Chapter 156

"Haha! Master Xu, long time no see, I miss you very much." Lin Yifan came to Xu Shifan and greeted him warmly.

But Xu Shifan and others were stunned for a long time. Looking at the black cavalry in front of them, everyone's calves were trembling involuntarily.How many secrets does this Hengshan County hide? When the conflict happened before, there were already nearly ten thousand soldiers and horses, but now at least five thousand cavalry came all at once. How did they do it?
At this time, Xu Shifan couldn't describe his mood at the moment, both excited and frightened.With such a huge cavalry force, clearing out the rebels is not a problem at all, and the siege of the county is no problem.But then, as long as you are not stupid, you know that the Hengshan Army has nothing to do with the imperial court at all, and they are no different from the rebels.In case the rebels were wiped out, the Hengshan army would turn their heads to deal with themselves. With the current remnants and defeated generals, how could they be the opponents of the cavalry?
Looking at Lin Yifan's evil smile, Xu Shifan shuddered coldly. He remembered that he had a lot of grudges with this Master Lin.But now, not only do I have to rely on his soldiers to quell the rebellion, but I also have to be careful not to turn his face.So, he had to force a smile, and said respectfully: "Xu has met Mr. Lin. On behalf of the whole army and the people of the county, I thank you for your assistance. This kindness and virtue will be remembered by everyone in Weiyuan County."

"Haha, you're being polite, you're being polite." Lin Yifan said haha, and smiled a little guilty, "It should be, it should be."

"Your Excellency, you are humble..." Xu Shifan was about to compliment him, but saw a person walking behind Lin Yifan, couldn't help staring, and said in surprise, "Qiu Xiaowei, why are you here?"

Captain Qiu was the general who followed the Hengshan Army to the south of Polangguan. At this time, he came to Xu Shifan timidly, glanced at Lin Yifan secretly, knelt down on the ground with a plop, and said tremblingly : "Sir, my lord, now, now that the Langlang pass has been broken, it has been handed over to the Hengshan Army to garrison. The last general, the last general is incompetent, please punish me, my lord."

What, Polang Pass is occupied by the Hengshan Army?Xu Shifan only felt a roar in his forehead, and at this moment he had an urge to kill, especially to hack the young man in front of him to death.But he didn't dare, because he found that the guard beside Lin Yifan was holding a knife handle in one hand, looking at him with boundless killing intent in his eyes.And a strong man beside him even raised the mace on his shoulders, making an attacking gesture.The scene condensed all of a sudden, and everyone sensed that the atmosphere was not right. They all held their breath and remained motionless.

Xu Shifan's complexion changed, and finally he looked at Qiu Xiaowei who was kneeling on the ground, and shouted angrily: "You trash, since you are so incompetent, what's the use of keeping you?" One rolled over and fell to the ground, howling.

Lin Yifan couldn't bear to see it, so he said: "Master Xu, why should he have the same knowledge as him, this Polang Pass is what my Hengshan Army wants, there is nothing wrong with it, but it doesn't matter."

Xu Shifan glared at Colonel Qiu viciously, then turned to look at Lin Yifan, and said nervously, "Master Lin, Xu promised in a letter that Polang Pass will be opened to Hengshan in the future, and there is no prohibition on traffic. But why, why, Mr. Lin..."

"Haha! Master Xu wanted to ask, why did I take Polang Pass as my own without permission?" Lin Yifan looked at Xu Shifan meaningfully, and said with a smile, "Nowadays there is chaos on the grassland, and the Golden Werewolf can't take care of himself. You and I know exactly who this Polang Pass is guarding against. What's more, Mr. Xu can decide the opening of Polang Pass by yourself. What can I, Hengshan, do with you? Master Xu, what do you think?"

"This, this, Polang Pass is one of the three passes in the northern border of the imperial court, how can it be taught and accepted privately." Xu Shifan was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat, he stammered and argued, "Could it be that Mr. Lin is not afraid of the future Will the court pursue it?"

"Then let's talk about it later." Lin Yifan replied flatly, "If Mr. Xu is afraid of being pursued by the court, then he should appoint me, Hengshan, as the garrison. After all, our two armies are both imperial soldiers, and we belong to the same robe. Who will take over?" Breaking through the wolf pass is the same. Master Xu, are you right?"

Xu Shifan lowered his head, his face was livid, and his teeth were chattering.Taking a deep breath, he raised his head, showing a flattering expression, "Master Lin is right. If that's the case, I will leave the Polang Pass to your care. Now, the most urgent task is to relieve the danger of the county and the city. Please also ask Lin My lord, send troops immediately."

Lin Yifan glanced at him in surprise, with a smile on his lips, "No hurry, our army has been coming day and night, and our troops are exhausted, so we can only go out after a night of rest. I think that since this county has persisted for so long, it should It’s not even one night away, is it?”

Hearing this, Xu Shifan couldn't help but clenched his hands tightly, and the pinched finger bones turned white.Day and night?Weary?Fortunately, you can still say that the distance is less than [-] miles, and you still ride a horse. You only travel [-] miles a day, and it took you five days to get here.Now that he still has the face to rest, he is really shameless and shameless!
"In this case, please rest well, my lord. I still have military affairs, so don't bother me." Xu Shifan resisted the urge to curse and left in a hurry.

Lin Yifan looked at Xu Shifan, who was on fire, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

It was getting late, under the county town, the rebels launched wave after wave of onslaught, everyone was almost crazy, rushing forward without fear of life and death, a ladder was braving arrows, trees, rolling stones, on the ground On the city wall; one car after another rushed towards the city gate, braving fire oil and slamming into the city gate; the arrow tower kept approaching the city wall, and the archers on the high platform kept harvesting the lives of the people on the city wall.The rebels mingled with the people and drove them to charge towards the county town. Then the elite rebels took the opportunity to climb the ladder and kill the defenders.

On the city wall at this moment, the defenders struggled to knock down the rebels who tried to climb up one by one off the ladder, smashed a bottle of oil tank on the ladder, lit it, and burned it.However, there were too many ladders and the rebels were too strong, and the defenders had no time to drive all the rebels off the city wall.A part of the rebels finally succeeded in climbing the city wall and fought with the defenders.Today's defenders are mixed with many untrained young men, which suddenly weakens the original combat power of the defenders.Once a rebel climbed onto the city wall, there would be casualties immediately.

The officers defending the city were so numb from the killing that their hands and feet were numb, and they directed the defense everywhere with red eyes.They couldn't figure out why today's rebels launched a fierce attack regardless of casualties, and they almost couldn't hold on.Reinforcements, when will the reinforcements arrive?If you don't come, the county will be breached!

On the city wall, more and more rebels occupied several corners. With the continuous reinforcements from behind, these corners continued to expand, gradually squeezing the space of the defenders.Although the defenders fought desperately, they could not drive the rebels down at all.The two sides did not give in to each other on a narrow city wall. In an instant, corpses lay all over the ground, and blood flowed like a river.

However, at this moment, a loud cheer came from under the city wall, "The city gate is broken! The city gate is broken! Kill, kill and enter the city!"

Everyone was taken aback, seeing countless crowds rushing towards the gate of the city, like a gate that had been opened.

The county city finally fell, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief, including the defenders who were desperately guarding the city.Hearing the sound of killing and crying and mourning in the city, the defenders on the city wall immediately collapsed and fled separately.

Sitting on the wooden chair, Li Yuan saw this scene, his pale and haggard face finally flushed, coughed a few times, and widened his eyes. After finally confirming that the county city had been breached, he immediately burst into laughter. He coughed loudly. "Haha, cough cough, ha ha! Cough, the city is broken, the city is finally broken!"

(End of this chapter)

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