Chapter 190
For a moment, both Xiao Yan and Yao Lao were emotionally charged, unable to calm down for a long time, Xiao Yan lamented his own family, and Yao Lao lamented the peerless powerhouse behind Xiao Ning.

Today, he also heard too many secrets, and in an instant, even his status as a peak Dou Zun and a master of alchemy seemed not enough.

The two fell to the ground and walked towards the town along a road.

Ten minutes later, the entrance of the town appeared in front of Xiao Ning and the two of them. On the main entrance, the words "Peace Town" had been eroded by the rain, and it was already somewhat blurred.The town looked really peaceful, and the passers-by also calmed down.

However, an old tree right next to the main road at the entrance of the town looks gloomy, with white bones hanging on the dark trunk, and a thick layer of bones is even piled up on the roots of the big tree, which is in harmony with the peace of the town. An Ning is a bit out of place.

The two glanced at it, then ignored it, and walked towards the gate of the town.

Just after Xiao Ning and Xiao Yan stepped into the gate of the town, ten figures jumped down from the roof and came in front of Xiao Ning.

The people who came were not very old, they all looked like young people in their early twenties, dressed in light blue uniform robes, with a badge of a bloody dagger pinned to their chests.

One of the leading youths said indifferently: "Any outsider who enters Heping Town must register their identity and take a chasing breath pill made by the Canaan Academy's refining department, otherwise they will be expelled directly."

At this moment, these dozen or so young people stared at Xiao Ning and Xiao Yan with a little bit of wariness. A jade bottle appeared in one of the young people's hands, and two blood-red pills were poured out from it.

Seeing these young people's blunt tone and unruly eyes, Xiao Yan frowned slightly and asked, "Who are you?"

"We are the college's law enforcement team, and the rules of Heping Town have always been like this. As for why, you should have seen why when you first came in." The leading young man on the opposite side heard the words and explained, and at the same time, the breath of the six-star great fighter surged in his body.

Feeling this majestic aura, Xiao Yan's pupils shrank immediately. This man was so strong, he seemed to be only in his twenties, but he had actually reached the level of a middle-level great fighter.

Just now he said that they are the law enforcement team of Canaan Academy, that is to say, these people are all students of the academy, Xiao Yan's eyes like this are also a little excited.

Hearing so many exciting things from Brother Ning just now, Xiao Yan is eager to become stronger at this moment. It seems that Jia Nan Academy is not bad.

On the opposite side, more than a dozen students of the Law Enforcement Team saw the blazing heat and fighting spirit in Xiao Yan's eyes, and immediately became vigilant and prepared. They stared at Xiao Yan and Xiao Yan with sharp eyes.

"Seniors, don't be nervous. As far as I know, students of Canaan Academy don't need to take these things, right?" Xiao Ning said with a smile.

"Are you students of the academy?" Hearing Xiao Ning's words, the leading young man on the other side said in surprise: "No, we don't have any registration information that matches yours."

"Haha, both of us asked for leave after enrolling students. This is the first time to report. Of course, you haven't registered here." Xiao Ning still said with a smile.

"Impossible, you're lying. The academy hasn't started enrolling students this year. It's been almost a year since last year's enrollment. The academy doesn't have a list of unreported academies at all." One of the law enforcement youths immediately retorted.

At the same time, several people became even more vigilant, preparing to teach Xiao Ning and the others a lesson and send them out of Heping Town.

"It wasn't there last year, but it must have been the year before last. You can check it out and find out." Xiao Yan explained.

"Xiao Ning, Xiao Yan, the mentors should all be Ruolin's mentors." Then he told the other party his name and the name of his mentor.

"Two years ago. It's so possible. After that fool was admitted to Canaan Academy, he would ask for leave and not come to report for two years." There was a weaker youth who looked at Xiao Ning as if he was a fool, and he didn't lie much.

On the contrary, the young man in the lead seemed to have thought of something suddenly, with a wonderful expression on his face, staring at Xiao Ning and Xiao Yan strangely.

Out of control, he shouted: "Xiao Yan? Xiao Ning? Are you the one who asks for leave for two years?"

"What?" A group of younger students under the leading youth saw the exaggerated expression of their captain, and looked at Xiao Ning and Xiao Yan in dismay.

I have some guesses in my heart, is it possible that there is really a strange thing about not coming to the academy for two years without being expelled?

But the veteran students from the old class all stared at Xiao Ning and Xiao Ning, to be exact, they all stared at Xiao Yan, their gazes were somewhat inexplicable.

"Xiao Yan, that brother Xiao Yan that Xun'er was talking about?"

Xiao Ning said with a smile: "You are right that you are from the Overweight Empire."

Xiao Yan was a little uncomfortable seeing the naked eyes of these old students. How could he feel that these old students were going to eat him.

The leader of the law enforcement team, after being shocked, took a deep breath and said, "Since that's the case, you don't need to take this pill for the time being. I'll take you to the academy office to confirm your identity first."

"Okay." Xiao Ning nodded.

Then the two, under the leadership of the law enforcement team, went straight to the Canaan College office.

Walking through the town, watching children chasing and frolicking on the street, playing with stones, the owners of the stalls on the side of the road are also smiling when they see people, with a relaxed look on their faces, forming a sharp contrast with the cities in the Heijiao area they have seen along the way. Compared.

Different from those cities in the Black Horn region, with tense faces, always on guard against everyone, and a tense atmosphere in the air, this place is a bit like a paradise.

It seemed that there was only a wall between them, and the blood-stained tree on the outside, covered with white bones, was in contrast to the inside of the town.

The Canaan Academy has stood in the Heijiao area for hundreds of years, and has always been indifferent to the world, but it can keep one side safe and prosperous within the range radiated by the academy.

Xiao Ning couldn't help but sigh with emotion, Canaan Academy is really strong in this black corner area.

Not long after, under the leadership of the law enforcement team, they came to the college office.

Walking in, there was a middle-aged mentor sitting behind the desk taking a nap, and the young man from the law enforcement team walked over and patted the desk.

It was the middle-aged man who was dozing off and woke up. When he saw that it was a bastard from the law enforcement team, he immediately cursed angrily: "You little bastards, why don't you guard the gate and come to me? Disturb my sleep. Be careful, I will give you a bad review later, so that you can't eat and walk around when you go back."

"Mr. Huo De, come to live." The young man obviously didn't fear the mentor, and said with a playful smile.

"Few bastards, speak seriously, what's going on, it's like... ahem, what's the matter!" The instructor named Huo De half-solded with a smile, and suddenly asked.

(End of this chapter)

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