The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 935 The Origin of Wood That Is About to Be Broken

Chapter 935 The Origin of Wood That Will Be Broken (Part [-])

"The origin of wood?"

Li Yinman was really surprised this time.

"Are you so relieved to tell me about Mu Zhiyuan?" Li Yinman asked.

"Heh, your thinking is too simple." Ling Tian laughed.

"If you stop laughing at me, I won't be polite!" Li Yinman said suddenly.

Ling Tian hurriedly shut up, but quickly realized, what was he doing listening to Li Yinman?
"Hehe." Ling Tian tried it out.

Li Yinman drew out his holy sword.

Ling Tian hastily raised his hands, expressing that he was wrong, and he didn't care.

"Is the source of wood here? It's really surprising." Li Yinman looked towards the direction of the Sun Elf King City, and finally set his sights on the sun tree, as if he had determined the location of the source of wood.

"You are so relieved to tell me about the source of wood, aren't you worried that I will take away the source of wood?" Li Yinman asked.

"ロ..." Ling Tian stopped his mouth just as he thought about it.

"If only things were as simple as you think." Ling Tian said.

Li Yinman frowned puzzled.

"what happened?"

She also felt something was wrong.

"How should I say it? You may not believe it, but my people discovered that the origin of the going to be broken."

"Broken?" Li Yinman was really shocked.

Is the origin of the wood going to be broken? ? ?
Are you kidding me?
"That's not the most important thing."

"What's important?" Li Yinman asked.

"If the source of wood is really broken, then the wood attribute forces in the whole world will fall into riots, and by then, the end of the world will be in sight." Ling Tian said.

"The proximity of the two worlds is related to the origin of wood?" Li Yinman asked with a frown.

"There are these relationships, but not the most important reason."

"you know?"

Ling Tian nodded.

"I'm not afraid to tell you that the two worlds are approaching each other. The biggest reason is that the power of the leylines in the two worlds has dissipated seriously, so the situation of the two worlds has formed, and even if there are no other reasons, the two worlds will also perish. "

"The brokenness of the wood source is one of the main causes, and there are two other main causes, namely the disappearance of the time source and the loopholes in the world!"

"Disappearance of the source of time? A loophole in the world?" Li Yinman looked at Ling Tian suspiciously.

"The source of time has found a substitute, but the proxy of the source of time travels through time relying on the source of time, and finally... lost in the long river of time, even the will of the world cannot locate the source of time, although time is not chaotic , but because of the lack of the original pillar, the power of the world is further weakened." Ling Tian explained.

The more he studied this world, the more Ling Tian felt a toothache.

This world is about to be abolished, and it is really not easy to keep it alive.

"As for the loopholes in the world..." Ling Tian fell silent after saying this.

"Someone entered this world after the leylines dissipated, or left this world. The space rift caused has already made the world barriers of this world full of holes, and it is difficult to recover. The world barriers shrink on their own, further creating two worlds. close."

This is something that even the world consciousness has not seen.

For the consciousness of the two worlds, this world becomes weaker, and then the two worlds approach and are about to perish, which is carried out by the world itself.

And the consciousness of the two worlds acts as a manager in the world. Although they understand many things about the world, they lack an understanding of the world itself.

Otherwise, the consciousness of the two worlds is not simply the consciousness of the world!

This is like the shell of the computer case is damaged, but the system cannot detect it for a reason.

The awareness of the two worlds is equivalent to a "Tencent Butler" and a "360 Butler", and there is no way to detect the damage of the chassis.

After hearing Ling Tian's narration, Li Yinman frowned and nodded.

"It's serious."

"Is that the only reaction you have?" Ling Tian was a little puzzled.

"You Demon King Army suddenly wants to protect the world. Now that you know these things, you must have a solution. For the sake of protecting the world, I can help you temporarily." Li Yinman said.

Ling Tian smiled.

"So you're willing to ally with me?"

"Alliance? Good idea!" Li Yinman sneered.

"When there are no problems in this world, it will not be too late for me to hack you to death!"


"But I'm saving the world now~ I didn't have a choice before, but now I want to be a good person..."

"You don't need to memorize the lines, you and I are determined, Jesus can't keep you, I said it!"

"Mom, my scalp is numb with your backhand~"

"Don't be shy!" Li Yinman rolled his eyes at Ling Tian.

For a moment, the two seemed to be friends for many years, or in love...

But the two of them reacted quickly, and their faces turned cold instantly.

Although the atmosphere fell into embarrassment again, the two reached a consensus.

"As for how to completely save the world, I don't know yet, but if the three problems I mentioned are solved, then the destruction of the world will be delayed for a long time. Even if only one of them is solved, at least... it can be delayed." Until the day our partner dies."

Li Yinman was also silent.

"Tell me what I should do."

Ling Tian looked in the direction of Sun Tree.

"Let's not talk about the source of time and the barriers of the world. I don't have a good solution to these two things, but the matter of the source of wood can be solved if it is handled properly."

Ling Tian didn't say much, but started to explain about the origin of wood.

"The root of wood is protected by a mysterious existence. Even the world consciousness cannot further pry into it, and I can't further pry into what that mysterious existence is. However, this world should be able to perceive that something is wrong with the source of wood. In order to deal with this problem, the world I will definitely do something, such as...the appearance of the savior or the child of destiny!"

"Who are they?" Li Yinman asked.

Ling Tian shook his head.

"I don't know, but they must be different from ordinary people! But now... there are too many people who are different from ordinary people, and I can't accurately judge who the world chose." Ling Tian said.

Li Yinman nodded in agreement.

Indeed, there are too many special people in this world!

"However, if we bring out the source of wood, send it to a place with strong wood attributes, and protect it, we can solve this crisis."

"Then who is our enemy?" Li Yinman asked.

"Sun Elf King! Others... are not clear yet."

"What do you want!"


"In short, I understand why you are negotiating in the Sun Tree."

Li Yinman took the lead.

"Okay, let's go negotiate!"


Guo Xiaoyu dragged Lu Sisi along the street, suddenly sneezed, then raised her head suspiciously, and looked in the direction of Sun Tree.

"What's wrong?" Lu Sisi asked.

"I suddenly felt... There seems to be a treasure over there, let's go treasure hunting!" Guo Xiaoyu became interested.


 The devil volume is about to end, and there is one more volume, probably the last volume
(End of this chapter)

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