The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 899 Shocked! The 3 blood ancestors battle the 7 werewolf leaders!

Chapter 899 Shocked!The true ancestors of the thirteen blood clans fought against the leaders of the seven werewolves! (two more)
"How is it possible?" The woman in military uniform exclaimed.

Old Shan's eyes became serious.

Ye Chen also frowned.

"Why does this exist?" the woman in military uniform asked suspiciously.

"To be honest, the other party gave me the Pillar of Water King." Yi Han shook his head, not hiding anything, because this is the truth.

"The Demon King Army allows such existence?" Ye Chen asked his own doubts.

"The Demon King Army..." Yi Han slightly raised his head.

"To be honest, I got some information by chance. It is said that even the demon generals of the Demon King's Army will give way to him. The original Transcendent Academy was not completely destroyed because the other party protected the Transcendent Academy."

What Yi Han said shocked the other three people, and they all knew that if these words spread, it would probably cause a huge sensation.

The Demon King Army is an unrivaled top existence in this world, but they have to give way to that person. This... what kind of existence is the other party?
"Who is that person?" the woman in military uniform asked.

Yi Han shook his head.

"can not say."

Hearing Yi Han's answer, the others were silent and lost in thought.

In fact, Yi Han also felt a little strange, it was actually the Demon King Army who warned him not to reveal the other party's name and identity!
Why did the Demon King Army keep silent?
Yi Han also guessed that maybe Ling Huohuo had some connection with the Demon King's Army.

"That person's strength..." Ye Chen whispered.

"I don't know." Yi Han's expression turned serious, "But he has the strength to instantly kill other magic generals and even me."

At this moment, the other people on the table fell silent, and began to digest the news that Yi Han just said.

And Yi Han looked at the building in the distance.

"Although I don't know why the other party appeared here, those people shouldn't have a better day today, even if there are two pillars inside!"

That's right, among those vampires and werewolves, there are two pillar generals, which is why Yi Han came here.

Zhu will do things in Huaxia in the future, and as the Zhu king of Huaxia, Yi Han will naturally stand up.

The eight Pillar Kings are distributed on the seven continents, and each continent has a Pillar King. As for the eighth Pillar King, the Pillar King of Time, he wanders in the ocean and is the most mysterious.

The Pillar King of Asia is Yi Han, and belongs to China.

Although the king of the pillars does not have any real power, it is more like a powerless threat, but in the world of extraordinary people, if you have strength, you have everything.

Yi Han's status is also transcendent.

In the same way, because Ling Huohuo has strength, his status is even more detached.

Although Yi Han didn't know why the blood clan generals and werewolf pillars were going to form a group here, but Yi Han knew that they would definitely not be the final winners.

Even if the pillars of Europe come over, they will not be able to save them.


Baicheng feels that he has been very unlucky recently, and he could write a novel based on his experiences.

During the summer vacation, I went out to participate in a summer camp at sea, but encountered a tsunami and was unfortunately involved in it, and then officially started my extraordinary road.

During the tsunami, Baicheng met a muscular man who claimed to be the No.13 Allah of the Blood Race, and asked him if he wanted to be called his successor.

To be honest, Baicheng refused at first.

In Baicheng's impression, the blood race is the kind of personable existence, although it is not extravagant to ask for a cute blood race girl with silver hair and blood pupils, but at least a handsome guy who can see through it is also necessary, right?

What the hell is this gay guy?

And Baicheng always felt that he was going to be ganged up by this blood clan, making his Daisy keep sounding the alarm.

However, Baicheng knew that if he did not become the heir of the No.13 true ancestor during the tsunami, then he would be left alone.

In the end, Baicheng still became the successor of the other party. Fortunately, the other party was not interested in his Daisy.

Then Baicheng became the No.13 true ancestor of the blood clan, and the big man was nowhere to be seen.

Baicheng survived, and then he was blinded.

That's right, Baicheng was indeed very confused at the beginning.

Although Baicheng has become the No.13 true ancestor, he has no inheritance knowledge at all. He only knows what ability he has, but he doesn't know how to cultivate it or how to use it.

Moreover, Baicheng may be the only true ancestor of the blood race in Asia, and he is not old enough to the true ancestors of the blood race far away in Europe, so everything can only be explored by Baicheng himself.

Regarding the situation of the blood race, Baicheng also only has two understandings. The first is that the blood race is indeed blood-sucking, and the second is that the blood race is not as beautiful as it is shown in comics and novels, such as the gay true ancestor, and the blood race The pedigree of the blood can't beautify the appearance, if not for the support of Baicheng's own appearance, Baicheng feels that the painting style of the blood clan might be more powerful.

After all, the true ancestor of the blood clan with a sky or a shoehorn face is really... I dare not even think about it.

Anyway, Baicheng is already desperate for the beautiful blood race.

Fortunately, although the blood clan's face is paler, it is not true kidney deficiency.

This made Baicheng feel much more at ease.

Then, Baicheng hid his identity and resumed his normal life.

Baicheng himself is an ordinary person, and he is still a kind of Buddhist youth, so Baicheng does not have a sudden personality change due to his sudden strength.

However, when he was testing his abilities in Baicheng, he caught the attention of passing members of the Holy See.

The members of the Holy See came from northern China. It was said that they were looking for the two lost Holy Knights of the Holy See, but they found him by accident.

Fortunately, the Holy See is not so unreasonable. Maybe because they are both Chinese, the Holy See is still relatively friendly.

Facing Baicheng, a cute new true ancestor, the Holy See's power is mainly based on guides and supervisors, and wants to call Baicheng guide a true ancestor of a socialist blood race.

Then, two members of the Holy See were sent to Baicheng's side, they were still two beautiful girls.

But that kind of shameless life did not appear.

Bai Cheng said that the relationship between himself and the two girls is still very pure, as for whether this is really the case, only God knows.

In short, Baicheng is still very satisfied with his life.

However, perhaps because of inheriting the blood of the true ancestor, Baicheng's life is destined to be no longer ordinary.

Although Baicheng didn't go to Europe to make trouble for other true ancestors, but other true ancestors came to make trouble for Baicheng.

In almost half a year, Baicheng brought two girls from the Holy See to contact the remaining twelve people sent by the true ancestors. The general situation is that the true ancestors are more friendly to Baicheng, and the other half are true ancestors. Zu, on the other hand, had only one purpose, and that was to kill Baicheng!
Then, what happened now.

I don't know what happened in Europe, but the remaining twelve true ancestors have come to China, and they are going to fight with the seven chiefs of the werewolves in the capital of China. Baicheng didn't run away either, and passively joined the blood clan camp.

This made Baicheng panic.

Anyway, it's in a hurry now.

Baicheng has already thought of tomorrow's headline - "Shocked!The true ancestors of the thirteen blood clans fought against the leaders of the seven werewolves! "

The title mode of "Alien vs. Predator" made Baicheng feel inexplicably uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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