Chapter 198 Three on Three

There are only seven people left in the field, and the scope of the competition originally designated by the academy has become wider.

In the surrounding stands, all eyes were fixed on the center of the square eagerly. In the past, it was one-on-one. Today, the top talents of the academy are about to fight, which naturally makes countless adoring students excited.

"It's a bit of a sight to see. Genius melee, our disobedient little demon girls have all chosen to form an alliance."

"Old Gan, it seems that Xiao Ning and these guys put a lot of pressure on them." On the high platform, the elder of the alchemy department next to the vice president sighed.

When Hu Gan heard this, he turned his head and said, "Normal, although my granddaughter is arrogant, she is not a fool.

But that's okay, I hope this Xiao Ning can take good advantage of my precious granddaughter, this child is very talented and has a strong temper, she won't admit defeat, if no boy of the same age oppresses her, this child will almost forget that she is a girl. "


In the center of the square, in the competition venue.

"Hu Jia, haven't you always wanted to test the strength of the two geniuses who skipped classes for two years? Now is your chance. Wu Hao, don't you also like Xun Er's school girl? The rival in love is right in front of you, why don't we cooperate? "Bai Shan looked at the two of them and said.

"Yes." Hu Jia nodded after thinking for a moment.

"If you want to fight, just fight. It will involve so many messy things, and it will only affect the speed of my sword." Wu Hao said coldly, dressed in blood-colored robes, full of evil spirits.

Bai Shan was a bit embarrassed, but the three-person alliance was settled, and they faced Xiao Ning and the three together.

Xiao Ning, Xiao Yan, and Xiao Xun'er also came together and looked at Hu Jia quietly.

Of course there is also Xiao Yu who is mixed in with a group of bullies.

At this moment, she is a little confused, I am now in the top six?
Although the battle was fierce just now, if you really count the time, I'm afraid it will be less than a cup of tea.

I seem to have eliminated one person, and after that, I played soy sauce almost the whole time and watched the show.

Followed behind his brother in a daze, even if he left the field automatically, he was No.6, why did it feel a little unreal?
Xiao Yu took a look, outside the competition field, there was a group of students staggering around, including more than a dozen big fighters.

In the end, she chose to withdraw from the arena voluntarily. She was already very satisfied with getting No.6, and she was not able to participate in the next battle.

Xiao Ning did not expect that the elder sister would make such a choice, with today's rules, he felt right to bring the elder sister to the top.

Xiao Yu voluntarily left the field, and in an instant there were only six people left in the center, which happened to be a three-on-three situation.

The students and even the instructors in the entire square held their breath, waiting for this year's talent competition.

"You are Xiao Ning? My intuition tells me that you are very strong, how about we fight with all our strength, the kind that doesn't hold back!" Wu Hao locked onto Xiao Ning with a pair of red eyes, and said with a frenzied fighting spirit. .

At the same time, a blood sword flashed in his hand. The wider blood-colored long sword shone with a sharp cold light, and a bloody evil spirit shot up into the sky.

The law enforcement team, the college's external deterrent force, is responsible for the college's security protection, and is always fighting against the forces in the Black Horn region.

"Yes." Xiao Ning nodded calmly and calmly.

"Hee hee, Xiao Ning, don't lose, I'll still be there later, I'll go chat with Xun Er's sister first." Hu Jia was dressed in red, quite enchanting, her long legs were also similar to her elder sister's. Gotta fight.

In an instant, the three of them all identified their opponents, and the momentum in the field exploded.

In an instant, the figure in the field moved, and Hu Jia's key place, a soft armor of wood attributes emerged, fighting with Xiao Xun'er, who was shining with golden brilliance, the two light and agile figures kept fighting, the fighting spirit in his hands Pressure does not have to be worse than anyone.

On the other side, Bai Shan stared at Xiao Yan closely, and a smile flickered on the corner of his mouth: "Xiao Yan, if you have just that little strength, you are not qualified."

The thunder attribute is notoriously good at attacking, and Bai Bai's momentum has grown again at this moment, and the whole body is flickering with thunder, exuding a dangerous atmosphere.

"You can try it again." Xiao Yan sneered back, not showing weakness, a strange fire suddenly appeared in his hand, exuding a terrifying high temperature.

The two also fought quickly, with flames blazing, the silver spear and Xiao Yan's mysterious ruler opened and closed, and every time they collided, they exploded with violent fighting energy.

None of the four auras is weaker than a five-star fighter, and all of them have the combat power of a high-level fighter.

The students who were on the sidelines were amazed that these geniuses actually hid their strength in the chaotic battle just now, and did not make a full-scale attack.

It all exploded at this moment.

On the contrary, Xiao Ning and Wu Hao didn't act immediately, they looked at each other with murderous intent everywhere.

An invisible sword intent flickered between the two of them.


Wu Hao's eyes were bloodthirsty, and the blood sword in his hand seemed to be shaking slightly.

"You also use a sword?" Wu Hao's voice was hoarse, but looking at Xiao Ning who was empty-handed, he said with a stern expression, "Where's your sword? You don't even have a sword. Do you think I'm even qualified to let you use a sword?" None?"

Xiao Ning really didn't have a real weapon in his hand, the magic core long sword from back then was shattered long ago, and he hasn't come across a suitable weapon since then.

He didn't say anything, but a long energy sword in his hand suddenly condensed.

Ordinary weapons can no longer meet his fighting needs, and now they are basically direct energy condensate.

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Xiao Ning remained silent, thinking in his heart, this is what you asked for.

With the appearance of Xiao Ning's energy sword, a majestic aura erupted, gradually breaking through the limit of the Great Fighter, and the aura of entering the fighting spirit erupted from Xiao Ning's body.

Wu Hao's pupils shrank suddenly, his fighting spirit condensed into reality, fighting spirit!

But at the next moment, Wu Hao's fighting spirit became even stronger. It's not that he didn't fight Dou Ling in the law enforcement team. The stronger Xiao Ning was, the more excited he was.

Otherwise, why would he be called Blood Shura, Battle Madness, and Madman in the academy?

The next moment, Wu Hao turned into a blood shadow with a strange and erratic figure, swinging the blood sword towards Xiao Ning to kill.

To deal with this kind of combat lunatic, Xiao Ning also chose to respect the opponent, and swung a sword shadow with the energy sword in his hand, charging forward.

In an instant, sword light overflowed.

The sword qi shot at the ground paved with fine iron, and a hole was cut instantly. It also witnessed the power of the sword qi of the two from the side, which made the fine iron with the defense of fighting spirits cut open like tofu.

At the same time, both Hu Jia and Bai Shan felt this powerful aura instantly, their faces changed slightly, and they said in horror: "Dou Ling!"

This Xiao Ning, who was about the same age as them, actually entered Dou Ling!
Xiao Yan knew Xiao Ning's strength, so he was not surprised.

Because he had been surprised a long time ago, Brother Ning had defeated the Dou Wang, and the combination of two Dou Wang monsters even killed a real Dou Wang.

This small scene is simply a small scene for Brother Ning.

In an instant, the few of them overwhelmed the sudden rise.

(End of this chapter)

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