Chapter 141 The Old Palace Master

Hearing Queen Medusa's words, Xiao Ning beamed with joy.

Although the Queen must have Xiao Jiujiu in her heart, it is estimated that she will kill her when she gets the Rong Ling Pill.

But one year is enough time.

A year later, he himself has a new way to deal with Queen Medusa.

After a year of continuous cultivation of a good relationship with the Colorful Sky Swallowing Python, even if the soul is fused, I don't know that you will not be able to do it, Your Lady Queen.

Hey hey hey.
However, what was promised to Queen Medusa must still be fulfilled, and her reputation must not be damaged.

It just so happened that Xiao Ning also planned to go back to the Jia Ma Empire, and the recipe of the Melting Spirit Pill would be the final reward of the Jia Ma Empire Alchemist Competition.

When he was looking for Na Ling during his trip to the imperial capital, he also promised Chairman Fa Ma that he would attend this session of the alchemist conference, and one cannot break his promise.

Moreover, Xiao Yan's three-year agreement will come soon, and it is not known whether there will be a big mess like the original book.

The Mo Cheng family was killed because they used the Jade Snake Sanhua Tong, and they came to the door and were killed. The matter of Xiao Yan's two different fires will not be exposed again.

I don't know if Yun Leng will use other excuses to find fault, and finally brand his own family.

And without the Battle of the Emperor to compete for Qinglin, Yun Yun wouldn't have left the sect either.

With her character, if Xiao Yan wins against Nalan Yanran in a head-to-head confrontation, she will definitely not say anything.

Xiao Ning is looking forward to it the most, Xiao Yan's three-year contract is a simple fight with Nalan Yanran.

After coming to this world for so long, since he traveled to the Xiao family and was in this vortex, he also thought about it seriously.

Why would a small soul palace protector suddenly confirm that this weak Xiao family is one of the eight ancient clans.

This question has actually never been figured out.

As for the bloodline, the members of the Xiao family have long been extinct, and the bloodline of the ancient emperor is not something that can be seen by a small protector.

In the end, through the analysis of the three-year contract in the original book, the biggest possible exposure came from Ling Ying!
Perhaps out of concern, Xiao Xun'er asked Ling Ying to protect her sweetheart, which is understandable.

But if the Dharma Guardian of the Soul Palace colluded with Yunshan at that time, he was also in the sect.

Seeing Ling Ying's attack, he saw the identity of his ancient clan. Think about how a power at the same level as the soul clan behind the soul palace could help such an inconspicuous small family.

Deriving from this direction, it is easy to connect the two.

It also explained why he didn't move the entire Xiao family at that time, but only captured Xiao Zhan, probably because he wanted to go back to confirm the identity of the Xiao family.

Besides, things like the Tuoshe Gudi Jade probably weren't known to him alone, otherwise the Gudi Jade in his grandfather's hands at that time would definitely not be able to keep.

From the perspective of a bystander who Xiao Ning knows the cause and effect, it would be better to just stay out of the matter by handing over the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade, which can be said to be useless for a while.

For example, through Xiao Xun'er's approach, you may be able to obtain an unimaginable amount of resources to quickly increase the strength of the family.

The Xiao family has been down and down until now, without Tuoshe Gudiyu, who would care, what do you like to do.

But yes, this is a novel world, how can you play without conflicts.

So Xiao Ning still needs to be prepared, at least his grandfather in this life will not have any accidents.

The Green Snake Mansion is a good place, if something really happens, Xiao Ning plans to bring the old man here and let it go.

As for Xiao Yan and his father, he can be saved if he can.

Xiao Ning was thinking in his heart, but the charming voice of Queen Medusa suddenly came to his ears.

"Xiao Ning, tell me, this king has promised you, don't you have to show some sincerity~"

The Queen's soft and charming voice suddenly came, Xiao Ning looked up at Queen Medusa, and said calmly: "Then what can Her Lady Queen do to show my sincerity?"

"Yue Mei should also be controlled by you with that weird contract, let her go!" Queen Medusa's eyes flickered with a dangerous light.

When Medusa said this, Xiao Ning was not surprised at all.

After staying by her side for so long, Queen Medusa found that these things were normal.

"No problem, I will return to the Jia Ma Empire after a while, and then I will release Yue Mei's control, but I also hope that Her Majesty the Queen will abide by the agreement and not blackmail me within a year." Xiao Ning replied.

"Hmph! This king doesn't bother to use such small tricks." The queen turned around screaming, ignored Xiao Ning, and began to practice on her own.

After making Queen Medusa, Xiao Ning was in a good mood, after spending a while with the soul of the Seven-Colored Heaven Swallowing Python, she exited her body.

The soul consciousness returned to the body, Xiao Ning suddenly got up from the bed.

He found that Little Doctor Immortal, Qinglin, and Luman were all beside his bed, and there was an old woman with a snake stick standing next to Luman.

Seeing Xiao Ning wake up, Little Doctor Immortal and Qing Lin rushed over at once.

"Senior Brother!!"

"Big Brother!!"

Xiao Ning just came back to his senses, and was caught off guard by four catkins hugging him back and forth.

"Senior brother, I just heard that your soul consciousness has been separated from the body, but it scared me to death, woo woo~."

"Me too." Qing Lin beside him also whispered.

"Okay, okay, it's okay." Xiao Ning quickly patted Xiaoyixian and Qinglin and comforted him.

The Luman who was standing by the side suddenly looked a little bit apprehensive, and rolled his eyes in his heart.

This kid is really capable.

It's only been a long time since she returned to the sect, and she doesn't know how many times she has run back and forth.

"Baby, are you okay?"

The old lady, who was holding a snake stick and kept silent all the time, said slowly in a slightly old voice.

Seeing this old woman, Xiao Ning immediately guessed the identity of the other party, the previous master of the Green Snake Mansion, a strong Dou Zong.

Xiao Ning secretly called the system and directly entered her into the character list.

See the strength level, good guy!

Six Star Fighting Sect!

This Green Snake Mansion has a bit of a foundation.

At this time, Lu Man, who was afraid that Xiao Ning would not know him, explained aloud: "This is my teacher."

"I've met the old palace master." Xiao Ning stood up and bowed to the old man.

"En." Hearing Xiao Ning's words, the old woman nodded and asked, "This colorful python is the evolution of the snake-human queen!"

The old woman's snake stick slightly pointed to the colorful little snake beside the bed.

Xiao Ning nodded and said, "That's right."

"Hehe, the snake-human race is lucky this time, and it directly evolved into an ancient beast." The old woman's voice seemed a little envious.

Then he looked at Xiao Ning and said: "With the blood of a different beast, your Jade Snake Sanhuadong probably won't be able to control her. Do you want the old woman to deal with her?"

"No need." Xiao Ning nodded again, and continued: "I have reached a peace agreement with her, and she will not hurt me again."

"Hiss!" The Seven-Colored Heaven Swallowing Python beside the bed gave her a wary look when he heard the old woman's words.

A figure appeared on Xiao Ning's shoulder in a flash, and hissed a warning sound towards the old woman.

(End of this chapter)

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