The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 963 Let Your Sister Eat It

Chapter 963 Let Your Sister Eat It (Part [-])
Mi Ke also explained Ling Huohuo's question.

"Because I used the power of the time source to peek at a lot of power about the source, I learned so much." Mi Ke said.


Miko frowned at this moment.

"Being the agent of the source will inevitably be assimilated by the power of the source. The assimilation of the five sources of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth will make the agent stronger and stronger, gain more power, become stronger, and even become invincible in this world realm, but the other three origins are different, and this is also my problem."

Ling Huohuo thought of the problem of the disappearance of existence that Mi Ke said just now.

"With the continuous use and comprehension of the source, the degree of assimilation by the source will gradually increase. After being assimilated by the source of space, you can only live in the space mezzanine and the mezzanine world in the future. It is difficult to exist in this world and be assimilated by the source of life and death. It will enter a cycle of life and death. Death represents rebirth, and rebirth also represents death. The boundary between life and death is blurred. As for the final source of time, it will be dragged into the long river of time, unable to find the exit, and exist in Every time and space, but it also disappears in every time and space, and I will probably enter this state in the future, and the precursor is that the sense of existence gradually decreases."

Mi Ke showed a wry smile.

"When I first became a time agent, I used the power of the time source many times because of curiosity. I even carried out time travel. At that time, I thought it was something to be proud of. However, when I After I found that my sense of existence began to disappear, I continued to use the time source to peek into time and space to understand the situation, and then I knew so much. However, my sense of existence was even lower, and even the teacher who skipped class would not find out. "

Mike fell on the bed.

"Do you know why I live alone?"

Ling Huohuo shook his head.

"Because my family has almost forgotten me, they never take the initiative to contact me now, even if I am at home, they rarely notice me. In order to stay away from that depressive environment, I simply moved out by myself. I have always I think that one day in the future, maybe they will forget that there is a daughter like me."

Mi Ke spoke very calmly, but Ling Huohuo could feel Mi Ke's helplessness and despair.

How to say this?
There were too many waves, and something happened, probably Mi Ke's situation.

But Mi Ke has no one to guide her, she can't control the power perfectly, and the original power itself has no instructions on how to use it, so it's normal for this to happen.

"I always thought that as long as I stopped using my original power, I would be able to maintain the status quo." Mi Ke showed a wry smile, "But your arrival let me know that I was thinking too much, and the future me may have been lost. In the eternity of time."

"Is there no solution?" Ling Huohuo asked curiously.

"Yes." Mi Ke nodded.

"What is it?" Ling Huohuo asked curiously.

"I don't know." Mi Ke shook his head.


"However, maybe the future me will know, that's why you appear here." Mi Ke sat up, staring at Ling Huohuo and said.

"Me?" Ling Huohuo pointed at himself suspiciously.

Miko nodded.

"In the future, I may find a solution, but I can't practice it, so I set up some means to bring you back to this time. The only thing that can make people travel back to the present is the power of the original time." Mi It is credible to say swearingly.

"Then I saved you, will it affect the future?" Ling Huohuo asked with a frown.

"You underestimate the power of the river of time." Mi Ke said with a smile.

"Did you think I was skinny when I first got the source of time to travel through time and space?"

Mi Ke seemed to think of something funny and smiled.

"I tried to influence history back then, but the content in the history books did not change! And none of the things I influenced appeared in the history books. For example, Qin Shihuang was kicked when he was young. , This matter is not written in a single history book.”

Ling Huohuo had already guessed who the person who kicked Qin Shihuang was.

However, soon Ling Huohuo frowned again. Could it be the power of fate that history has not changed?Mi Ke already knows the future, so the influence she makes can't change the fate at all, so it makes sense to explain it this way.

However, if this is the case, now that I know that the existence of Miko in the future has disappeared, then no matter what I do now, the existence of Miko in the future will definitely disappear!

What's the point?

Perhaps seeing Ling Huohuo's doubts, Mi Ke explained again.

"Things that have already happened will not be changed, but things that haven't happened yet have many operable places. If you successfully help me solve the problem, I may not appear when you travel in the future, but, After you travel back, maybe I can appear again." Mi Ke said.

"For such a long time, I found that although the result cannot be changed, changing the process will lead to different solutions. For example, Xiang Yu and Yu Ji lived in seclusion back then, and now the story of Farewell My Concubine and Xiang Yu committing suicide is actually a folklore In order to show his credit, Liu Bang allowed this script to be circulated, and admitted it, and slowly, this thing came true."

Ling Huohuo looked at Mi Ke suspiciously.

Mi Ke coughed twice in embarrassment.

"It was actually me who made Xiang Yu and Yu Ji live in seclusion, and I actually wrote those scripts."


This girl is very skinny.

Mi Ke raised a finger, and said seriously: "For example, if I still disappear in the future, it's not that my existence disappears, but I live in seclusion or leave this world..."

Ling Huohuo came back to his senses, and thought about Mi Ke's words, and then Mi Ke's words came out.

"It means that you are still there, and... there is still a chance to appear!"

"Bingo, that's it~" Mi Ke snapped his fingers.

"But why should I help you?" Ling Huohuo asked back.

Mi Ke seemed to have expected Ling Huohuo to say this a long time ago, and the smile on his face remained unchanged: "Because if you want to go back, you have to rely on me. Even if you don't help me, it's okay. In the future, my existence will disappear. You You can't find me, and you can't go back, and you are facing an unknown future..."

Mi Ke didn't finish speaking, but Ling Huohuo understood Mi Ke's meaning, and Ling Huohuo knew that he had to go back no matter what, so he had to help Mi Ke.

"Then what should I do?" Ling Huohuo asked in a deep voice, feeling really uncomfortable being caught on a sore foot.

"Not without a clue."

"Where are the clues?"

Mi Ke pointed at Ling Xue.

"Let your sister eat it."


Being pointed at, Ling Xue raised her hands.


(End of this chapter)

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