The world of counterfeit magistrates competes in the world

Chapter 160 Controlling Weiyuan County Behind the Scenes

Chapter 160 Controlling Weiyuan County Behind the Scenes

Faced with Lin Yifan's coercion, Xu Shifan finally succumbed.Because he broke his face with the Hengshan Army, so that the county city fell into the hands of thieves again, he had no choice but to hold his nose and Lin Yifan to make a promise, trying to keep the county city, waiting for Wang Shi to go north to rescue him.Regardless of whether other people believe it or not, Xu Shifan believed it anyway, and this is how he comforted himself in his heart.It's just that he has no idea whether the court will listen to his defense and innocence in the future.

Therefore, under Lin Yifan's plan, Xu Shifan took over the military and political affairs of Weiyuan County as the governor of Weiyuan to appease the people, stabilize the order, and heal the wounds of the war.Although Xu Shifan is the head of a county on the surface, in fact, the county city at this time has been secretly occupied by the Hengshan army, and the people in charge are all Hengshan people, and he is just holding the position of acting county guard. , It's just a name, and I can't get involved in the affairs of the county and city at all.

Although Xu Shifan felt very aggrieved by this, he also knew how much he was, and when it came to civil affairs, he was completely blind and unable to do anything about it.On the contrary, after the Hengshan people took over the county, everything was handled in an orderly manner, and the county gradually regained its vitality.It's just that seeing the Hengshan Army's growing control over the county town, he couldn't help secretly worrying that in time, Weiyuan County might change its flag.But now he has less than [-] soldiers and horses, and they are no match for the Hengshan Army at all. They can only hide in the barracks outside the city and are not allowed to enter the city.

Although the county city has been occupied by the Hengshan army, and everything in the city is also controlled by the Hengshan army, Lin Yifan did not blatantly and directly occupy it. On the bright side, the county city is still in the hands of Xu Shifan, which means that it is still in the court. hands.Lin Yifan temporarily acted as Xu Shifan's staff master, managing behind the scenes.After the war, he sent people to Hengshan to summon a group of civil officials. Before they came, he could only temporarily rely on a group of civilian officers in the Hengshan Army for management, and at the same time, he used a group of original officials in the city to maintain the operation of the yamen.

Although Lin Yifan coveted Weiyuan County, it was not the time to pick it up.He didn't want to tear himself apart with the imperial court so early, and he didn't want to connect the territory with the rebel forces, otherwise he would face even greater pressure.Now Hengshan's territory is really too big, with a large stretch of Hengshan and the [-]-mile Xiazhou Grassland, it is already a bit overwhelming for him.In the north, north of Xiayang Mountain, there is a golden werewolf watching covetously, and will go south at any moment to fight the Hengshan army.The battle in Shazhou in the west is still raging, and no one knows when Hengshan will also be involved in the flames of war.If even the south has to be strengthened, it will be difficult to maintain it with Hengshan's current strength.

Hengshan has only been established for about a year, and its talents are exhausted. Civil affairs can only be maintained by a few capable officials such as Han Song; there is a shortage of combat troops, and there are too many places for about 60 elite soldiers to defend, so they cannot be condensed into combat power. Recruit training can't form combat power in a short time, and it can't further expand its power at all.Today's Weiyuan County is just a piece of tasteless food for him, it's a pity to throw it away if it's tasteless.Therefore, we can only temporarily stabilize the situation here and control it secretly. On the surface, it is still a county controlled by the imperial court, so that the imperial court will not notice Hengshan too quickly, and it can also serve as a buffer zone with the rebels.What Hengshan has to do now is to digest the prairie of Xiazhou with all its strength, and completely control the [-] to [-] people.In short, it is a sentence, build walls high, accumulate food widely, and become king slowly.

After a series of wars, although Weiyuan County lost the smallest county in Anzhou, under the continuous siege of the Golden Werewolf and the rebels, production, farming and trade have completely stagnated, so that the population of more than 20 people is simply consumed. Huge supplies, but no output and supply channels. The biggest problem in the county today is the problem of food and grass. At this time, there is not much food and grass left in the county. The number of hungry people in the city began to increase gradually.Lin Yifan didn't have a good solution at this time, the food and grass would not be able to be transported for a while, and even if it was transported, it would not be enough for the more than 20 people in the city to consume.Lin Yifan didn't intend to jump into this bottomless pit.

Therefore, in the name of Xu Shifan, Lin Yifan attacked some wealthy families in the city, ordered them to sell grain at a low price, and even ransacked the homes of some wealthy families by framing them, and seized a batch of grain to help the hungry.Anyway, these wealthy families hate Xu Shifan, and by the way, they can push him to Hengshan's side, so why not do it?

At the same time, Lin Yifan sent people to Hengshan to inform the Hengshan caravan, which had been dormant for a winter, to act immediately and mobilize a large amount of supplies to trade in Weiyuan County; he also opened a number of workshops around the county town to absorb a large amount of cheap labor to avoid waste. rations.

Before.The county towns in Weiyuan County were dilapidated by the two wars. In order to escape the war, many people took refuge in the county towns, so that more than 20 people gathered in the county towns this winter, consuming endless food and grass.How can this be?In response to this, Lin Yifan waved his hand and decided to divert the population. At least 10 people had to be relocated to various townships and counties to enrich the population of Weiyuan County.At the same time, Xu Shifan was forced to dismantle his soldiers and horses, and sent them to various counties to serve as county soldiers to maintain local order.

After two wars, Weiyuan County has lost a large number of people, and the land has become barren. Not to mention thousands of miles of barren land, but it is not far from a hundred miles without chicken crowing.For Lin Yifan, this can be used to resettle the landless people, firstly to divert the population and alleviate the huge consumption of food; secondly, to resume production as soon as possible and stabilize order.As a result, a land grant order was issued, which immediately attracted the eager attention of countless people, all of whom looked forward to it.For the vast majority of people, mountains of gold and silver are not as good as an acre of fertile land.As long as he is willing to move to the place designated by the county government to settle down, he can get five acres of fertile land as family property.At the same time, they can also receive a tael of silver for a low-interest credit loan from the county office for a period of one year, and only need to repay the principal with interest at that time.With this tael of silver, the common people can go to the Hengshan Commercial Bank to buy rations, farm tools and seeds, and carry out spring plowing and replanting in the fields.As long as the money is returned after the autumn harvest, they will be able to live a good life in peace and stability.

With the stimulation of the land grant order, more than [-] people were quickly diverted from the county and moved to the counties in the county for resettlement.The rest of the people stayed in the city and could choose to work in workshops or engage in various industries.With Lin Yifan's encouragement, some commercial firms in the county town also started to form and went to Hengshan for trade.In order to promote the circulation of commerce, he even sent people to negotiate with the rebel forces and the Dingxi army entrenched in several counties in western Anzhou, hoping to open up border trade and mutual circulation.He believes that business contacts are beneficial to all parties, and there is no reason to refuse.If he refuses, he will be an enemy of Hengshan.

After half a month of sorting out, Weiyuan County has slowly begun to revitalize, and the people have no longer suffered from the war, and can finally live in peace of mind.I am even more grateful to Xu Shifan for the changes brought about after he became the county guard, so that Xu Shifan's reputation among the people in Weiyuan County is getting better and better, but in the eyes of some noble families, they can't wait to see Xu Shifan. Shifan strangled him to death, and quickly sent letters to the capital, seeking contacts, and wanted to transfer Xu Shifan away from here.

When the civil servants sent by Hengshan arrived, Lin Yifan was finally able to get rid of those annoying government affairs, and immediately became a hands-off shopkeeper.Appointed Sima Sun San of the Hengshan Army to temporarily serve as the commander of the garrison in Weiyuan County, and sit in Weiyuan County.Hu Cao Wuming, who was temporarily acting as Chen Dengke, was appointed as Xu Shifan's staff, responsible for implementing the policies formulated by Lin Yifan.In the end, Lin Yifan left 2000 soldiers and horses in the county town to hand over to Sun San. After instructing some important matters, he led [-] troops to leave the county town and gallop north.Because he had already inquired, and now Hengshan has been decorated with lights and festivities, and is waiting for him to go to get married.As long as he thinks of Luo Qing'er's delicate and lovely face, Lin Yifan's heart is full of fire.I'm going back to get married soon, so don't make any more fools.Otherwise, don't blame me for getting mad.

(End of this chapter)

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