The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 947 The Formation Starts, The Awakening of the King

Chapter 947 The Formation Starts, The Awakening of the King (Part [-])
In the Sun Elf Palace, Niya stood in the main hall of the Sun Elf Palace and looked down at this gorgeous building that used to symbolize solemnity. At the same time, Niya turned around and looked at the chair behind her that symbolized power and dignity.

Now, there is no one here except Niya, and because of the impact of the war, it looks a bit dilapidated.

"Oh, I won in the end." Niya said.

However, for some reason, at this moment, Niya didn't feel much joy in her heart.

She has nothing left but her impending victory.

After many years, this place should also become a ruin.

At this moment, Niya's ears moved.

someone is coming!

At this time, who will come?

Niya turned around and found that she did not recognize the four figures appearing at the entrance of the main hall.

Niya sat on the throne and looked at the four unexpected guests.

Elizabeth and Charlotte looked at the figure sitting there, and touched the long sword at their waists.

Rogier didn't look at Niya who was sitting on the seat, but Yi Qianqian glanced at Niya who was sitting on the top, seeing that the others didn't say anything, so she didn't pay attention.

"It's just right here, let's start decorating." Rogier said.

Elizabeth and Charlotte nodded, took out a lot of materials, and began to arrange them in the palace hall. Soon, a magic circle was built.

And Niya has an extra "#" on her forehead.

Niya slapped the handshake of the seat vigorously, "I said, you intruders are too defiant, aren't you?"

"Oh? Is the one on it a real person? I thought it was a decoration!" Yi Qianqian said suddenly.

Niya: "..."

Elizabeth and Charlotte immediately drew their long swords.

But Rogier did not know when she appeared beside Niya, and kicked Niya's gorgeous dress with her little feet.


"Oh." Niya stood up in a strange manner, and then Rogier kicked down the seat representing the symbol of royal power, and landed in the center of the magic circle.

Niya: "..."

Niya felt that something was wrong, but... wait, why should I watch them demolish the palace?
This royal palace is about to be abandoned, but now it is also a product of the Sun Elf clan. Don't we, the Sun Elf clan, lose face?
As soon as Niya was about to have an attack, Rogier handed over a bunch of materials to Niya.

"Don't watch, go down and help."

"Oh." Niya nodded, and obediently went down to help.

Niya still felt that something was wrong.

At this time, Yi Qianqian moved to Rogier's side.

"By the way, why did you command that sun elf?" Yi Qianqian asked curiously.

"Oh, this is level crushing." Rogier proudly hugged Yimapingchuan's chest, and stood up hard.

Seeing the doubt in Yi Qianqian's eyes, Rogier took the initiative to explain.

"Although the sun elf seems to have no problem, she has actually gained the royal power, but it seems that she has not officially assumed the position. When facing me, there is a natural coercion. Moreover, because of her royal power It's too weak, so I can rely on level suppression to affect her."

Only then did Yi Qianqian nod her head.

Yi Qianqian is still clear about the kingship system after being informed by Rogier.

Kingship can only be possessed by the kind of existence that truly has the aptitude of a king. Although it is not a real power, it is a huge blessing to oneself.

For example, a person's strength is five, but under the blessing of the king's authority, he can exert the strength of hundreds.

Moreover, the power of kingship also affects other aspects.

Although this kind of mysterious and mysterious power is rare, it cannot be ignored.

If you want to talk about kingship, it can be called "kingly way", which is a kind of way!

However, only those who truly practice kingship can comprehend their own "road of kingship"!
Rogier herself has inherited the royal way of the oldest king.

As for beings like Elizabeth and Charlotte, the power of kingship is only a blessing for them, and they are walking their own paths.

After all, although they have inherited the power of King Arthur, they are not kings themselves. Although they will be suppressed by the level of royal power, they have little influence.

As for Niya, it is even worse than Elizabeth and Charlotte. After all, Niya is still a princess.

Finally, there is Yi Qianqian herself. Yi Qianqian was born with a royal body. If she does not awaken, Yi Qianqian can live as an ordinary person. Once she awakens, she will directly enter the Tao!

She will be a born king!
Even without a single soldier, she is an undeniable king!
Dao is born by nature, referring to the existence of Yi Qianqian.

So, the existence of these hacks is really annoying.

With Niya's help, the formation was quickly arranged.

Rogier patted the soft flesh on Niya's ass.

"It's nothing to do with you, let's go."

"Oh." Niya walked out of the hall, and it wasn't until she left the hall that Niya realized that something was wrong.

"Why do I listen to them?"

Thinking of the insult Rogier brought just now, Niya's face was gloomy, and he wanted to turn around to find Rogier, but thinking of Rogier's weird sense of control over her just now, in the end, he could only leave with a gloomy face.

"I will definitely take revenge, you just wait for me!"

Niya left quickly.

Xiao Yunyun and Toyotomi Xiuya looked at Niya who was leaving, and quickly looked away. They were not interested in Niya, a Japanese elf.

"What the hell are Rogier and the others doing inside?" Xiao Yunyun frowned and said.

"Go in and have a look." Toyotomi Hideya said.

Xiao Yunyun nodded.

The two walked towards the interior of the hall.

In the main hall, the formation has already been activated.

Yi Qianqian took a deep breath and walked into the formation.

There are various objects representing royal power distributed around, and four of them are the most important ones - scepter, crown, throne, and king's seal!

The scepter symbolizes the supreme power of the king, the crown symbolizes the supreme power of the king, the throne symbolizes the supreme status of the king, and the royal seal symbolizes the supreme status of the king.

The origins of the four items used as the needle's eye are not simple, but thanks to Ling's father and Ling's mother, Rogier found three items in their collections, and the last scepter was Elizabeth and Charlotte. The scepter was found in Europe, although I don't know whose scepter it is, but it is old enough.

On the periphery of the four items, there are piles of items used by various kings, such as orbs of power, memorials, etc.

There are also some that have been dismantled from the main hall of the Sun Elf palace, such as the king's chair, which is used to connect the only royal spirit left by the Sun Elf clan.

Yi Qianqian stood in the middle of the formation and took a deep breath.

"I'm ready."

Rogier nodded and looked at Elizabeth and Charlotte, "Don't be too far away from the formation, otherwise you won't be able to feel the royal air, and you won't be able to improve further, but you won't be able to enter the formation either. What you cultivate is not kingly way , contacting Wang Qi rashly will have a bad effect on your strength."

Elizabeth and Charlotte nodded, and moved closer to the formation.

"Okay, I'm going to start."

As he said that, Rogier pressed the fusion button, bah, the formation was activated!
At this time, Xiao Yunyun and Toyotomi Xiuya had just entered the hall.

The entire Sun Elf King City began to tremble violently when the formation was activated...

(End of this chapter)

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