Chapter 118
The two girls burst into laughter when they heard this.

"How dare you call yourself a guest? A mangy dog ​​who can't be chased away, CN Entertainment doesn't welcome such guests!"

"That's right, if you want me to tell you that you two know each other, get out, or I'll call the security over later, but I won't be so polite!"

Ran Yue trembled with anger.

It was also the first time for her to come to CN Entertainment, and she thought that such a big company should have very qualified employees.

Didn't expect it to be so mean.

She grabbed Yun Qinian and said, "Forget it, we won't sign with this company anymore, and those who look down on others are not worthy of signing you!"

After finishing speaking, she was about to be pulled away.

Unexpectedly, Yun Qinian stopped her.

"Ran Yue, I'm not leaving."

Ran Yue thought she still wanted to sign with CN Entertainment, so she was in a hurry.

"Nian Nian, with their attitude, you really don't need to be angry with them here."

Yun Qinian smiled slightly.

"Who said I'm going to be angry with them?"

She took out her mobile phone and called Li Hu directly.

"Li Hu, come to the lobby of the company, I have something to see you."

After hanging up the phone, the two receptionists standing opposite looked at her sarcastically.

"Yo, an actor is an actor, she really looks like her. Those who don't know really think she knows our president."

"Come on! A woman like her who wants to climb the dragon and the phoenix is ​​not worthy of carrying the shoes of our president. How can our president know her?"

"That's right, she can only act on the phone and scare people."

The two were talking there when a roar suddenly came from behind.

"What nonsense are you two talking about?"

The two were startled, and turned their heads at the same time to see Li Hu rushing out of the elevator angrily.

They didn't know what happened yet, so when they saw Li Hu, they thought he was here to support them.

So he hurried forward.

"Mr. Li, these two people didn't have an appointment, and kept pestering them that they wanted to see you. I told them they couldn't do it, and they still didn't listen. It's really stupid to make you come down in person."

Li Hu was so angry that he had a myocardial infarction, and slapped the person who spoke in the face.

"Are you fucking blind? This is the chairman of our company! Don't say she wants to see me, even if I want to see her, I may not be able to see her!"

Both front desks were stunned.

She is the chairman of the company?

How can this be?

CN Entertainment's previous development momentum has been very stable. I thought it would continue to develop like this. Unexpectedly, some time ago, it broke the news that CN Entertainment was acquired by a large consortium.

Although these small employees don't know anything else, they also know that the chairman of the company has changed.

But she never thought that it would be Yun Qinian!
A starlet who just debuted on the [-]th line!
Li Hu didn't expect that he couldn't even ask for Yun Qinian. She finally came by herself, but was turned away by the two idiots at the front desk.

This is simply handing a knife to his neck!

He hastily and cautiously apologized with a smile: "Chairman, the subordinates are ignorant, don't worry about them, I will punish them severely in the future, so that they will never dare to make the same mistake again!"

The two receptionists also reacted at this time, and hurriedly begged for mercy.

"I'm sorry, chairman, we are all new here and don't know you, please give us another chance."

Yun Qinian was smiling but not smiling, there was no loose expression on her face.

"Am I a mangy dog ​​who can't be chased away?"

"no no."

"I'm not worthy to meet your president, and I'm not even qualified to carry his shoes?"

"no no……"

The two receptionists were about to cry. Li Hu was so frightened that his knees gave way when he heard this, and he wished he could kneel down for her immediately.

"Chairman, these two employees are of low quality and have repeatedly made mistakes. They are not worthy of working in our company. I will fire them immediately!"

Li Hu said quickly.

Yun Qinian turned her eyes and glanced at him, then said flatly, "It's up to you."

After finishing speaking, he walked towards the VIP elevator.

Seeing that she finally went up, Li Hu heaved a sigh of relief and his face darkened.

"You two, pack up your things and get out! Don't let me see you again on CN."

"Mr. Li, we were wrong, please give us another chance."

"Yes, yes, we offended the chairman because we didn't know her. Please help us again!"

Li Hu sneered, "Help you? I'll help you, who will help me? Don't you understand until now? The chairman can just call me if he wants to see me, but she doesn't. She just wants to test our company's strength." Staff quality, the result?
It's good for you, as soon as he entered the door, he gave him a big embarrassment. If I don't fire you, I will be the one who gets fired!

All right, don't say anything, get out! "

After he finished speaking, he ignored them and hurried to the elevator.

Yun Qinian took the elevator to the 28th floor.

On the way, Ran Yue stared at her in amazement, as if she was looking at a monster.

Yun Qinian knew what she was thinking, and said a little amusedly: "Stop looking at me like that, if you look at me again, I wonder if I will be spotted by you as a flower."

Ran Yue shook her head, and said solemnly: "Don't worry about me, you look like a flower."

Yun Qinian: "..."

Did this rainbow fart come too unprepared?

She smiled and said, "Don't you have anything to ask me?"

"Yes, I have."

Ran Yue paused, as if organizing her words.

After a while, he asked, "Are you really the chairman of CN Entertainment?"

Yun Qinian raised her eyebrows, "What do you think?"

Li Hu is the president of CN Entertainment, this is a fact that everyone knows.

Judging by his attitude and address to Yun Qinian just now, it can't be fake.

So, she signed an artist on the surface, but actually signed a boss?

So is she working for the boss, or is she asking the boss to work for her?

Seeing the complicated expression on her face, Yun Qinian explained with a smile: "My husband bought CN Entertainment for me a while ago, and it's also my first time here. Since I want to develop in the entertainment industry, signing with my own company should be easy." It’s much more free and cost-effective than signing someone else’s company, don’t you think?”

Ran Yue was shocked again.

"What did you say? You still have a husband?"

"Yeah, I'm married, didn't I tell you about it?"

Ran Yue: "..."

Yun Qinian turned her head to look at her, then remembered, raised her hand and patted her forehead.

"Sorry, I've been too busy recently, so I forgot."

Ran Yue felt that she had suffered enough blows today, and she needed some time to relax.

Therefore, she took a few deep breaths before asking: "Who is your husband? Don't tell me he is a 60-year-old old man. The plan I made for you before was to be a pure and sweet type. If you really want to find such a husband , what do the outside world think of you?"

(End of this chapter)

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