Chapter 970 Amazing, My Parents (Part [-])
Suburbs of London.

A cute five year old boy is sitting on the lawn in a pasture looking at the moon.

The little boy was alone, and under the night sky, his figure looked a little thin.

The little boy sighed, as if a little unhappy.

At this time, an uncoordinated voice came into the little boy's ears.

"What?" The little boy stood up vigilantly and looked in the direction of the voice.

The little boy sniffled.

"It smells bloody!"

The little boy moved his footsteps and arrived at the place where the sound came from, only to see a embarrassed figure lying on the grass, moaning.

The little boy could feel the coercion brought by the figure.

The figure is a very strong existence, but now it only has half life left.

"The one who came...was the blood...the junior?" The figure asked intermittently.

"Yes." The little boy knelt on the ground, representing awe of the strong, but the little boy's eyes narrowed.

"Good boy, what's your... name?" The figure asked intermittently.

"My name is Lawrence." the little boy asked.

"No surname...?"

The little boy didn't speak, but fell silent.

"Poor child." The figure sighed.

Not having a surname in the blood family is the same as not having a household registration. No matter how pure the blood is, the identity and status are very low.

"Son, do you want to change your destiny?" The figure asked, but his tone was much smoother.

Hearing this sentence, the little boy's eyes narrowed directly.

The little boy nodded.

"I am the true ancestor of the blood clan. Now I have been injured a little bit and am living here. I hope you can take care of me. When my strength recovers, I will accept you as a disciple and give you my surname!"

A look of surprise appeared on the little boy's face.


The figure smiled and nodded.

"Then what do I need to do?"

"Come here and help me up." The Blood Race True Ancestor said, his voice full of kindness.

The little boy leaned over with an innocent face.

And looking at the little boy approaching, blood flashed in the eyes of the true ancestor of the blood race.

The ancestor of the blood race thought of the giant purple hand that attacked him before, and the fear flashed in his eyes.

If he hadn't tried his best, he might have fallen there.

Then, the blood ancestor felt a pain in his chest!
"This is..." The Blood Race True Ancestor's eyes widened, and his physical feelings let him know that he was attacked.

And it was the little boy who attacked him.

The little boy raised his head, his face was still innocent, but there was determination in his eyes.

"Little beast, you..."

The innocence on the little boy's face faded and turned into a mocking expression.

"Master True Ancestor, blood race relies on blood to live. After receiving such a serious injury, the most direct way to recover is to suck blood! Whether it is human blood or blood of the same race, am I right?" the boy asked.

The tone of the true ancestor of the blood race froze.

"If I had helped you just now, your fangs might be sinking into my veins now, and I might also be turned into fly ash. I'm still young, and I don't want to die," said the little boy.

The true ancestor of the blood race showed a ferocious smile.

"As expected of a child of my blood family, I have not been easy to get along with since I was a child."

"Master True Ancestor praises you." The little boy said modestly. Although the little boy didn't like his personality very much, it was innate and he couldn't do anything about it.

Cool by nature, it's up to me?
"Are you not afraid that I will violently kill you?"

"Heh, Master True Ancestor must have expended a lot of energy in order to resume speaking."

"Haha, I was spotted by you. It seems that you are not simple, Lawrence, what is your surname? I don't believe you are a person with no surname!"

Lawrence looked at the figure with contempt.

"I still know the spell of the true ancestor's compulsory command. It needs the full name of the other party. Don't think that I am easy to deceive just because I am a child."

The blood ancestor's expression froze, and then there was no more.

Because Lawrence didn't give the blood ancestor too much time, he knew that too much nonsense is not a good thing.

Although Lawrence has a lot of doubts, but now he knows that if he continues to delve deeper, he will be the one who will die if he gives the True Ancestor of the Blood Race some time to breathe!
Then, Lawrence dug out the heart of the blood ancestor.

The corpse of the ancestor of the blood race quickly decomposed, and finally turned into a ground of white ashes.

Lawrence rummaged through the ashes and found four fangs.

Looking at the heart and fangs in his hands, Lawrence hesitated for a moment. He knew that he couldn't hide these things, so he could only use them now!

Lawrence still knew the significance of using the heart and the four fangs.

Then, Lawrence put the heart of the blood ancestor into his mouth.

"By the way, who beat the true ancestor like this? It's really scary, but this heart is quite delicious, and I don't know if it will hurt to change my own tooth later..."

However, Lawrence's originally bad mood improved a lot.


Father Ling and Mother Ling didn't stay with Ling Huohuo for too long.

The three of them parted ways after a brief exchange.

Ling's father and Ling's mother asked Ling Huohuo about the future, and they didn't say much after that.

After bidding farewell to Ling's father and Ling's mother, Ling Huohuo went back to guard the young Mi Ke.

A day passed by, and finally, under the leadership of his parents, the young Mi Ke went to Big Ben, and Ling Huohuo cheered up. The young Mi Ke was quietly watching Ling Huohuo's situation from afar. .

However, nothing happened.

Ling Huohuo didn't find anything abnormal around Mi Ke.

However, soon Ling Huohuo didn't think so.

When Ling Huohuo was paying attention to the young Mi Ke, he suddenly felt something, turned his head suddenly, and let go of his perception.

Two familiar auras appeared in Ling Huohuo's perception - Father Ling and Mother Ling.

"Why are these two people still here, and..."

Ling Huohuo felt that Ling's father and Ling's mother seemed to have opened something extraordinary.

Wait, this location is...

It's that ancient tomb!
Ling Huohuo discovered that what Ling's father and Ling's mother opened was the ancient tomb he had discovered before.

Ling Huohuo: "..."

These two people are hopeless!

However, if Ling Huohuo remembers correctly, that ancient tomb should be hidden in the interlayer of the world.

The ancient tomb that was hidden so deep was dug out by those two people?

Wait, these two didn't break through the barriers of the world, did they?

Great, my dear parents!

However, soon, Ling Huohuo felt something was wrong, because the breath of his parents disappeared after entering the ancient tomb, but the breath in the ancient tomb made Ling Huohuo feel something was wrong.

Ling Huohuo glanced at the young Mi Ke, thought for a while, then turned around and walked to the place where Ling's father and Ling's mother disappeared. It was his own father and mother who were more important, and it wouldn't take too much time anyway.

(End of this chapter)

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