The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 968 This World Is Too Dangerous

Chapter 968 This World Is Too Dangerous (Part [-])
Ling Huohuo continued to squat near Big Ben.

Meeting Ling's father and mother by chance can only be said to be an accident. After Ling Huohuo made sure that the two of them left safely, Ling Huohuo stopped paying attention to the two of them. Instead, he focused on the bank in the distance.

At this time, the special police had already controlled the situation, but the prisoner ran away first, and only caught three or two big cats and kittens.

"What does this robbery have to do with the origin of time?"

While Ling Huohuo was thinking, someone patted Ling Huohuo on the shoulder.

Ling Huohuo turned around and saw that it was a British policeman.

"Hey, man."

Ling Huohuo: "???"

"Someone has seen you squatting around here for a long time, please come with us and let us do some investigation." The police said that British English during this period and later English did not change much, at least the meaning of the vocabulary is the same , Ling Huohuo also managed to understand what the police meant.

Although Ling Huohuo was not asked to pick up soap, Ling Huohuo was not at ease.

Because, where can he get identification?

It is a trivial matter to be considered as a smuggled immigrant, but if it is considered to be with that group of mercenaries, then it is a big matter, and, no matter what the situation is, Ling Huohuo will be imprisoned for a long time, then he What is the use of coming to this time and space?
Therefore, Ling Huohuo made a decision in an instant.

Ling Huohuo turned around, let go of her girl and ran away.

There was more than one person staring at him at this time, even if Ling Huohuo got rid of the policeman, it would be of no use, but would only make the matter worse.

The London police were stunned by Ling Huohuo's fluent movements. Fortunately, they were well prepared. When Ling Huohuo turned around and started running, many policemen and special police officers left at the same time.

"Target flees, target flees, all intercept!"

"Start to close the road, start to close the road, you must catch the other party within 5 minutes, wait, a car breaks in, it's a kindergarten car, a kindergarten car breaks in..."


There were exclamations on the police channel.

Then a kindergarten school bus came into view.

The vehicle crashed into Ling Huohuo who was fleeing.

"Come to pick me up? No!"

Ling Huohuo was startled, because this car was coming directly at him, that is to say, this car was going to hit him!
Ling Huohuo looked at the driver's seat, it was a British woman in armor.

Didn't you mess with her?

The school bus ran very fast, and it arrived in front of Ling Huohuo in the blink of an eye, but Ling Huohuo snorted coldly, and he was not easy to deal with!

The moment the school bus hit Ling Huohuo's body, Ling Huohuo's figure disappeared in a flash.

The woman's pupils shrank, and she stepped on the brakes hastily. The school bus slid out and finally stopped in the middle of the road, surrounded by special police vigilantly.

The woman wanted to get out of the car, but found that the door wouldn't open.

"Oh, I've welded the car door shut." A voice came from behind her.

The woman turned around abruptly, holding the long sword at her waist with one hand, and looked behind her.

I saw an extra figure in the originally empty carriage, it was Ling Huohuo.

At this time, Ling Huohuo was looking at the woman with a smile, but his heart was full of MMP.

"Old aunt, did I not offend you? Why did you hit me with your car?" Ling Huohuo asked.

Hearing Ling Huohuo's address, the woman snorted coldly, but she was not affected.

"I am one of the Knights of the Round Table, and I am here to arrest you, a crazy bank robber!"

"The knights of the round table drive the school bus when they go out?" Ling Huohuo asked.


The corner of the woman's mouth twitched. If she wasn't in a hurry, this was the only car nearby, otherwise she wouldn't have requisitioned the school bus.

She was the only Knight of the Round Table around here, and in order to hurry, she had no choice but to make such a move.

Women, however, did not dwell too much on the topic.

"You didn't immediately deny that you were an arrogant bank robber, so it seems that you and those criminals are on the same team." The woman nodded and said, she believed everything she said.

In fact, regardless of whether Ling Huohuo is the prisoner or not, the woman has already decided to catch Ling Huohuo based on his actions and strange abilities just now.

Ling Huohuo has a saying that MMP not only wants to say it, but also shouts it.

"MMP!" Ling Huohuo shouted.

The woman didn't know what MMP was, but when she saw Ling Huohuo's action, she didn't hesitate anymore, and directly drew out the long sword at her waist, and attacked Ling Huohuo.

There is not much space in the carriage, and the woman judged that Ling Huohuo had nowhere to hide!
Ling Huohuo looked at the woman who was attacking, his expression didn't fluctuate, and he even wanted to laugh.

A woman's strength is only five levels.

A woman attacking him is like an ant attacking a lion with a toothpick.

Ling Huohuo just looked at the woman quietly, but the long sword in the woman's hand stopped one centimeter above Ling Huohuo's head.

It's not that the woman didn't want to cut it off, but the woman found that her body instinct was resisting. It was a kind of fear that came from within and made her unable to control her body.

The essence of human beings is also animals, and the genes of ancestors are inherited in the body.

The ancestors lived in the jungle, faced danger and fear, or fought desperately, or stood still, this is the wisdom of the ancestors.

Often, it is the stronger men who will fight to the death, while the thinner women and children will choose to stand still and pretend to be dead, hoping to prevent predators from discovering it. After all, many predators do not eat dead objects.

At this time, the information in the woman's genes was activated, and what activated her state was the fear that came from nowhere!

"Move, move!" The woman exclaimed because of unknown fear, her expression was a little ferocious, but she still couldn't control her body.

Ling Huohuo smiled.

"Did you know that human beings cannot escape the law of true fragrance. Similarly, the body is often more honest than the mouth."

The woman looked at Ling Huohuo in horror, her breathing became heavy.

The fear in her heart caused her to lose a lot of physical strength.

I... will die!
Such thoughts appeared in the woman's mind, followed by deep regret.

Ling Huohuo smiled and walked to the woman's side.

"Actually, I don't mean anything malicious, and I'm not someone who robs a bank. I'm just passing by. Well, I'm leaving."

Ling Huohuo finally patted the woman's butt through the armor.


Ling Huohuo looked at his hands with embarrassment. Sure enough, his body was much more honest.

"Very warped, awesome."

Touching his nose in embarrassment, Ling Huohuo disappeared from the woman's sight.

The woman collapsed on the ground, panting heavily, sweating profusely.

Women have a sense of gratitude that they escaped death.

She knew that Ling Huohuo had let her go.

Even the last disrespectful behavior, the woman is not in the mood to care about it.

"Who the hell is he?"

Finally, the woman shook her head and smiled wryly.

"The whole world is too dangerous, let's go back and teach the children. I remember that among the children in the recent training camp, two children named Elizabeth and Charlotte performed very well..."

At this time, the door of the car was kicked open by the British special police, and the special police rushed into the car.

The woman was speechless for a while as she watched the guns pointing at her in unison.

According to their positions, these are all their subordinates!

It's decided, all these people will be demoted!
A woman feels that today is the most unlucky day in her life, bar none.

(End of this chapter)

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