Chapter 973 biubiubiu (second update)
Ling Huohuo and Hades used the unique language of ancient Greek gods, and Ling Huohuo also benefited from Zhou Zi's feedback.

"One more thing, now Zeus calls me Papa."

Hades: "..."

The others were also wary of the sudden appearance of Ling Huohuo.

Now everyone couldn't figure out the situation, but instinctively, no one spoke rashly.

Hades didn't get angry. It seems that Hades's self-cultivation is still very good, at least much better than Zhou Zi.

However, it is difficult for Hades to look like a pool of stagnant water.

"Who are you?" Hades asked, "You have the power of Zeus and other gods, but you are neither a god nor a man!"

"I am the wise man of the void." Ling Huohuo said with a smile.

"Void." Hades looked at Ling Huohuo, "I see."

Hades nodded, and then ignored Ling Huohuo.


So embarrassing.

Likewise, Hades ignored the others.

Hades glanced around, then nodded, turned around and closed the golden door, put away the golden key, and the golden door at the same time.

Ling Huohuo felt that Hades' style of painting was a bit wrong.

Hades' silent appearance makes it difficult for people to understand Hades' thoughts, and it will make people feel very disturbed.

And Hades looked at Ling Huohuo after packing up everything.

"Void wise man, if you have a chance in the future, you can come to my underworld as a guest." Hades said to Ling Huohuo.

"There will be a chance in the future... Wait." Seeing Hades who was about to leave, Ling Huohuo stopped Hades.

"What's the matter?" Hades asked Ling Huohuo.

"Do you know the origin of time?" Ling Huohuo asked.

There is nothing about the origin of time around, Ling Huohuo feels that Hades should know something.

Hades didn't answer directly, but looked at Ling Huohuo for a while, and finally nodded.

"I see."

What do you see?Ling Huohuo was at a loss.

Hades shook his head.

"Although the source of time is near here, it is not in my hands. The source of time is not simple. If you want to hide it, no one will be able to find the trace of the source of time." Hades said.

Ling Huohuo looked at Hades, it seems that Hades has some understanding of the origin of time.

"However, I have something related to the origin of time here, do you want it?" Hades asked.

"I want it." Ling Huohuo didn't hide anything.

"Then what are you going to exchange for it?" Hades asked.

Ling Huohuo's expression froze.

"I think your god-related powers are good," Hades said.

Hades said so, Ling Huohuo naturally...impossible to agree!

Sure enough, this Hades skin is very skinny.

It is not as simple as it seems to be able to become the main god of Greece, or an existence that lives in the ground.

"You want my strength, so let's see if you have that strength." Ling Huohuo said with a smile.

"Just as I thought, you want my things, and you have to see if you have the ability. Since I am death, you just stopped me. Since you stopped death, are you ready to face death?" Hades asked flatly, as if asking a passerby if you had eaten.

"Death?" Ling Huohuo smiled brightly, "The Void has never had the concept of death. You should think about it. Can your death withstand the devouring of the Void?"

Hades and Ling Huohuo looked at each other.


The strange power spread out from the center of Hades, and in a blink of an eye, Ling Huohuo found that he was pulled to a strange place.

This place is weird, corrupt, and full of the breath of death.

"Although you have the power of a god, you don't know anything about the strength of a god."

Hades' voice rang in Ling Huohuo's ears.

"Hades is death, death has no trace, it will only appear when it should appear, but if you stop death, then your death has come."

Ling Huohuo didn't have any expression on her face, she was vigilant about her surroundings.

According to Hades, if I didn't call Hades too much just now, Hades wouldn't fight with me, right?
Huh, that seems to be the case.

Hades didn't pay attention to him just now, he was going to leave directly!

Ling Huohuo felt a little stomachache.

However, if you don't stop Hades, you may miss the news related to the origin of time. Maybe these news are related to solving Mi Ke's matter.

Ling Huohuo raised his spirits, this was the first time he tried to confront a god head-on.

Ling Huohuo felt that he was a little swollen recently.

The figure of Hades appeared in front of Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo felt that Hades at this time was a little different from the previous Hades, as if... had some human breath.

"I'm Hades." Hades said.

"I know."

"No, you don't know."


I can't chat anymore, are all you gods talking like this?

It's better for my family's Zhou Zi, who wouldn't say such a thing at all.

However, there are still many differences between Hades and Zhou Zi. For example, Hades appeared in a dark costume, while Zhou Zi only had two fig leafs when he appeared on the stage, which made people very excited.

"My stupid brother... my sister calls you daddy, I want to try your weight too!" Hades said, and then the divine clothes on Hades disappeared, and the dark noble armor appeared on Hades , six black wings unfolded from behind Hades, and the long black hair was blown by a mysterious force.

A long sword appeared in Hades' hands.

Looking at the transformed Hades, two words came to Ling Huohuo's mind - so handsome!
"Come on, let me see if you are qualified to get what you want from me!" Hades said coldly.

Ling Huohuo also let go of his strength without showing any weakness.

The golden battle armor appeared on Baili Yuan's body.

A pair of golden wings flapped gently, and a golden longbow with Dayi's supernatural power appeared beside Ling Huohuo.

Not only that, but the flames from the ancestor Fan also enveloped Ling Huohuo's body.

"It really surprised me to get so much power from a god. Unfortunately, none of these powers belong to you..." Hades' expression froze and his knees hurt. He lowered his head and saw his There is a golden arrow stuck in the knee.

Ling Huohuo on the other side maintained an archery posture.

"What are you doing with so much nonsense? Just start fighting!"

Then Ling Huohuo shot another arrow, right at Hades' other knee.

Hades yelled, the arrow on his knee shattered, and the other arrow was also shattered.

"court death!"


(End of this chapter)

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