The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 857 Breeding the Crystal of Love

Chapter 857 Breeding the Crystal of Love (Part [-])
Ling Xian'er quit the game with a dazed expression.

She lost, and the last trace of blood was taken away by the opponent's backstab.

Ling Xian'er didn't know where to complain.

Why can a mage use backstab?
Is your skill tree a little crooked?

But it cannot be denied that she lost, she lost without any doubt, and she didn't even touch Ling Huohuo's body.

Looking at the "12345" written in the output column, Ling Xian'er felt helpless for a while.

This is because she directly drove the overlord body and used the must-hit skill to hit it.

It was also the only attack that caused damage to Ling Huohuo.

This incident also proved that Ling Huohuo's blood volume is not generally thick.

Ling Xian'er shook her head and smiled wryly.

She has read Ling Huohuo's information, and the equipment and level are all okay.

In fact, apart from the professional attire, Ling Huohuo only carried four pieces of equipment, a ghost mask, a sword staff, and two magic rings.

Well, it's just two divine outfits.

In fact, the bonus of the divine outfit is not that abnormal, and it can be made up for in other aspects, but it is just deified by the players. After all, those who have the magical outfit are big bosses.

In fact, Ling Xian'er knew that this sentence should be said in reverse - big bosses have magic clothes.

Although Ling Xian'er is still one step away from the boss, in fact Ling Xian'er also has magic costumes, and there are three of them!

You read that right, Ling Xian'er also has three divine costumes!

It's just that Ling Xian'er has never been exposed, and only Sister Wu knows about this matter, but Sister Wu only knows one thing, and the remaining two pieces of Ling Xian'er have never been exposed, because those two magical costumes cannot be easily revealed. exposed.

But Ling Xian'er knew that even if she brought all the equipment and went on stage, she couldn't beat Ling Huohuo.

All because of Ling Huohuo's racial skills!
In fact, what really shocked Ling Xian'er, Sister Wu and others was Ling Huohuo's race and occupation, as well as the skills brought by these two aspects.

And Ling Huohuo's racial skill of escaping into the void is simply a bug!

Without Yi Yi's ability to block space, no one could deal with Ling Huohuo, and could only become a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Coincidentally, neither did Ling Xian'er.

So, she was cold.Ling Huohuo's profession is specifically a magic warfare profession, but it is more inclined to a mage, so Ling Huohuo has always been called a mage.

But with the ability to escape into the void, coupled with other data blessings, Ling Huohuo can fully use his skills.

It can be said that Ling Huohuo's ability to imitate assassins and warriors is only a basic operation.

By the way, the proficiency of Ling Huohuo's skills also blinded Sister Wu and Ling Xian'er.

The skills in the game have proficiency, and the proficiency of skills is not brushed up, but is comprehensively evaluated according to the use of skills. If you are unfamiliar, you may even lose your proficiency.

The level division of proficiency is also very straightforward, from one to nine levels.

Seeing Ling Huohuo's level nine and level eight skill proficiency is really exciting.

This means that Ling Huohuo has basically mastered his own abilities.

It's not scary that the enemy's attributes are strong, what's scary is that the enemy can still fully control their own power.


When Ling Huohuo defeated Ling Xian'er, Yi Dao also defeated his opponent.

The final battle is between Ling Huohuo and Yi Dao.

However, for some unknown reason, Ling Huohuo left early, acquiescing to give up the game, and the final winner was Yi Dao.

By the way, NG successfully defeated Wutong Studio, won the place to participate in the local competition, and qualified in the local competition with the first score.

As for what Ling Huohuo did...

Men are always in a hurry, such as... impatient.

Xiao Yunyun didn't know where Ling Huohuo had a cramp, and wanted to have some exciting fun during the half hour of preparing for the battle, so he dragged her to the rooftop.

Xiao Yunyun is not the kind of person who loses face, especially when he is doing something he likes with Ling Huohuo, naturally he has no reason to object.

Moreover, Xiao Biesheng is newly married, not to mention it's been a long time, Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun have been familiar with each other during this time, and they have played a lot of tricks.

However, things did not go as smoothly as expected.

Just when Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun were about to start undressing, an unexpected guest arrived.

Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun looked at the black-robed man carrying a torch and gasoline in front of them, and exchanged glances.

"Is the enchantment not opened?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"It's opened, all kinds of barriers have been opened, and several layers have been opened." Xiao Yunyun said.

Although the two want to have some fun, they still pay attention to safety. After all, there are so many lessons learned from their predecessors, and the two of them don't want to create any "rooftop gate".

"Then how did he get in?" Ling Huohuo asked.

In fact, Xiao Yunyun couldn't figure it out either.

With his own strength, there should be no one in the real world who can break through his own barrier, so how did this person come out?
This man is not easy!
"Impure communication will be burned to death!" The other party made a deep voice.

However, Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun ignored him.

Ling Huohuo narrowed his eyes.

"Then... kill it!"


The husband sings and the wife follows, but that's all.

After some clichés, Ling Huohuo figured out that the other party's name was Su Chuanliang, and this name made Ling Huohuo's body tremble uncontrollably.

Anan sighed that the leader had already spread the church to other worlds.

But just when Ling Huohuo wanted to catch the opponent, the opponent ran away.

This time Ling Huohuo understood what was going on with the other party.

The other party turned out to be in a state between reality and illusion!
No wonder it was able to pass through Xiao Yunyun's barrier. This kind of life would be very difficult to guard against even if the barrier set up by the gods was not specially dealt with.

Then the other party ran away.

This made Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun feel upset for a while, no matter who was interrupted while doing business, they would not be in a good mood.

I don't even have the qualification to go back to compete, so...

Then go to another place to do the interrupted thing.

Ling Huohuo's idea is to try to have a child in the coming year.

Both my parents have given birth to their fourth child, so I can't be second to others.

Still the same sentence, the blood of the old Ling family cannot be broken.

But the biggest problem between Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun is that both of them are stronger and have a higher level of life, but correspondingly, it is very difficult for beings with a high level of life to reproduce.

It is very difficult for Ling Huohuo and Xiao Yunyun to conceive the crystallization of love. The elder of the demon clan told Xiao Yunyun about this when Ling Huohuo was reborn. Therefore, the two will be able to conceive the crystallization of love in the coming year , is entirely a matter of luck.

And even if Cheng Xiao Yunyun is successfully pregnant, the pregnancy time will not be short

But let's not say when she will give birth, let Xiao Yunyun conceive first.


After the local competition in Zhonghai City ended, the local competitions in other provinces also ended one after another.

Carnivals are held in countries all over the world.

Some people have noticed that the barriers between extraordinary people and ordinary people in society are gradually disappearing. The attention of most people in the world is attracted by the carnival, which distracts many people's experiences and makes the atmosphere of the world Successfully eased up.

The new system of the world is more stable.

And a certain demon king, who did not want to be named, who controlled all of this with one hand, was peeling fruit for his girlfriend at his girlfriend's house.

A demon king who did not want to be named: "You are my little apple..."

 There is something wrong with this holiday, the second [-]th shift did not come out, but I will pick one day this month to make up for it, thank you for your support
(End of this chapter)

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