Chapter 1 Preface
As we all know, Warren Buffett is one of the greatest investors in history. He has invested more than 44 times the profit in 3600 years, and has become a tycoon with assets of more than 500 billion US dollars. The net assets of Berkshire, which he manages, ranks first in the world.He is the most successful investment master in the contemporary era. His investment philosophy shines with rational brilliance. His investment philosophy is simple, objective and rational, which can be called a classic in the investment world.

The ancients said, the road is simple.Buffett expresses those complicated investment strategies as simple and easy-to-understand common sense.Buffett told us that the truly great way to succeed in investing requires only a few principles. It is very simple but very effective. It does not require a high IQ, a high degree, or advanced mathematics. Ordinary investors can grasp and apply it.Let us learn from the greatest investment guru of our time:
Keep in mind Buffett's investment philosophy and be as wise as Buffett;
Keep in mind Buffett's investment skills and act decisively like Buffett;
Keep in mind Buffett's investment strategy and win success like Buffett;
Keep in mind Buffett's investment mentality and strategize like Buffett.

Based on Buffett's more than 40 years of investment experience, this book sorts out a large number of Buffett's wonderful investment wisdom and witty quotes, summarizes the basic principles and strategies of Buffett's investment, reveals important methods to guide Buffett's legendary career, and makes a detailed analysis and analysis of his investment strategies. Systematically introduced.The book combines the research results on voting investment and Buffett's classic investment cases to analyze the operational details of these principles, making this book a lively and detailed tutorial for investors on how to make long-term investments by Buffett, and for Chinese investors to learn Buffett's value investment strategy provides a good reference, reference and help, and is the best choice for investors to systematically learn Buffett's voting investment strategy in a short period of time.

This book is divided into four parts, sorting out the essence of Buffett's investment, fully presenting Buffett's investment process, and authentically showing Buffett's investment philosophy.Combining with the actual situation of Chinese enterprises, and in-depth analysis, the answer to the question "What can I learn from Buffett in China?" is given.

How does the stock god Buffett skillfully use investment techniques to be proud of the stock market?
How do you spot these above-average yielding stocks?
Which types of companies should be avoided, no matter how cheap their shares are?
How do you determine the best time to buy or sell a dream business?
How much counts as "concentrated investment"?
How long should you hold shares?

——These questions will find answers in this book.

There is no doubt that Buffett's investment classics will help investors identify which companies will win big and which companies will fail miserably in tomorrow's business battle.For investors who don't want to "follow others", this book is concise, practical and highly operable.Learn to invest like Buffett, and you will definitely reap great fruits in the stock market!

In the ever-changing stock market, how can we choose the most valuable stocks and make profits easily?How to find excellent enterprises?How to find the best investment opportunities in a volatile market?Buffett's investment advice is never out of date, the investment classic of the world's number one stock god, will be your best guide!For every stock investor, in order to achieve better long-term investment performance, it is necessary to learn Buffett's simple but very effective stock investment strategy.

(End of this chapter)

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