Chapter 165
Yun Shan looked at the ongoing competition in the square outside.

Different fire, it doesn't mean that it can be refined through refining.

"Xiao Yan?" Yun Shan chewed slightly, looking at the strange fire in Xiao Yan's hand, the same greedy color flashed in the depths of his eyes.

But he is not stupid. If he is so young, he can refine a terrifying strange fire with the power of heaven and earth. If there is no one to escort him behind him, no one will be able to do it.

How strong is the person behind him?
Could it be the teacher behind him who just peeped at him?

That's not weak.

If this is the case, it will be troublesome to make a move... Yun Shang frowned.


On the other side, Queen Medusa withdrew and felt two powerful auras behind the main hall of the Misty Cloud Sect.

She withdrew her perception without too much detection, and if she continued to detect, it was very likely that the other party would find her position. Dou Zong's perception was terrifying.

Queen Medusa's soul villain returned, even her face showed a little dignified color.

She really didn't expect that there were actually two fighting sects hidden in one cloud mist sect.

The queen's face was stern, and she recognized the figure in the black mist robe. It was the strange black robed man who secretly provoked conflicts and collected the souls of the people last time.

People from this force actually appeared in the Misty Cloud Sect, and that old fellow Yunshan actually joined the Dou Sect, and cooperating with that weird force was simply seeking skin from a tiger.

When Xiao Ning received the message from the Queen, he felt a little helpless, as if he had misled the matter just now.

I hope Ling Ying, you can run faster, so that you don't get recognized by the people in the Hall of Souls, maybe you really guessed right.

Then the soul consciousness left the sea of ​​consciousness of the Colorful Swallowing Python and returned to the main body, and then heard the voices of the few Fa Ma in front with emotion.

"The two young people are terrifying. Not to mention the young Dou Shi, the explosive power is almost close to that of Dou Ling."

"Hehe, the two are going to decide the outcome." Jia Xingtian, with his hands behind his back, said calmly while looking at the two separate figures in the square.

"Nalan Yanran is going to lose." Hai Bodong said.

Seeing the chatting of the three old guys in front, Xiao Ning walked over again, looking towards the center of the square, Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran were separated by more than 20 meters.

Nalan Yanran was even more fierce in the air, and both sides' fighting spirit was surging.

The final trick is coming out.

In mid-air, Nalan Yanran's fierce sword intent, accompanied by terrifying energy fluctuations, blasted from the sky towards Xiao Yan on the ground overwhelmingly.

Nalan Yanran coquettishly shouted: "The extreme of the wind—the setting sun shines!"

On the ground, Xiao Yan's face was solemn, and the mysterious ruler moved horizontally and slowly raised up. The Qinglian Earth Heart Fire in his body was quickly introduced into the pitch-black ruler. On the ruler, special lines lit up with a strong blue light. .

A scorching, terrifying power radiated out, and the energy of the surrounding space quickly poured into his body, and the originally pitch-black mysterious ruler was burned red by the high temperature of the strange fire.

"Flame bites the wave ruler!" Xiao Yan let out a low growl as his veins were exposed.


In the square, two fierce and terrifying auras collided suddenly, and a thunderous roar resounded suddenly, shaking the whole square.

"Boom boom boom!"

Then a violent air wave spread across the square almost like a strong wind.

Looking at the violent energy fluctuations, Yun Yun's face was also a little worried under the main hall, and with a wave of her hand, she quickly suppressed the shock wave generated by the explosion of the two.

The gust of wind whizzed past, the center of the square was in a mess, and most of the ground was broken.

Nalan Yanran flew upside down from the air, her delicate face was pale, and the corner of her mouth overflowed with bright red blood.

Seeing this, Yun Yun's figure moved, and instantly flew into the air to catch Nalan Yanran, who was out of breath.

On the other side, Xiao Yan supported the Xuan heavy ruler, panting heavily, looked at Nalan Yanran who was caught and roared in a low voice: "Nalan Yanran, you lost!"

At this moment, the audience is silent!

According to estimates from the audience, Xiao Ning and Hai Bo Dongwai, no one believed that a waste material from a small family who had only three levels of fighting spirit three years ago could win.

Below the main hall, the aura that the elders, who were originally backhanded, had managed to cultivate with great difficulty, stagnated for an instant and disappeared.

The Great Elder Yun Leng's face was a bit ugly, originally he wanted to take advantage of the Young Sect Master's move and invite a few major forces to watch the battle, to show off the strength of the sect and frighten those forces that are about to move.

As a result, the Young Sovereign was directly defeated, and his reputation was simply discredited.

He was the majestic young master of the Misty Cloud Sect, lost to a country boy?It's ridiculous!

In the spectator seats, Nalan Jie's expression was complicated, blood dripping from his heart, this is my son-in-law, he is gone, and he almost became an enemy.

The old people of the Mu family and the Miter family all turned their heads and glanced at the Nalan family with a smile, a little gloating, and secretly laughed at the fact that Nalan Jie, an old guy, is retiring this wave of marriage, it must be a big loss.

Yun Yun helped her pale-faced apprentice to stand on the ground, then checked Nalan Yanran's injuries and passed the same source of grudge to help her recover from the injuries in her body.

A bit of sadness and bitterness appeared on Nalan Yanran's cheeks, her lips trembled slightly, she had lost, and she had lost completely.

Looking at Xiao Yan's still standing figure not far away, Nalan Yanran bit her lip, and with trembling jade hands, she took out a blank piece of paper from her bosom, threw it at Xiao Yan, and said bitterly: "You won, I will do things alone It's up to one person,'s up to you."

He casually caught the white paper that floated in, it was the divorce letter he signed when the Xiao family made a three-year agreement.

The words written with blood on it jumped out on the paper, and the dazzling bloody handprints that were photographed out of anger, everything seemed to have happened yesterday.

Xiao Yan stared at the paper for a long time, how much suffering and pain he had suffered for this battle in the past three years, but he really regarded it as a moment of victory today.

As if that was the case, the Great World of Zhongzhou, the Misty Cloud Sect, and the Jia Ma Empire, which he had heard about from Yao Lao, didn't seem to be very important to him anymore.

Suddenly, Xiao Yan's mind cleared up, and the pent-up hostility in his heart dissipated, and his aura increased in vain, and he broke through again.

"Hiss—!" The people present looked at Xiao Yan, who broke through directly after the battle, and took a deep breath.

This guy actually became stronger again.

This is simply a monster.

Nalan Yanran's face was gloomy, watching Xiao Yan's breakthrough made her feel even more bitter.

Shaking his slender figure, he staggered towards Xiao Ning and said, "According to the agreement, I should be a slave, but as the Great Elder said before, I now represent not only myself, but also Zongmen, since I was self-willed back then, let me be self-willed again."

After finishing speaking, Nalan Yanran's eyes were full of determination, and the blue long sword was about to be drawn across her white neck.

"Yan Ran, you've been fooled." Yun Yun's face changed, and she tried to stop Nalan Yanran with a wave of jade hand.

However, Xiao Yan had already taken a step ahead, and swept away the blue long sword in Nalan Yanran's hand.


PS: Alas, as I write, I seem to have cheated myself.

(End of this chapter)

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