After rebirth, I became a guardian maniac

Chapter 105 She's a Liar

Chapter 105 She's a Liar
In fact, I didn't care at all.

The most prestigious people in Lin City are here today, no matter how powerful she is, how good can she be?
At this moment, a voice sounded.

"This is Mr. Ah Qi, the ghost doctor who is rumored to be able to revive the dead, flesh and bones, and cure all diseases."

When Yun Qinian rescued Mr. Xue, he was asked his name.

I was caught off guard for a while, and I didn't have time to think of another name, so I just chose Ah Qi casually.

Therefore, everyone in Xue's family only thought that the ghost doctor's name was Ah Qi.

At this time, listening to the other party calling her nonsense name, Yun Qinian touched her nose, feeling as if she had shot herself in the foot with a stone.

The others were shocked.

Is she a ghost doctor?

Those present were all the dignitaries and celebrities of Lin City, and of course they had heard of the title of ghost doctor master.

But... Isn't that a miracle doctor?
How could it be a young man who looks like he is only in his twenties?
Yun Qinian smiled embarrassedly.

"I'm sorry, I just do whatever I want, I just want to do whatever I want."

However, her humble attitude did not win the favor of those around her.

After all, it is so rare for someone as young as her to claim to be a miracle doctor, almost unheard of.

"Is this man a liar? The old man is generous and kind. Don't be fooled."

"That's right, how can there be such a young genius doctor? I heard that the ghost doctor can even cure people who are dying. Can she do it?"

"I think it's probably because she heard about her name and pretended to deceive others! She is not a real ghost doctor at all!"

Doubtful voices came and went.

Yun Qinian raised her eyebrows, really surprised.

Ever since she became a student and made her debut, she has always tried her best to conceal her identity, and she has never been suspected by others.

Mr. Xue frowned.

"Enough! What do you know? He cured me of my illness. Others can't tell the truth from the fake. Could it be that my old man can't tell the difference?"

As soon as these words came out, the people around immediately looked at each other in blank dismay.

At this moment, Yun Qianyu suddenly spoke up.

"I've actually met this gentleman before."

Her voice immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Even Xue Zerong turned to look at her in surprise.

"Have you seen it? When have you seen it?"

Yun Qianyu smiled slightly.

"Before my father and I went to the auction of Qifeng Pavilion, we met him by chance, but at that time..."

She seemed to think of something very unpleasant, and frowned slightly.

This hesitant look made Mr. Xue anxious.

"You met you, but how did you meet? What my little brother likes to do most is to help the weak and do good deeds. He must have helped you, right?"

Yun Qianyu shook his head.

"He... stole my things."

Everyone's eyes widened in disbelief.

If before, they only suspected that the boy in front of them was in disguise, now they are basically sure.

After all, if he was really a master ghost doctor, how could he possibly grab things?
Yun Qinian didn't stop everyone from guessing wildly, nor did she defend herself, she just looked at Yun Qianyu with a half-smile.

She just wanted to see how much trouble Yun Qianyu could make if she didn't stop her.

I saw Yun Qianyu forced a smile and said: "Actually, it's nothing. It's all in the past. I haven't heard that he is a ghost doctor before. If I knew that the genius doctor wanted that thing, I'll just let you , and it doesn’t have to be so ugly.”

This way of speaking, it seems how generous she is.

Yun Qinian sneered inwardly, but remained calm on the face.

The rest were already filled with righteous indignation.

"Okay, why do you want to steal people's things? Is this what a so-called genius doctor does?"

"What kind of genius doctor, this is a liar!"

"Old man, you are so kind. You believe everything he says, and you invite him to such a banquet. Wouldn't it make people laugh at you?"

Mr. Xue blushed from holding back, but he couldn't say a word.

He is not a person who is good at refuting. At this time, everyone is talking about me, how can he explain?
When Yun Qianyu saw this, a smug gleam appeared in his eyes.

Let you embarrass me before!

I will return those embarrassing things ten times and a hundred times to you now!
Unexpectedly, at this moment, a voice suddenly came from the door.

"The Young Master of Xifeng Pavilion has arrived."

When the voice sounded, everyone was shocked again.

Qifeng Pavilion?
Is it the Qifeng Pavilion that is rumored to be so rich that the family hides many treasures?

Mr. Xue actually has such a big face that he even invited people from Qifeng Pavilion?
Yun Qinian was slightly shocked.

Young Pavilion Master?He also came to celebrate his birthday?
Thinking about it carefully, it has been a while since the two met last time, and I don't know how Ke Ke is recovering from his illness.

When she left, she left a phone number and asked them to contact her.

But since then, she has not received any calls from the other party.

Presumably it should be recovering well.

Just as Yun Qinian was thinking, she saw a tall and straight figure walking in leading a little Douding.

The man was still wearing that black veil, so he couldn't see his true face clearly, but Xiao Douding beside him was only wearing a white shirt and overalls, with a stern face, looking fierce.

Yun Qinian's eyes lit up instantly.

The little guy she had been thinking about for a long time was finally here!
Ke Ke obviously also saw her. Although she is not familiar with her, she also knows that she cured herself last time.

Therefore, he nodded at her.

"Young Pavilion Master is here, welcome from far away! Welcome from far away!"

Immediately, someone eagerly rushed forward.

Mr. Xue obviously knew the other party, he suppressed the anger on his face just now, and changed into a gentle expression.

"It turns out that the Young Pavilion Master is here. I haven't seen Lingtang for a long time. I wonder if she is in good health?"

The master of the young pavilion nodded slightly, and said: "My mother is fine, and Mr. Xue is concerned about it. This is a birthday present that my mother asked me to bring. I hope the old man will like it."

As he said that, someone brought out a pair of Yu Ruyi.

As soon as the thing was taken out, the eyes of everyone present could not help but light up.

I saw that pair of Yu Ruyi was blood red all over, and there was no impurity in the whole body, so it looked like a high-quality product.

Xifeng Pavilion made a move, it was really extraordinary.

Everyone secretly sighed, and at this moment, the Young Pavilion Master's eyes suddenly set on a gray figure not far away.

"Are you here too?"

Everyone followed his gaze and saw Ah Qi, the ghost doctor who was despised by them before.

"You... know each other?"

Xue Zerong asked curiously.

The young pavilion master nodded, his tone light.

"I was lucky enough to meet him a few times before, and he cured Ke Ke's illness."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked again.

(End of this chapter)

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