Chapter 101
There was a rumbling sound from the cracks in the ground.

The time lasted until night before slowly stopping.

In the next moment, a fiery red shadow rose into the sky from the crack in the ground and flew into the air.


A roar resounded through the sky.

All the monsters in a radius of dozens of miles trembled under this power.

Xiao Ning, who was meditating on the edge of the rift valley, smiled at the red fire rising into the sky, and came out by himself with an extra guard of Dou Wang.

And with the breakthrough of his pet, Xiao Ning obviously felt that the pressure of Bi Snake Sanhuatong to control the opponent has increased a bit.

Xiao Ning secretly evaluated in his heart, it seems that although the Green Snake Sanhuatong restrains the snake-like monster, as long as the opponent's strength is strong enough, it is still possible to break free from control.

My own soul power is strong enough, and the Douwang is still fine, but the Douhuang is probably a bit too much, and maybe it will backfire on myself.

If Qinglin comes, it is estimated that Dou Ling is at his limit.

Since my pet beast has been promoted to the King of Fighters, I also have an extra hole card, and I will be more protected in the face of the next trip to the snake-human race.

After Chi Huo vented in the air for a while, he sensed the master's position.

Quickly coming towards Xiao Ning's position, his body is several times bigger than before the advanced stage.

The Dou Wang momentum that has just broken through and cannot be completely restrained is extremely oppressive.

"Master!" Chi Huo came to Xiao Ning and called out affectionately.

This time he didn't convey his meaning through his thoughts, but really spoke human words himself.

Xiao Ning was a little surprised, he was able to speak as soon as he broke through to become a Dou Wang, it seems that the pet talent he has acquired is quite good!

"Now that the advancement is complete, let's find a Warcraft to practice and see how powerful you are."

"You have lived here for so many years, is there anything against you?" Xiao Ning looked at Chi Huo and asked.

"Yes, a little bit. In the desert about 100 miles away from here to the south, there is a Black Firebellied Snake. It came to me five years ago and wanted to take my territory away." Chi Huo nodded immediately. Said.

"Let's go then!"


After ten minutes.

A vast sand dune, yellow sand raging.

There was no sign of life at all, so Xiao Ning's soul perception searched everywhere.

Xiao Ning was a little surprised that there was no living body to feel.

Looking to the side, Chi Huo said: "Are you sure that your enemy is still here?"

Chi Huo nodded enthusiastically and said: "For sure, this guy is very good at hiding himself."

"Then go find it yourself, I'll wait for you here!" Xiao Ning waved his hand.
"Oh, by the way, if you catch him, don't kill him yet, wait for your master to come, understand?"

Chi Huo nodded, and the figure quickly disappeared.

After a while, Chi Huo, who restrained his breath, cautiously entered the sight of Xiao Ning who appeared next time.

At this moment, he has returned to his pre-advancement size, spitting snake letters, crawling on the yellow sand, making barking noises from time to time.

As if provocative.

However, there was still silence in the desert, and the scarlet flames were still swaying and crawling.

Suddenly, when Chi Huo passed a sand dune, the underground desert suddenly exploded, and a violent energy fluctuation appeared. A huge yellow tail, wrapped in thick yellow flames, suddenly attacked Chi Huo.

Being close at hand, Chi Huo's whole body glowed bright red, resisting the opponent's blow.

"I found you!" Chi Huo roared.

Hold on to the opponent tightly, and never give the opponent any chance to jump away.

Xiao Ning sweated secretly, this magical beast is so good at hiding, just now he probed the sand dune, but he didn't find the other party, if it were him, he would have been attacked at close range with that attack just now, he would have been seriously injured even if he didn't die.

"Hiss, hiss..." the Black Fire Viper roared in a low voice.

Xiao Ning understood what the other party meant, and in fear of Chihuo, he actually advanced.

"Boom boom boom!"

At the place where the battle was fought, the energy of fighting energy rioted, and the huge snake body rampaged in the yellow sand, and the sand dune turned into a big pothole.

There is no suspense between the fifth level and the fourth level.

Chi Huo's python body tightly entangled the opponent, and the huge blood basin continued to bite the opponent's body, injecting its own venom.

The Xuanhuo Viper, who was only at the peak of Dou Ling, had lost most of its scales and was drenched in blood. The yellow energy armor was constantly flashing on its body, trying to break free from the shackles of the Scarlet Fire.

But in front of Chi Huo who has been promoted to the fifth level, this power is not enough.

Slowly, Chihuo's venom broke out, and the resistance of the Blackfire Viper gradually weakened.

In fact, the two snakes didn't fight for a long time. From the time when the Black Fire Viper launched a surprise attack, it took less than 3 minutes now.

In fact, if it wasn't for Xiao Ning's request to capture the opponent alive, it is estimated that Chi Huo would have solved the opponent faster.

Seeing the dying Black Fire Viper, Xiao Ning flew down.

Looking at Chi Huo's somewhat smug expression, it's a bit like a child waiting for a teacher to praise him.

Xiao Ning smiled in his heart, and scolded: "It took so long for a Dou Wang to fight a Dou Ling, is there anything to be happy about?"

Chi Huo's originally excited little expression was lost.

He lowered his huge head somewhat aggrieved.

Xiao Ning wanted to record this viper into the system, but the system did not respond.

Then Xiao Ning understood that the system can only record intelligent creatures, and the system can record magical beasts like Chi Huo who have opened their intelligence.

But this Black Fire Viper monster obviously hasn't turned on its intelligence yet, it only has some monster instincts, so the system doesn't accept it.

Well, the system didn't accept it, Xiao Ning quickly dealt with the life of this monster.

Kill animals to make fire.

The corpse was swallowed by the red fire.

However, looking at the pale yellow beast fire in his hand, Xiao Ning was slightly disappointed, the beast fire of fighting spirit level was still too weak once it left the body.

It feels like it might go away at any moment.

Xiao Ning could only slowly warm up with his fighting spirit carefully.

After the battle, Xiao Ning took Chi Huo back to the beast pet space, and Xiao Ning, who still needed a few days to break through, broke through the Six-Star Great Fighter on the spot and entered the Seven-Star.

After the Chihuo broke through the Dou Wang, the power of the animal pet space feedback became stronger.

Slightly refraining from the momentum of the breakthrough just now, Xiao Ning headed in the direction of Stone Desert City.


After going out for two days and one night, Xiao Ning returned to Stone Desert City again.

Seeing Xiao Ning's return, the little fairy doctor happily stepped forward and called: "Senior brother~"

Then he took out a bunch of medicinal materials and handed them to Xiao Ning. These are the medicinal materials for refining Qingling Pill. There are two sets in total, which are the tasks he gave to Xiao Yixian before he left.

Although this Stone Desert City is located at the border, it has an important alchemist branch, because the border has long been stationed by powerful empires and troops, and there is a large demand for high-level pills.

After receiving the medicinal materials, Xiao Ning touched the little doctor's head with a smile, took out a large jade bottle, handed it to her and said with a smile: "This is for you."

"What is it~" The little fairy doctor happily took the jade bottle and opened it, wondering, "This is the venom in the poison sac of a fourth-order monster."

"Yes!" Xiao Ning nodded.

"Senior brother, have you gone out to kill the fourth-order monster?" The little medical fairy immediately looked at Xiao Ning nervously, worried whether the senior brother was injured.

"No, brother went to collect a pet."

(End of this chapter)

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