite advanced power.

The transformation of the soul is like boiling crabs. Although boiling crabs in warm water is more stable, it is very slow, while cooking crabs in high heat is faster, but it is not stable, and it is easy to fry. Of course, for extraordinary people Just broken souls, scattered souls, nothing.

However, in the previous real world, it was difficult to get that kind of very advanced power to stimulate, even now, but there are many opportunities in the Lost Land.

Ordinary people are like those whose drug resistance is almost zero, and the effect of the same power stimulation is better.

As for the superposition of power, it is even simpler.

Initiate Dafa, understand it.

Having said that, Ling Zhuo is in this state now, but with Ling Huohuo's help, Ling Zhuo's transformation will only be more stable.

Although it seems very simple to step into the realm of transformation, it is not necessarily very simple to achieve this step, which is also different.

This is like working with a big company, which has abundant resources, but if you start your own business, you have to attract resources yourself.

Even Ling Huohuo in the past was the kind of person who started his own business, but he just had the technology of the sword god to invest in shares.

But now, Ling Zhuo is the kind of small employee who enters a big company. With the hands-on guidance of a big boss like Ling Huohuo, he can secure a fortune.

It's not that the state of transformation is the beginning of cultivation, that's completely nonsense.

Why is it not counted after so many years of hard training in the Transcendent Realm?

Transformation Realm can only be said to be a new stage, and there is no problem at all if you skip Transcendent Realm and reach Metamorphosis Realm directly.

While thinking, Ling Huohuo suddenly came back to his senses.


Ling Huohuo waved his hand and retracted the flame.

With the power of a true god to help refine and transform, and still with such pure water power, Ling Zhuo's starting point is very high.

At this time, at the position where Ling Zhuo was just now, a crystal was suspended in the air, and Ling Huohuo could vaguely see a figure of a man curled up in the crystal.

Ling Huohuo looked at the crystal, suddenly froze and frowned.

"Why do you suddenly feel like a high-level NPC who gives benefits to the protagonist? Could it be that I'm not the protagonist?"

(End of this chapter)

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