Xiao Ning also has the resources to fight emperor

Chapter 105 Heavenly Snake Mansion

Chapter 105 Heavenly Snake Mansion


Mo Lan is dead.

And it was killed in seconds!

This is a genuine Dou Ling, not a weak chicken.

The Mohist people who reacted subconsciously leaned towards the Great Elder, it was too dangerous to stand opposite.

And it was only at this moment that these headless corpses sprayed blood and fell to the ground unsteadily.

As for the head, I don't know where it went.

The blood rain spurted from the carotid artery like a fountain, staining the sand red.

The atmosphere at the scene became cold, harsh, and stagnant.

Mo Cheng's face was gloomy, with anger and murderous intent in his eyes, as well as a hint of deep greed.

While losing most of the family's core strength, it also made Mo Cheng unparalleled excitement and excitement.

Yes, just excited!

In his opinion, the man in front of him who has reached Dou Ling at such a young age must be the result of the different pupils.

If the son is gone, there will be a grandson, and if the grandson is gone, as long as his strength breaks through, he can still live if he recovers.

But this kind of pupil may not be encountered once in thousands of years.

One-in-a-million chance!
Perhaps even the mysterious person who gave him the information about the different pupils would not have imagined that this kind of pupils actually appeared, and he even met him.

And it just so happens that I have the transplantation technique, and monsters can be transplanted, as humans, they are less repulsive and have a higher success rate.

In his opinion, this is simply God's will!

To be able to devour the strength of monsters to improve oneself, this is simply a heaven-defying opportunity!
Staring greedily at Xiao Ning, Mo Cheng said coldly: "If you dare to kill my people, no matter who you are, you will die!"

"If you want to kill me, your Mo family's transplant skills are probably not enough!" Xiao Ning said with a flat gaze and no emotion.

He moved again.

In an instant, a layer of light golden flames gushed out from Xiao Ning's body surface, and the intense temperature instantly evaporated the blood stained on Xiao Ning's body surface.

The aura broke out with all its strength, and he stepped up on the ground step by step, heading straight for Mo Cheng.

As soon as the flames on Xiao Ning's body came out, Mo Cheng's expression changed. What kind of flame is this? It's such a terrifying temperature!

What kind of monster is this guy, how can he have so many strange abilities!

Feeling the mighty Xiao Ning, Mo Cheng couldn't care less about thinking.

A pair of arms squirmed slightly, and then trembled violently, exuding a ferocious aura.

I saw Mo Cheng's top was shattered by the shock, and the original human arm changed drastically, and it also became the shape of a monster. The red arm surface was also shining with flames like Xiao Ning.

This time, Mo Cheng's change is even greater than that of Mo Lan who was killed by Xiao Ning before, and the degree of animalization is even greater.


Mo Cheng's roar was almost like that of a monster, like the cry of a rhinoceros.

Looking at Mo Cheng, who is like two people at the front and back, the eyes of those Mo family members brightened.

The Great Elder actually successfully transplanted the forelimbs of the fifth-order monster Blazing Mountain Rhinoceros onto his own body!

this moment,
They were a little terrified, but they stopped panicking.

The body of a fifth-order monster is equivalent to a strong human fighting king. Even if he can't really exert his full strength, his combat power will increase by a few stars in an instant when he explodes with all his strength.

The man on the other side is dead.

Just as they had an idea, the two flame figures collided violently.

Flame fist against flame fist, Xiao Ning's fist looks not as big as a finger of Mo Cheng's beastly fist.


There was a loud noise, sparks flew everywhere, and Xiao Ning flew out backwards.

After retreating tens of meters, he stabilized his figure.

"Cough cough." Xiao Ning coughed violently, a trace of blood dripped from the corner of his mouth, and his arms trembled uncontrollably.

On the other side, Mo Cheng quickly patted the golden flames on his body. Once these small flames were contaminated, it was very difficult to extinguish them.

Just after the eruption, most of the flames on both sides were scattered.

Xiao Ning is fine, the embers of Mo Cheng's monster flame are not enough to penetrate Xiao Ning's grudge defense.

But Xiao Ning's flames were not ordinary animal fires, these sparks contaminated Mo Cheng's body and instantly burned through his battle qi defense.

This is good, the injury is nothing serious.


There are not many clothes. Even less.

Riddled with holes.

The Mo family who watched the battle looked at each other in blank dismay. It was the first time they had seen the majestic Great Elder in such a panic.

Want to see but dare not.

It's not very harmful, it's extremely insulting!

high altitude.

One person and one beast watching the theater looked at Xiao Ning's eyes, just like looking at a rare treasure.

There are even different fires!
How lucky is this!
They naturally recognized the goods, as soon as Xiao Ning's golden flame came out, she immediately noticed the specialness of Xiao Ning's flame.

Excited, after the excitement, the woman in green frowned slightly.

"This kid is a bit evil. He has high-level exercises at a young age. He has everything you need in fighting skills, even strange things like strange fire. Maybe he already has an inheritance. If that's the case, we want him to join our Heavenly Snake I'm afraid it won't be easy for the government!"

At this moment, the woman in green was having a headache. After observing for so long, she didn't find that Xiao Ning was missing anything.

In just a short while, she had seen more than three advanced fighting skills of the mysterious rank.

She doesn't even have Xuan-level high-level physical combat skills and strange fire.

Good guy!
The equipment in this body is better than that of Dou Huang himself.

Then how to convince him to join the Heavenly Snake Mansion?

It's embarrassing that people don't lack anything.

"It's going to take a lot of work!" The green-clothed woman had a premonition in her heart, this time she definitely couldn't say that the other party joined her Heavenly Snake Mansion in a few words.


Mo Cheng's face was ugly, and he naturally noticed his embarrassment.

But compared to his embarrassment, what he cared more about was that the terrifying flame that Xiao Ning had mastered burned through his battle qi defense in an instant.

What flame has such a high temperature?
Could it be a strange fire?
As soon as this guess came out, the greedy color in Mo Cheng's eyes became a little bit stronger.

This Xiao Ning is simply a treasure house of humanity!

He has all kinds of treasures, if he really got these things, what would Sect Master Yun mean in the future.

Without saying a word, Mo Cheng quickly jumped up and attacked Xiao Ning frantically.

He wanted to make a quick decision, lest there be any accidents due to long nights and dreams.

Boom boom boom!
In the blink of an eye, the fists of the two sides touched again countless times, and the figures of the two kept interlacing, and the speed of the animalized Mo Cheng did not increase much.

Xiao Ning relied on his physical fighting skills, and Mo Cheng was in a stalemate, neither of them could do anything to the other.

Every time they fight, Xiao Ning's injury will get worse.

"Boom!" With one blow, Xiao Ning took a few steps back again, his entire arms were covered in blood, his entire right hand drooped down, and the bones inside were all broken!
The spilled blood was dried up by the golden flame attached to the body surface without dripping, and evaporated into some pure energy.

As for Mo Cheng, he was also panting violently. In order to maintain his beast transformation, the fighting energy in his body was consumed enormously.Xiao Ning's slipperiness and that difficult flame made him very headache.

(End of this chapter)

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