Xiao Ning also has the resources to fight emperor

Chapter 137 Refining Purple Fire Pill

Chapter 137 Refining Purple Fire Pill
really obedient~
Then Xiao Ning gently pinched his head and lifted it up.

The seven-colored sky-swallowing python flicked its tail, this position was a bit uncomfortable.

Xiao Ning smiled and took out a small jade bottle, pointed it at the mouth of the Seven-Colored Heaven Swallowing Python, and began to collect her saliva.

At the same time, the seven-colored sky-swallowing python was in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Looking at the human being pinching her head, Queen Medusa's soul, her eyes were filled with endless anger.

The soul villain trembled, and his full chest heaved violently.

Damn, I'm so mad at this king!
Queen Medusa gritted her teeth.

For so many years, I have never dared to treat this king like this!
very good.

Don't give me a chance, otherwise I will let you know what it means to be unable to live or die!

In the outside world, Xiao Ning collected a small half of the bottle, and after smelling it, there was still a faint fragrance.

Xiao Ning showed satisfaction, and excitedly came to the side of the Danding, and took out the accompanying Purple Crystal Source.

Dip a little bit of Amethyst Source and mix it with the saliva of the Sky-Swallowing Python, as if being reacted by a catalyst, a burst of huge flames burst out suddenly.

After thinking for a while, Xiao Ning quickly took out several fire-attribute medicinal materials from the ring.

Then Xiao Ning started experimenting, trying different ratios.

Plants of medicinal materials were thrown into the cauldron to be refined, golden fire entered the cauldron, and the medicinal materials made a sizzling sound.

After that, the saliva of Amethyst Source and Colorful Sky Swallowing Python was also thrown into it.

The soul power temporarily isolated the reaction between the amethyst source and the saliva, and after a while, the energy of the medicinal materials quickly neutralized and condensed.

In the end, it formed into purple red pills.

After the fire ceased, the cauldron was lifted with a force, and then five pills flew out, and fell into Xiao Ning's hands accurately.

He took out one, looked at it carefully, swallowed it in one gulp, and chewed slightly.

Feeling the rapidly dissolving energy in his mouth, fighting energy poured into his body quickly to prevent the flame energy from hurting his mouth.

At the same time, the soul power controlled the rate at which the elixir melted, and a hot purple flame shot out from Xiao Ning's mouth.

Then the soul power enveloped the ball of purple fire, spit out the flame and landed slightly on the palm of his hand.

Feeling the power of the flame in his hand, Xiao Ning is still very satisfied, it is this kind of wild flame that is not tamed, the demand for soul power is a bit high, otherwise it will be difficult to control the opponent.

Walked out of the exercise room and came to an open place outside.

Xiao Ning has a purple flame in his left hand, and a golden flame appears in his right hand. Drawing on the experience of a few words in the original book, Xiao Ning also wants to try it.

Under the suppression of soul power, he slowly wanted to fuse the energies of the two flames.

At the moment when the two purple fires were about to blend, an accident broke out.

Suddenly, the docile flame in Xiao Ning's hands suddenly became violent and uncontrollable.

Immediately, the soul power to compress the two flames was stretched. Feeling that the situation was not right, Xiao Ning instantly gave up projecting the two flames in his hand, and then his body exploded back.

The two flames out of control clashed violently in an instant.


There was a loud noise, and a small mushroom cloud rose in the clearing.

The huge power blasted the ground into a large pit with a diameter of 30 meters, and the mountain shook.

In an instant, the entire Green Snake Mansion was beaten with chickens and eggs, and countless disciples and monsters stopped instantly, looking up at Zifeng next to the central main peak.

"What the hell are you doing again!" Lu Man, who was dealing with the affairs of the sect that had been away for a few months, suddenly raised his head and felt the explosion in an instant.

From the place of the Son and the Virgin.

Luman's figure disappeared in an instant, and appeared above Xiao Ning's head. Seeing Xiao Ning squatting by the pit, with a look of deep thought, he bluffed: "Practice fighting skills and go to the square, don't wreak havoc everywhere!"

It's Xiao Ning making sabotage again!
I had just left when something happened again.

Luman felt a little head-headed, she had been here three times today.

It feels like wherever this kid goes, things become more and more thieves.

This young man is full of energy.

Looking at the big crater created on the ground, feeling the breath of strange fire in the air, the power of this blow is not weaker than that of Douwang.

This kid is just fighting spirits.

"Ahem." Xiao Ning heard the suzerain's scolding from the air, quickly stood up and patted the dust on his body, and said: "Sect master green, I"

"Call the suzerain directly." Luman interrupted Xiao Ning's explanation.

They are all from the Green Snake Mansion, so they still make themselves so alien.

"Okay, Lord Sovereign." Xiao Ning changed his address, and he just said it casually.

"Well, don't make any more damage. If the road is broken, you will have to pay for it."

The suzerain came fast and went fast.

Luman left, and the little fairy doctor also finished practicing the elixir, and the two returned to the attic.

Back in the room, Xiao Ning recalled the failed attempts, and always felt that he was missing something.

There is no way to completely stabilize the energy of the two flames.


At night, in the attic room.

Xiao Ning sat cross-legged on the bed.

In front of him, the seven-colored sky-swallowing python hovered in the air.

After this period of continuous feeding, the current Seven-Colored Heaven Swallowing Python is very close to him.

Only by building a good relationship with the Colorful Sky Swallowing Python can he guarantee his own safety.

With this little guy around, even if Medusa temporarily dominates her body, she won't be able to exert her strength.

As for the future, as long as it drags on for a few years, even if Medusa's strength recovers, she won't be afraid.

In this regard, Xiao Ning is still confident.

"Little guy, can you talk?" Xiao Ning asked again. It stands to reason that the Seven-Colored Heaven Swallowing Python, as an ancient beast, is also a very high-level bloodline. This little guy's strength is not weaker than the Fighting King.

The seven-colored sky-swallowing python shook its head.

It's strange that Chi Huo is only a little bit of high-level blood, and can talk once he enters Dou Wang, so why can't a high-level magical beast with lip blood like the Colorful Swallowing Python be able to?

However, in the next attempt in the future, Xiao Ning still released Chihuo.

The pupil light flashed, and Chi Huo appeared in the room.

Suddenly appearing in the new environment, Chi Huo was obviously a little confused. The last time he came out was a dry and hot desert, but now it was full of humid atmosphere.

The water-attribute fighting energy and wood-attribute fighting energy in the air are very strong, which makes it somewhat uncomfortable for a fire-attribute monster that lives in the desert magma all year round.

However, seeing the Amethyst Source that Xiao Ning hadn't taken in yet, the Red Fire Snake's eyes lit up, and he looked at Xiao Ning with a flattering expression, full of longing, sticking out his tongue, almost spitting out.

The colorful swallowing python felt Chi Huo's salivation, and immediately turned its head and stuck out its tongue towards Chi Huo, revealing two small milky white teeth.

Noticing the colorful little snake lying on the side of Zijingyuan, Chi Huo shrank his head suddenly, his eyes were full of fear, very frightened, not daring to think about the companion Zijingyuan in Xiao Ning's hand.

Xiao Ning looked at the Chi Huo that had just appeared, and threw it more than a dozen pills refined in the morning.

(End of this chapter)

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