Chapter 117 Hand over Yue Mei
"Hand over the commander of Yuemei, otherwise our snake people will bloodbath this stone desert city today!"

outside the city gate.

The fighting spirit of the five snake-human race kings turned into wings on their backs, and a wave of fierce aura rolled over, stopping in the air and confronting Shimocheng.

Below the city gate, an army of nearly [-] snakemen approached the city gate, their momentum was soaring, and the cold air was overwhelming!

On the human side, a green ray of light in the sky quickly came from behind and stopped above the gate of Shimo City.

It was an old man around 50 years old, with green fighting wings flapping behind him.

He is the commander-in-chief of the overweight royal family responsible for guarding the side of the Tagore Desert.

At this moment, the face of the vicissitudes of life is full of dignity.

Five of the eight leaders of the snake-human race came.

This is not good!
"Snake people, you want to gather troops without authorization and destroy the agreement of peaceful coexistence signed by Queen Medusa and our emperor. Are you trying to provoke a war!" the old man Sheng Sheng shouted coldly above the city gate.

"Hmph! Your human race is insidious, you captured a leader of my snake-human race, and you are still shouting, "Stop the thief!"

Mebas' fierce voice spread throughout the city.

Hearing the words of the snake people, the old man felt depressed.

Seeing that the snake-human race's reaction didn't seem fake, the other party would not talk to him here if he really wanted to start a war.

Could it be that someone really captured the leader of the snake people?

Who is so bold?
How dare you take the initiative to provoke the snake-human race, haven't you understood Medusa's methods?
Listening to the meaning of these snake people's words, it is a strong fighting king!
Who did it?
Jia Ma Empire was able to capture a snake leader alive before the snake people came to support him. This strength must be at least the Douhuang!
Can count on one hand.

As for the strong players from other countries, it is not impossible, but the probability is too low.

"Fuck! Who made the move? We didn't notify in advance, we also have a plan, don't know if this will usher in the crazy revenge of the snake people?"

I cursed some old guy who shot secretly in my heart.

At this moment, Xiao Ning, who had just followed his cousin to the base of the city wall, suddenly sneezed.

Who is nagging me?
They are all fighting spirits, so there may be such things as sneezing.

Xiao Ning looked around nervously, but found nothing unusual, and followed the large army up to the city wall.

Looking at the gorgeous snake man army in front of him, the momentum is overwhelming and breathtaking!
Xiao Ning was a little surprised, it was the first time he had seen such an elite army, a [-]-strong army with all fighters.

The most peculiar thing is that half of them are beautiful snakes with enchanting and exposed bodies.

Xiao Ning also knew through Yuemei that Yuemei's tribe was called the Charming Snake.

It is famous for its enchanting and hallucinogenic venom, which will make people fall into a hallucination and cannot extricate themselves.

The water snake waist should have all kinds of postures, only you can't think of it, and there is nothing that others can't do.

Facing such an army, Xiao Ning couldn't imagine what it would be like if the human army was poisoned on a large scale.

As soon as the picture appeared in his mind, Xiao Ning shuddered fiercely.

As soon as Xiao Ning looked into the sky, he saw five mighty fighting kings of the Snake Human Race.

As for our own side, there is only one fighting king alone.

But facing the five snake kings, he shouted angrily without any stage fright.

"Bullshit!" But the old man definitely didn't admit it, and looked at the five menacing snake-human powerhouses in the air and sneered:

"The leader of your snake-human race is missing and you come to trouble me?"

"If you have the ability, you should go to the strong man who caught your snake people."

Since the opponent didn't attack the city immediately, it means that the opponent didn't really want to start a war, so why not be afraid, he just went back.

Anyway, I didn't catch the opponent's person.

"You still bring soldiers here, and you want to destroy my Stone Desert City, what is this?"

"Look at me, old man Mu, who is easy to bully!" The old man frowned, suddenly shocked, and shouted coldly.

Although you can't beat it, you can't be cowardly in terms of momentum!
"Hmph! What's wrong with bullying you?" A fighting king with black lines all over his body in the snake-human clan rushed out suddenly.

A black water line slid out of the air and suddenly appeared in front of the old man. The ferocious black circle suddenly blasted towards the green fighting-winged Dou Wang old man.

The old man's face changed and his momentum exploded.


The two exchanged a move, and the green figure stepped back, buffering hundreds of meters before stopping.

"Black Heart Snake of Gou Ri, you fucking sneak attack, do you really want to start a big war!"

The old man in green felt a little stuffy in his chest, and looked solemnly at Mobas who had won the blow and retreated out of the city wall.

"It seems that you, an old guy, really didn't do it, you are too weak!" Mobas shook his hand, and said sneeringly: "I thought that after a few years, you made a breakthrough, but I didn't expect you to stay where you are!"

The old man's face darkened and he was a little annoyed.

It sounds like you've broken through.

Regardless of the face of the old man opposite, Mobas looked at the inside of Stone Desert City with a sullen face, and suddenly shouted: "Don't think that if you hide in the city and don't show up, I won't be able to find you!"

The voice accompanied by fighting spirit and coercion sounded like muffled thunder.

Many ordinary people and even low-level cultivators in the city turned pale and covered their ears.

As the voice of Mobas swayed for a long time.

After a moment of silence, a stream of light in the City Lord's Mansion rushed into the air, and appeared above the city gate in a blink of an eye.

It was Yun Ling who came.

Just now Mobas roared, and the target came towards him.

"Mobas, what do you mean, I didn't arrest the leader of your snake-human clan!" Yun Ling said with a cold face.

He didn't want to show up at first, but these snake-human powerhouses were so sensitive that they discovered himself who was hiding his aura.

"Hmph! That's hard to say, you Yunlanzong has this strength, and you are the main object of suspicion!" Mobas snorted coldly.

Misty Cloud Sect?
On the ground, Xiao Ning moved his ears, looked at the white-clothed old man in the sky, and the system quietly scanned it.

It was actually Yun Leng, why did this guy come to this Stone Desert City?

Coincidence, or something else.
Xiao Ning thought with some uncertainty in his heart.

In the air, Yun Ling scolded and fucked in his heart, why did he encounter all the bad things recently.

He doesn't care if the Snake People attack the city, but he can't let the Misty Cloud Sect get involved.

In recent years, the power of his Misty Cloud Sect has become stronger and stronger, and the royal family has long been afraid. If the Misty Yun Sect conflicts with the Snake Human Race alone, these guys will definitely stand by and watch.

It will also affect the future plans of the old suzerain. I was scolded just now. If I didn't handle it properly, I'm afraid I won't even be able to save my life when I go back.

With a gloomy face, Yun Leng looked at Mobas and said, "I can swear that it is absolutely impossible to be done by the Misty Cloud Sect. Besides, the leader of your Snake Race can only be captured by someone at the peak of the Douwang or at the level of the Douhuang. Or, do you think he is a fool, after arresting someone, you still stay here swaggeringly waiting for you to come to rescue?"

"Hmph! Who knows, your human race has always been cunning, maybe you have used some method of shielding the induction, but I can be sure that Yue Mei is in this stone desert city!" Mo Bas looked at Yun Leng in the air and said coldly.

The faces of the two fighting kings of the human race changed, and they were thinking about something in their hearts.

The captured Yue Mei is in Stone Desert City?
Another Dou King of the Snake-Human Clan also said sharply: "Even if Jia Xingtian is here today, he must obediently hand over that Yuemei! Otherwise, the Queen of the Snake-Human Clan will come in person, and this will not be the case now!"

"Hand over the commander of Yuemei!"

"Hand over the commander of Yuemei!"

The army of [-] snakemen below roared in unison, their momentum was like a rainbow, and they were spirited.

As the aura of the snake-human race pressed on step by step, the entire human race on the city gate became tense.

(End of this chapter)

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