Chapter 170 Kill!

Yun Ling led the three elders directly ignoring the city guards, and rushed into the city recklessly, Dou Wang's speed reached the sky above Xiao's courtyard in the blink of an eye.

Seeing the two of Yun Leng reappearing, the faces of the Xiao family members who had already woken up turned pale.

Dou Qi turns into wings!
That's a skill that only a strong fighter can possess.

Many ordinary members of the Xiao family were kicking in their hearts, not knowing what fate they would face next.

Xiao Zhan, as well as the First Elder and the Second Elder, are all gathered together at this moment, and there are all the elite guards of the Xiao family behind them.

The third elder just brought a group of young clansmen to transfer ahead of time, just in case there was a surprise, they still didn't know the news of Xiao Ning's return.

Xiao Ning also never contacted his grandfather, he wanted to see how the Xiao family would behave in the face of the disaster.

Should we fly separately in the face of adversity, or should we work together to face the crisis together.

Seeing that in such a crisis, several elders who often fight each other on weekdays put aside their prejudices and unite tightly.

Xiao Ning didn't know what to say in his heart, but he knew that this family was worth at least his grandfather's lifetime, and it was also worth his own sacrifice.

"Hahaha! The Xiao family trembles for me!" The third elder laughed excitedly when he saw the fear of ordinary people in the Xiao family below.

Then he was about to rush into Xiao's house and enjoy the thrill of revenge, but was pulled back by Yun Leng in an instant.

The third elder looked at the first elder in surprise, wondering why he was being pulled suddenly.

Yun Ling didn't answer him, but stared at one place and said directly: "Unexpectedly, the Xiao family actually hides a Dou Ling, who almost caught fire and fell into your way."

What surprised him even more was that there was a Dou Ling hidden in the Xiao family, and this young man seemed to be only in his twenties.

And the strength shown by the opponent is already fighting spirit!

Hearing Yun Leng's words, the third elder was also startled, and broke into a cold sweat instantly, thinking about the tragic death of the old eight, he suddenly felt lingering fear.

He remembered that if he hadn't been prepared just now, he would definitely be attacked once he charged into the Xiao's house. His injuries were still unhealed, and he might really hate him on the spot when a Dou Ling caught him by surprise.

Xiao Ning walked out with a smile, he didn't hide his breath at all, because it was unnecessary.

When Jing Yunling made such a sound, all members of the Xiao family immediately looked towards the roof.

Seeing that it was Xiao Ning, the Great Elder's expression changed drastically, and then he sighed again: "You shouldn't have come back."

"It's okay, Grandpa don't need to worry, it's nothing serious, it will be fine in a while." Xiao Ning smiled, as if he wasn't worried, as if the clouds in the sky didn't exist.

Xiao Yong looked at the grandson who was still smiling, and was taken aback for a moment. He suddenly thought of his unpredictable teacher. It is possible that this senior also came.

At this moment, a little expectation suddenly rose in his heart, so that maybe the family could be saved from a life-and-death crisis.

Hmph, how dare a mere Dou Ling speak boldly? "In the sky, Yun Leng and the third elder looked at Xiao Ning's calm face and snorted coldly.

But he immediately became vigilant in his heart, carefully guarding against and investigating the situation around Xiao's house, it was really too tragic for his previous carelessness.

After a careful inspection, I was sure that there was no strong person hiding, and I was relieved immediately.

With precautions, Dou Ling and Da Dou Shi have the same result, and they are already doomed to perish.

Yun Ling, a terrifying energy surged in the palm of his hand instantly, as soon as the coercion of the high-ranking Dou Wang came out, everyone in the Xiao family below was instantly oppressed by this coercion, immobilized.

Those with too low strength were directly crushed to the ground, gritted their teeth and struggled to support themselves.

Even Xiao Zhan and the two elders had extremely solemn faces, and quickly circulated the fighting spirit in their bodies to resist the coercion of the fighting king in the air.

at this time.

A roar came from the direction of the city gate.

"Yun Leng, how dare you!" Xiao Yan was following closely behind, a few streets away, he was furious.

His figure ran quickly between the roofs, with an extremely anxious face rushing towards Xiao's house.

From afar, seeing Xiao Yan's powerless and furious look, the third elder beside Yun Ling was extremely excited.

Without hesitation, he rushed into Xiao's house from the air in an instant, and directly attacked and killed Xiao Zhan and the two elders.

On the ground, the grudge armors of Xiao Zhan and the two elder masters immediately attached to their bodies, holding their breath and facing the enemy directly.

Looking at the three people who were waiting to die as if they were waiting to die, crazy and excited expressions appeared on their faces, as if they had seen each other die in fear.

Yun Ling also moved, he quickly attacked and killed Xiao Ning.

In the entire Xiao family, this person was the most dangerous, so he was naturally the first to be dealt with, and he had already reached Dou Ling at such a young age.

If he was allowed to escape, he might be the enemy in the future.

Regardless of the circumstances, his first target must be Xiao Ning.

But at this moment Xiao Ning moved, Zi Yunyi came out from behind, instantly leaving an afterimage on the spot.

"The speed is so fast!" Yun Lingxin's pupils shrank, looking at Xiao Ning's fighting spirit wings behind him, his heart was awe-inspiring, not to be underestimated.

Suddenly Yun Leng's face changed, goosebumps appeared all over his body, a chill came up from his spine, there was a big crisis!
The next moment, a small red snake flew out from each cuff of his right hand, which was Chi Huo.

In an instant, Chi Huo's figure rapidly became larger, and instantly turned into a huge python tens of meters long, and then the huge tail swept towards Yun Leng and the other two.

"Roar!" Chi Huo roared excitedly, and finally fought again.

During this period of time, he was so suffocated that he could only be a grandson when he met Medusa every day.

Looking at the giant python that grew bigger in the blink of an eye, Yun Ling's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly defended.

As for Xiao Ning, only an afterimage was left behind, his real body attacked and killed the third elder of the Misty Cloud Sect.

Yun Leng, who had reacted, suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

The next moment, his face changed wildly, and he shouted: "Third brother, step back!"

But, it's too late.

Suddenly a figure rushed out from the crowd, and appeared in front of the third elder in an instant, punching the opponent's head without warning.


With a muffled sound, like a watermelon, it exploded instantly, and the white pulpy substance mixed with blood scattered in all directions.

Seeing that the third elder was attacked and died tragically again, Yun Leng was shocked and angry, another sneak attack!


With the same move, he actually killed two Dou Wangs of the Misty Cloud Sect within one day.

Moreover, looking at Chi Huo, a big-headed fighting king-level fire poison python, Yun Ling suddenly remembered that Mo Cheng's death was related to the monster pet.

And this Fire Poison Mysterious Python also happened to be a monster unique to the Tagore Desert, and the monster he summoned that day also happened to be the Fire Poison Mysterious Python.

In an instant, Yun Leng seemed to understand.


It turns out that the culprit is actually here!
He was furious, and vented all his anger on Chihuo's tail.


The huge snake tail sweeping in the sky collided with the cloud edge's furious attack.

"┗|`O'|┛哩~~!" Chi Huo roared in pain.

This guy is crazy!

Chi Huo grinned in pain, not understanding why the other party suddenly went berserk when he saw him, and he didn't kill his whole family!

 I was late, I didn't write well, and I got stuck.

(End of this chapter)

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