Chapter 163

The magnificent Yunlanzong architectural complex spreads from the mountainside to the top of the mountain.

Bathed in the rising sun, the mist was transpiring, forming a cloud dragon around the gate of Yunlanzong.

A bluestone staircase from the bottom of the mountain goes straight into the sky, as if rushing into the sky.

At this moment, in the Martial Arts Square of the Misty Cloud Sect, thousands of disciples were seated around one side of the square, and the breathing of each disciple was amazingly synchronized.

Every breath is regular.

The entire square was silent, except for the slight whistling of the mountain wind, there was no movement at all, which was quite shocking at first glance.

On the top of the square, there are still bluestone steps that are derived upwards, and a hall stands tall, magnificent and full of solemnity.

Dozens of figures in moon-white robes stood under the eaves of the main hall, all looking sharply at the bluestone steps at the entrance of the square.

Xiao Ning followed Yun Yun to the main hall, looked at the layout of the Misty Cloud Sect, felt the disciples of the Misty Yun Sect breathing in sync, he was also a little surprised by the Misty Yun Sect's formation.

Judging from the aura he felt faintly, this kind of joint attack formation, just used by these Yunlan sect disciples, feels like it could be dangerous to the Douwang.

If an elder at the Douwang level makes a move, it is possible to trap Douhuang or even kill Douhuang.

In the center of the square, under a huge stone tablet, Nalan Yanran, dressed in Yunlan Zongyue's white robe, stood there quietly.

The exquisite robe fluttered with the mountain wind, making a sound of hunting. He held a sharp sword upside down in his right hand, and his eyes were also looking at the bluestone steps down the mountain.

On the other side, many experts from Jia Ma Empire were invited, Xiao Ning didn't stay with Yun Yun either, and walked towards Fa Ma, the little white bearded old man.

Beside him is Ice Emperor Haibodong, who is sighing and sighing at the moment.

"This Misty Cloud Sect is really talented. Just the group of disciples below have been trained so tacitly. Once they fall into their formation, Dou Wang is afraid that they will be beheaded by these young disciples."

When he saw the elders of the Yunlan Sect below the main hall, Hai Bodong turned his head, looked at each other with Chairman Fa Ma and Jia Xingtian.

There was a solemn look in the eyes, the old fellows of the Misty Cloud Sect actually broke through collectively, with such a high profile this time, I am afraid that the future will not be too peaceful.

This is when Fa Ma saw Xiao Ning approaching, the worry on his face disappeared immediately, and he showed a kind smile and said: "Little friend Ning is also here."

Xiao Ning stepped forward, cupped his hands towards Fa Ma and Hai Bodong and said: "President, Hai Lao, Jia Lao."

"En." Hai Bodong and Jia Xingtian also returned the salute to Xiao Ning quite solemnly.

Today's Xiao Ning is no longer a talented junior. He successfully refined a fifth-grade elixir at the alchemist conference, and now he is truly capable of being on an equal footing with old men like them.

"It's really a boy born from a hero. I didn't expect that my little friend has grown to such a level after only a few years of seeing each other." Fa Ma said with some emotion.

"The president is overrated, and I'm just the lucky one of the times."

"Hahaha, little friend Ning is too modest. It's really rare to be able to achieve such achievements at such an age without being arrogant or impetuous." Jia Xingtian said with a smile.

"I think Xiaoyou Ning has a good relationship with Sect Master Yun?" Jia Xingtian stared at Xiao Ning's face and asked softly, as if casually.

"It's okay, Master Yunzong is very good." Xiao Ning looked at Jiaxing Tianyan meaningfully, this old man is testing himself?

Jia Xingtian was not talking, and everyone turned their heads to look outside the square almost at the same time.

There was a slight sound of footsteps coming slowly.

A moment later, under the watchful eyes of several elders and thousands of disciples of His Highness, Xiao Yan was dressed in a black robe, carrying a huge black ruler on his back, and walked firmly into the square step by step.

Feeling the imposing manner of the square, Xiao Yan's dark eyes swept over everyone.

Finally, he fixed his eyes on the beautiful girl in the center of the square, and said lightly: "The three-year agreement has come, Xiao Family Xiao Yan."

Looking at the tall and straight young man in black robe, Nalan Yanran's face remained unchanged, she stared at Xiao Yan and said: "Nalan family, Nalan Yanran."

Fa Ma, who was watching the battle, looked at Xiao Yan's figure with doubts in his eyes, "This figure looks familiar."

Hai Bodong on the side smiled and said nothing, Xiao Ning wondered if he was not familiar with him, he was dangling in front of your eyes every day a few days ago.

"You are Xiao Yan from the Xiao family?" His Majesty, the old man in a moon robe raised his head and eyelids, and said slowly.

Before Xiao Yan spoke, the old man continued: "I am the Great Elder of the Misty Cloud Sect, and this competition will be presided over by this old man."

"This is a private matter between me and the Nalan family. Does it have anything to do with your Yunlan sect?" Xiao Yan's indifferent tone interrupted Yun Leng's words.

"Hmph, are you saying that a private matter is a private matter?" Yun Ling's face remained unchanged, but his voice was a bit stern.

Nalan Yanran stared at Xiao Yan with her beautiful eyes, then looked towards Yun Leng, and said, "Great Elder, let us solve it by ourselves."

Yun Ling wanted to say something else, Yun Yun said lightly at this moment: "Let's let them two little guys, we old guys don't interfere too much, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble."

"Yes, Sovereign." Yun Leng cupped his hands towards Yun Yun, without saying a word.

On the square, Xiao Yan tied the handle of the ruler behind his back with one hand, grabbed the black ruler and pointed it at Nalan Yanran, saying: "The three-year agreement has come, Nalan Yanran, stand up!"

Xiao Yan's aura was rising steadily, and the anger that had been suppressed for three years finally broke out at this moment, like a fierce tiger out of the cage, sending out its devouring gaze.

As Xuan Chongru dragged the ground, sparks were thrown on the ground, leaving a deep trace, and the sound and shadow quickly rushed towards Nalan Yanran.

On the other side, Nalan Yanran calmly looked at Xiao Yan who was rushing straight ahead. Her kung fu is mainly light and agile swordsmanship, which is also of wind attribute. At a distance, she held a blue sword in her hand and pulled a sword flower.

The toes lightly tapped the ground, and the figure floated and flickered, intersecting with Xiao Yan's figure in an instant.

As Nalan Yanran swung the long sword in her hand, the tiny sword energy cut towards Xiao Yan.

The entire square held their breath, and their eyes were fixed on the two figures that were constantly intertwined in the field.

In the middle of the arena, the fighting spirit fluctuated violently.

Outside the arena, as the battle between Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran heated up, the shock in his heart became stronger.

"That trash from the Xiao family is so powerful!" A disciple of the Misty Cloud Sect who was watching couldn't help exclaiming in a low voice.

"Look, Senior Sister has used the Xuan-level intermediate fighting skill Fengling Fractal Sword!"



With a loud noise, Xiao Ning stepped back a few steps, and a layer of blue flame armor appeared on Sheng's body.

On the other side, although Nalan Yanran stood still, her face turned slightly pale.

In the confrontation just now, Xiao Yan's Qinglian Earth Heart Fire broke through her grudge defense and invaded her body, making her very uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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