Chapter 122 Furukawa (please subscribe!)
After Queen Medusa left, everyone finally relaxed completely.

Everyone goes back to their own homes and finds their own mothers.

Yun Yun turned around and glanced at Xiao Ning who hadn't seen her for several months, and even Xiao Ning disappeared with the movement of her figure.

In the north of the city, in a deserted inn, Yun Yun instantly appeared in the room holding Xiao Ning in one hand, and threw Xiao Ning onto the bed.

Then with a wave of jade hand, a layer of energy enchantment was instantly arranged in the whole room.

Yun Yun crossed her arms and looked at Xiao Ning who got up from the bed with great interest.

"Sister Yunzhi, what are you doing!" Xiao Ning got off the bed with a wry smile and said.

"You little guy, what have you been doing recently?" Yun Yun said angrily, but her voice was very soft, without the aura of a superior person, just like the care of the big sister next door.

Xiao Ning looked at Yun Yun who was close at hand, and felt strange emotions for no reason.

Looking at Yun Yun's delicate oval face, there is a touch of concern between her brows, and her quiet and beautiful face suddenly makes people feel the urge to kiss her.

The four eyes met, and a feeling of electric shock surged through the whole body in an instant, and the atmosphere in the room suddenly became a little ambiguous.

Yun Yun, who has practiced for decades, was completely shocked by Xiao Ning's eyes, which was originally calm in the ancient well.

A Dou Huang's heart was beating uncontrollably.

After being dazed for a moment, Yun Yun's pretty face blushed, and she looked down at her toes.

Xiao Ning's index finger twitched instantly with this young girl's gesture, and couldn't help getting up and approaching.

Seeing Xiao Ning getting closer and closer, Yun Yun, who is also a noob in this regard, felt flustered for no reason.

Push subconsciously.


A loud bang.

Xiao Ning hung it on the wall of the room.


Yun Yun obviously didn't expect that she would push Xiao Ning to the wall, and hurried over to catch Xiao Ning who fell to the ground to check the situation.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with him, I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Are you OK!
Xiao Ning rolled his eyes, cried and laughed: "I just want to tell you a secret about the soul bag because of our intimate friendship, so the reaction shouldn't be that big?"

Hearing what Xiao Ning said, Yun Yun blushed again, and looked at Xiao Ning suspiciously.

Could it be that I was thinking too much, and this guy came here just to tell me this?

The guilt of being an old cow eating tender grass is gone, but a little disappointment suddenly arises.

Yun Yun, what are you thinking about in your head, are you actually looking forward to it? !

How old are you, how old is this little guy?

How can you have that kind of thought!
Is it really lonely after years of penance?

At this moment, various thoughts in Yun Yun's mind kept flashing in her mind.

His face turns blue and white for a while, and his mood is complicated.

Seeing it, Xiao Ning thought that Yun Yun had gone mad.

But after doing this, both of them wisely stopped mentioning what happened just now.

Xiao Ning started talking about the soul bag
Hearing Yun Yun's pretty face made a sad face, especially when he heard that the soul bag, which collects souls, is not one item, but a large number of people behind the scenes to collect it.

They stir up conflicts between forces everywhere, so they fight each other, and they secretly collect souls behind their backs.

With this experience in Stone Desert City, Yun Yun believed Xiao Ning's words without too much doubt in her heart.

Besides, Xiao Ning didn't lie, it was true.

However, despite the endorsement of the original book, Xiao Ning still carefully observed Yun Yun's reaction.

He mentioned several times to instigate conflicts between forces, and mentioned that one of the most obvious characteristics is that these people can quickly help those whose strength is stagnant at a certain level to break through.

Xiao Ning also talked about the drawbacks of this method, anyway, he instilled everything he remembered into Yun Yun.

The two chatted for more than half an hour in the room.

After listening to Xiao Ning's words, Yun Yun's expression became more complicated, this little guy is so simple.

How did he get these secret news.

She said that Xiao Ning did the investigation alone, but she couldn't believe it.

Also, this little guy told himself so much about the things behind the soul bag.

How come there is a weird feeling, as if he is guiding himself.

Xiao Ning and Yun Yun were chatting happily, suddenly the Holy Child Token in his arms trembled slightly with heat.

It seems that Luman is worried about himself.

After the pleasant exchange ended, the two disappeared into the room.

As soon as he walked outside, a figure in the sky flew towards him quickly.There is a little excitement and joy in the voice and shadow:

"Yun'er, you're here too!"

As soon as the voice fell, a middle-aged man flew in front of Yun Yun. He was dressed in a special high-level pharmacist's uniform, with purple gold rims inlaid between the cuffs. He looked refined and refined.

Xiao Ning glanced at the six-striped Danding pattern on the opponent's chest, and knew who this person was without even thinking about it.

Furukawa's eyes stayed on Yun Yun all the time, and Xiao Ning, who was too young beside him, was directly ignored.

Yun Yun looked indifferent, and said: "Don't, you should call me by my name, if you have anything to say."

"?" Furukawa was taken aback for a moment, feeling that something was wrong with Yun Yun's attitude today.

"Okay." But he didn't care, he quickly stated his purpose, and invited: "Sect Master Yun, if you are free, I would like to invite you to escort me to the snake-human tribe for a while, can I?"

Hearing this, Xiao Ning on the side instantly understood, it seems that Furukawa also found out the news that Medusa got the strange fire.

Yun Yun nodded after pondering for a moment, "Okay, let me know when the time comes."

Seeing Yun Yun's promise, Gu He showed a gentle smile on his face, and said with some pride: "This time, I invite the suzerain to take action. I can take out a sixth-grade elixir as a reward. How about you decide on the specific elixir?"

"Thank you for your kindness, but there's no need. Last time I asked you to help Yanran refine the elixir, I didn't return the favor. This time, let's treat it as the last favor." Yun Yun politely refused.

Hearing Yun Yun's words, Gu He smiled indifferently, and said indifferently: "It's a birthday present for Yan Ran, how could it be remembered on you!"

Xiao Ning silently looked at Furukawa who was madly giving away favors, and suddenly remembered an animal from his previous life.

Sure enough, the next moment Yun Yun still smiled and rejected Furukawa's kindness.

Seeing that Furukawa would continue to send him off, Yun Yun cast a glance at Xiao Ning who was watching the show nearby, and then took the initiative to introduce.

"Let me introduce to you, this is Ning Qianhuan, the youngest second-grade alchemist registered in the Imperial Capital Alchemist Guild, but he has broken your alchemy record."

"Oh!" Hearing Yun Yun's introduction, Furukawa noticed this young man who had been following Yun Yun.

Before, he had always thought that this was a certain disciple of the Yunyun Sect.

(End of this chapter)

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