The world of counterfeit magistrates competes in the world

Chapter 163 Shazhou has changed and needs to be rescued

Chapter 163 Shazhou has changed and needs to be rescued

Everyone was attracted by the galloping hooves, and couldn't help turning their heads to look at the source of the sound.He saw a blood-stained cavalryman in ragged clothes rushing towards the crowd, staggering on his horse and about to fall off at any moment.

Everyone was shocked, why would a cavalryman covered in blood appear here?An ominous premonition suddenly rose in people's hearts.At this time, the soldiers who had already been alerted rushed out to stand in front of the crowd and intercept the cavalryman.

The cavalryman pulled the reins, the horse stopped suddenly, and the man stood up, throwing him to the ground.As soon as he landed, countless guards rushed forward, all weapons in their hands resting on his neck.

"I have an emergency military situation in Shazhou to report! Brothers, please go and report to your lord!" The cavalryman opened his eyelids wearily, without looking at the weapon on his neck, and immediately roared with all his strength.

Emergency military situation in Shazhou?Everyone couldn't help feeling tense, what happened in Shazhou, the Tianyun army entered Hengshan?

Lin Yifan and other high-level people felt their hearts twitch, and the uneasiness in their hearts suddenly turned into panic.Especially Lin Yifan and Luo Yi trembled and turned pale.

Lin Yifan hurried forward, waved back the guards, came to the cavalryman, grabbed his shoulders, and asked anxiously, "What happened to Shazhou? What happened to Luo Feng and the others?"

The cavalryman opened his eyes and looked at Lin Yifan carefully, only then did he confirm that it was the lord himself, and immediately grabbed his sleeve excitedly and anxiously, crying, "My lord, I finally found you, woo woo...cough cough!"

Lin Yifan took a jug of water from someone else and handed it to the cavalryman, "Come drink some water, don't rush, speak slowly."

The cavalryman hurriedly took the water bottle, took a big gulp, and then gasped and said, "My lord, please send troops to rescue Commander Luo quickly, our troops were discovered by the Tianyun Army in Beishan County, and we chased them all the way." Kill, you are being besieged in a small county, the current situation is very critical, if you go late, it may be too late."

Sure enough!Lin Yifan's complexion changed, and he was momentarily confused.But he heard a cry from behind, "Ah! Brother!"

Lin Yifan looked back at Luo Qing'er, only to see that she had lifted her head cover at some point, her face was pale, and her eyes were full of panic.Luo Yi on the side looked even more gloomy, his shoulders trembling slightly.He couldn't help taking a deep breath, forcing himself to calm down, and he must not be messed up at this time. "Qing'er, father-in-law, don't worry. I believe that Luo Feng will be able to withstand the pressure of the Tianyun Army and wait until we go to rescue him. Now we must not lose our balance."

After finishing speaking, he immediately stood up and gave an order to everyone: "All the generals on the scene return to the barracks immediately, gather their troops, and quickly gather at the school grounds. Mr. Liu, take your people back and prepare all the supplies needed for the army to go out as soon as possible. Mr. Han, you should also return to the grassland as soon as possible, and send 5000 troops to Hengshan just in case. Now we are very likely to encounter the invasion of the Tianyun Army, and Hengshan will enter a state of combat readiness from now on. All officials should go down to carry out orders."

"Subordinates obey!"

After everyone retreated, Lin Yifan nodded to Luo Yi and Luo Qing'er, and ordered the cavalryman to be helped to the Luo Mansion, where he asked Xiangjia again.

Finally, under the cavalry's narration, everyone knew the whole story.It turned out that since Luo Feng received Lin Yifan's letter ordering him to return to Hengshan immediately to attend his sister's wedding, he immediately led more than 1000 people and quickly marched eastward.Along the way, in order to avoid the detection of the Tianyun Army, it can be said to be very careful, like walking on thin ice.When passing through Dingxi County, he ventured into the city to pick up Chen Dengke and others, and finally entered Beishan County.However, Beishan County is located in the middle of Shazhou, where the Dingxi Army and the Tianyun Army fought, and there were scouts and cavalry exchanges between the two sides everywhere.No matter how careful Luo Feng was, the target of [-] soldiers and horses was too big, and there was no way to completely avoid the enemy's detection.It didn't take long before they were met by scouts from the Tianyun Army, and then a Tianyun Army chased after them.At that time, Luo Feng's troops only had more than a thousand horse bandits and cavalry, and the rest were former mercenaries and some remnants of the defeated Dingxi Army.The Tianyun army chasing them had at least [-] cavalry, followed by about [-] infantry.The cavalry of the two sides fought several times. Luo Feng's horse bandit cavalry was no match for the opponent's elite cavalry. He had to fight and retreat, covering the infantry and entering Fengqiu County, a small abandoned county, to defend. At the same time, he sent several waves of messengers to Hengshan to request rescue.At this time, it had been six or seven days since the cavalryman arrived at Hengshan. Even if he went to the rescue now, it would take at least five or six days. Could Luo Feng and the others get rescue from Hengshan?

The faces of all the people present sank immediately, there was no chance of winning with [-] troops against [-] troops, what's more, the opponent was the world-renowned Tianyun Army.

Lin Yifan frowned, looked at Luo Yi and Luo Qing'er and said, "Father-in-law, in your opinion, is Luo Feng capable of holding out for ten days under the siege of the Tianyun army?"

Luo Yi thought about it carefully, then raised his head and said: "Although Feng'er is just a middle-aged man, he has followed me since he was a child, and he has learned a little bit after all. From the perspective of the strength of the two sides, if I were to guard, If it can last for at least a month, even if Feng'er is not half as good as me, he should be able to hold out for ten days. However, what I am most worried about is that if the enemy sends more troops, Feng'er will definitely not be able to resist."

"Okay, that's enough. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, then we must do our best to fight for it. Father-in-law, let's set off right away and go to Shazhou to rescue Luo Feng and the others." Lin Yifan made up his mind without hesitation , said decisively.

"Here, Yifan, let me handle Feng'er's affairs, you..." Luo Yi glanced at Qing'er, and a trace of apology flashed in his eyes.

"Father-in-law, what are you talking about?" Lin Yifan grabbed Luo Qing'er's hand and said affectionately, "Now Qing'er is my wife, you are my father-in-law, and Luo Feng is my brother-in-law. We are a family. How can there be a family?" It’s also the reason to stand by and do nothing.”

Hearing this, Luo Qinger's mind was greatly disturbed, her hand trembled slightly, she looked at Lin Yifan, her eyes filled with tears, "Husband, my lord."

Lin Yifan patted her hand and looked at her firmly, "Qing'er, don't worry, I will definitely rescue Luo Feng, you, wait for me."

"Husband, Qing'er will definitely wait for your triumphant return." Luo Qing'er raised her head and looked straight at him, letting tears blur her eyes.

, the incident happened suddenly, there was no time to prepare, Lin Yifan, Luo Yi and others immediately went to the school grounds.At this time, thousands of soldiers had gathered on the school field, waiting for their arrival.

"Report to my lord, all 2000 Hengshan cavalry are present, please inspect your lord!"

"Report to my lord, all 2000 mounted infantrymen from Hengshan are here, please inspect your lord!"

"Report to my lord, all 500 troops from the Heishui City garrison are here, please review your lord!"

. . . .

Following the reports of the commanders of the various armies, they were finally assembled, and a total of more than 7000 soldiers and horses were on standby for the expedition.

Lin Yifan looked at the terrified army formation below, took a deep breath, and shouted: "Soldiers of the Hengshan Army! Now, one of our soldiers and horses is trapped in Shazhou, surrounded by the Tianyun Army in a small county town, and there will be danger at any time." The possibility of being breached and Tu Miao. Now, I need you to go with me to rescue them. In that army, there is my relative. He is in danger now. I am very anxious, and I am very worried. I need your help, help me to rescue him. But the Tianyun army is very strong, I don’t know if we can defeat them.”

As Lin Yifan spoke, he paused for a moment, looked around at the crowd, and raised his voice: "However, since the founding of Hengshan, the army has always believed in these two principles, one is not to abandon or give up; It must be punished. Now, the Tianyun army is besieging part of our Hengshan army, and it is an enemy of our entire Hengshan. Now our brother Paoze is facing a life-and-death crisis, and is eagerly looking forward to our rescue. We will always respect our comrades. Do it, don’t abandon, don’t give up. For those who offend me in Hengshan, you must dare to shine your sword. The two armies are at war, and the brave will win when they meet on a narrow road. Brothers, you, would you like to rescue our comrades with me?”

"Dare! Dare! Dare!"

"Whoever offends me in Hengshan will be punished no matter how far away!"

"Do not abandon, do not give up!"

. . . . . .

Thousands of soldiers heard their blood boiling, and immediately shouted and roared, their morale soared in vain, and their fighting spirit was high.

Lin Yifan watched with satisfaction the shouts of the soldiers below, pulled out his sword, raised it high, and shouted: "All soldiers obey the order! Let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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