Chapter 158
"Ahem!" Li Yuan coughed violently, his face flushed slightly, he raised his head, and broke the previous deadlock, "Master Lin, now our army has occupied Weiyuan County, and your army is one step behind. Why don't you retreat now, you and I Is it okay for both parties to live in peace?"

"Oh, what kind of reconciliation?" Lin Yifan played with the teacup in his hand, looked up at Li Yuan, and said with a smile.

"You and I take Breaking the Wolf Pass as the boundary, and we don't invade each other." A strange look flashed in Li Yuan's eyes, "In addition, as compensation, the old man is willing to donate half of the supplies in the city. I don't know what Master Lin thinks, is this a good proposal?"

"Hehe, if we defeat you, then the entire Weiyuan County will be ours, so why only take half of it and retreat to Polang Pass?" Lin Yifan sneered, put the teacup heavily on the table, and leaned forward , looking at Li Yuandao, "Senior, what do you think?"

Li Yuan's eyes turned cold, "Young man, if you are too greedy, you will suffer big losses. To be a human being, you must know how to stop. Weiyuan County was won by us through untold hardships. We must not give up easily. If you must insist, Then we can only stay with us to the end. However, in this way, you and my army are doomed to suffer heavy casualties, which is not worth it at all. Young people, take a long-term view, your enemy is not me, but the court. "

Lin Yifan's eyes flashed brightly, it seems that this old guy is quite shrewd, he can see through the filth of himself and the court at a glance, so if he makes a fuss about the court, wouldn't I be at a disadvantage? "The lessons of the seniors, the juniors have memorized them. However, our army is originally a soldier of the imperial court, and our heart is for the imperial court. How can there be any distinction between the enemy and us. This time, I also entered Guanping at the request of the captain of Weiyuan County. Rebel. I believe that the imperial court will definitely not risk the world's opinions and insult a meritorious official like me Hengshan. But you, as rebels, will be wiped out by the imperial court sooner or later. How can I make peace with you?"

"You!" Li Yuan froze, glared at Lin Yifan, panted heavily, and shouted, "The world is in chaos now, surrounded by foreign enemies, and the imperial court has long been unable to control the whole world. An internal fight in the capital has caused rivers of blood to flow , the new emperor has just ascended the throne and is eager to stabilize the court; ambitious people from all over the country have flocked to eat away at the land and population of the empire, and continue to grow; there is also the Tianyun Kingdom attacking Leizhou in the south and Shazhou in the north, holding back a large number of empires. The army. How can the imperial court still have the strength to deal with the chaos here? Now my Li family army has seized several counties in the south of Anzhou, with a population of hundreds of thousands and a military strength of more than [-]. Even if the imperial army comes, I will not be afraid of it. Hmph, you What does Hengshan have, why should I talk about conditions?"

Lin Yifan listened quietly to his aggressive threats, and his heart was filled with waves.This old man has a lot of money, no wonder he dared to break up with him.However, my power in Hengshan is not inferior to him at all, it's just that I keep a low profile.Seeing his pale head held high and his haughty look, he couldn't help curling his lips, "You're quite capable, but you only have [-] exhausted soldiers in the city, and there are hundreds of thousands of people in the city who are resentful towards you." People. And I have five thousand soldiers and horses, and four thousand Polangguan garrisons will arrive later. As long as we surround your army, how many days can you survive with the depleted food and grass in the city?"

Li Yuan frowned when he heard this, this is his weakness, once he is trapped in the city, it will take less than ten days for him to run out of food and grass. . . .

"Lord Lin, if this is the case, I am afraid that the people in the city will suffer. If our army plunders the people's rations to satisfy their hunger, the people will be the first to die of starvation, not us. Since you call yourself an officer and soldier of the imperial court, how can you just sit back and watch the people suffer? At that time, even if you have meritorious service, it is a serious crime to sit back and watch the people live and die."

Lin Yifan looked at Li Yuan coldly, "If that's the case, then I will slaughter all of you and avenge the common people."

"You!" Li Yuan trembled all over, staring at this seemingly kind young man in front of him, thinking that if his heart is as hard as a stone, he can really sit back and watch the people's life and death, and find comfort for himself brazenly?
"Okay, let's not gossip." Lin Yifan became impatient, and it was really troublesome to go around here with a person, "The reason why I am willing to negotiate with you this time is for the benefit of Hengshan The official will only accept it if it is in Hengshan's interest."

Li Yuan listened blankly to the other party's blunt remarks, unable to express a thousand words, so he could only ask: "I don't know what Mr. Lin thinks, what is in your Hengshan's interest?"

"Simple, you quit the county, and I will let you live."

"What? This is impossible!" Li Yuan was so excited that he almost jumped up from his chair, and roared angrily, "My [-] army has suffered countless casualties. How can we let the county city go for nothing? Not only will I not agree, but the entire army will No one will agree. Master Lin, if you are sincere, please offer a reasonable condition. Otherwise, let's see you on the battlefield."

A gleam of joy flashed in Lin Yifan's eyes. From Li Yuan's words, he could hear the meaning of compromise. If so, it would be easy to talk. "Senior, don't be upset. As the saying goes, ask for the price and pay back the money. Since you don't agree, you can also ask for your own conditions. Just don't bring up the previous conditions. Just like you are now, so am I. won't say yes."

Li Yuan calmed down a little, gave him a look full of meaning, and then said: "Okay, then we will renegotiate..."

The two sides talked in the tent for an hour, and finally walked out of the tents and returned to their respective camps.

Li Yuan returned to the top of the city with a livid face. He looked around and looked at his generals eagerly, and shouted angrily: "I give you two hours to go to the city to search for supplies, and you can count as much as you can get. At the same time, send an order Go on, everyone is not allowed to kill and burn those who disobey the order!"

"Ah? My lord, why is this? Why do you do these things?" The generals were bewildered.

"Stop talking, execute the order!" Li Yuan shouted coldly. "Two hours later, our army will withdraw from the county, why don't you go quickly?"

"Ah, evacuate, evacuate?" Everyone was stunned, but seeing Li Yuan's angry face, he had to hurry down to carry out the order.

When Lin Yifan returned to the army, his face was also grim.The generals immediately gathered around and asked about the negotiation.Lin Yifan couldn't help but sighed faintly, and said very painfully: "The negotiation is over, but the price is very expensive, and my heart hurts to death."

It turned out that the one-hour negotiation finally reached an agreement that the rebels withdrew from the county, but allowed them to loot the supplies in the city within two hours, but the price was that the Hengshan Army sent [-] war horses as compensation.For the sake of Weiyuan County and hundreds of thousands of people in the city, Lin Yifan finally agreed.As long as Li Yuan got this batch of war horses, he could rebuild a cavalry force to deter the surrounding counties and consolidate the territory.For this reason, he had to give up half of the population in the county as a price.

When everyone heard the words, they couldn't help but gasped, and their hearts ached. Three thousand war horses were just given away for nothing.Someone couldn't help worrying, "My lord, will this increase the opponent's strength and pose a threat to us in the future?"

"Threats have always existed, but as long as we continue to grow stronger, we will not be afraid of his threats." Lin Yifan said confidently, "I will give him three thousand horses now, and in the future, I will ask him to spit out his money with interest." .”

Two hours later, the gate of the county city was opened with a loud bang, and eight thousand rebels came out with countless supplies, formed an army formation, and stared at the Hengshan Army with heavy guard.

At this moment, Hengshan's army moved, a group of men and horses drove a group of war horses rumbling over, and stopped in the open space under the city.The rebels immediately rushed out 1000 men and horses, broke into the horse herd, and brought the war horses to the gate of the city.Looking at this group of strong and powerful war horses, almost everyone was drooling.Li Yuan was overjoyed, and excitedly stroked the horse's neck, with a look of intimacy in his eyes.

In the end, the rebel army slowly crossed the Hengshan army, crossed the river in an orderly manner, and retreated to the south.During this period, Lin Yifan almost couldn't bear to order the army to attack several times, but it can be seen that the rebels retreated orderly and deployed defenses layer by layer.I had to give up the impulse and watch them stay away coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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