Chapter 121 Top Traffic
The girl froze for a moment, then her face flushed red.

Ah ah ah ah ah!Is she cared by the male god?The male god is still holding her hand! ! !
What kind of fairy luck is this? ! !
Mom, I will never wash my hands again!

No, I didn't even wash my whole body!I want to be bathed in the radiance of the male god forever!
Murong Chi didn't care about the girl's gaffe, and took her hand back after she stood up.

A group of people left the airport surrounded by fans.

After getting in the car, the manager said with a smile: "There are so many fans who came to pick up the plane today. I think the momentum just now is comparable to the concert."

The assistant also smiled and said, "That's right! After all, today is someone's birthday."

She said, winking at Murong Chi.

Murong Chi rolled his eyes.

"Enough is enough for the two of you, knowing that this birthday is not accurate, you still make fun of me."

Murong Chi's birthday was originally June 6th, but because he made a mistake in his information when he first debuted, it became June 29th under Oolong.

Because there was only one day's difference, Murong Chi didn't bother to change it.

After a long time, everyone agreed that today is his birthday.

The manager smiled and said, "Although the birthday is fake, the enthusiasm of the fans is real. Well, this is the process of tonight's birthday party."

She handed over a stack of cards.

Murong Chi took it over, looked at it, and asked, "What's next?"

"You are tired from going abroad this time. Tomorrow is a holiday. The day after tomorrow will be shooting some magazines and commercials. After half a month, there will be a variety show to be recorded."

"Variety show?"

Murong Chi raised his head.

The manager nodded, "CN Entertainment produced a suspenseful indoor reality show. Although it's a new variety show, I've seen their planning plan and think it's hot.

Except for you, the resident MCs this time are all small coffee positions or newcomers, so you will definitely be the center of the time.

I think our current traffic is already here, and there is no need to divert it, so you might as well try this kind of brain-burning variety show that is easiest to export, maybe there will be unexpected effects. "

Murong Chi only pondered for a few seconds before saying, "Okay, let's record it then."

half a month later.

The new variety show "The Detective is Coming" officially announced the lineup and officially started recording.

Because of the joining of the top traffic Murong Chi, the official announcement of the program caused a great sensation.

There are a total of six resident MCs for this show. Besides Murong Chi, there are also young singer Zhou Ye, entertainment host Wen Wenjun, film and television artist He Xiaoxue and Hua Lin. The last one is the newcomer Yun Qinian who just debuted .

Three men and three women, the match is just right.

On the eve of the recording of the variety show, Yun Qinian sorted out the things for this trip at home.

Gu Jingchen didn't know when he came in, so he stood at the door and looked at her.

"How many days are you going this time?"

"Two days, this time I will only record one episode, I can go back tomorrow and the night after tomorrow."

Gu Jingchen nodded and said after a while: "Call me when you come back, and I'll pick you up."


Yun Qinian raised her head and smiled.

The next day, Yun Qinian boarded the plane to the recording location.

"The Detective is Coming" is an indoor variety show, so the recording location of the first episode was in an internal scene of Nanshi TV Station.

When Yun Qi read it, the rest of the guests also arrived.

Since the recording will start at night, the director arranged for everyone to have a meal together at noon, as if they were familiar with each other, so as not to be unfamiliar during the recording process and appear embarrassing.

When Yun Qinian came to the dining room, she saw three people already sitting inside, namely Wen Wenjun, Hua Lin and He Xiaoxue.

Before she came, she knew the background information and personality of each guest in advance.

Therefore, seeing real people now, they can match each other one by one.

Yun Qinian was the latest to debut, and should be the youngest in terms of seniority.

But Hua Lin was born as a child star, and was two years younger than her, so when he met her, he always called her sister, and it was embarrassing to call Yun Qinian.

"Hey, everyone is here, where are Zhou Ye and Murong Chi?"

"Murong Chi came here to catch the plane, and he probably won't arrive until a little later, Zhou Ye... Zhou Ye seems to have come here just now?"

"I didn't see anyone else."

A few people looked out of the box suspiciously. The so-called Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, but they didn't expect the other party to come in after looking around.

"Are you looking for me? There is something wrong with my piano just now, and it is being debugged, so I kept you waiting for a long time."

As the name suggests, Zhou Yeren is wearing a motorcycle suit, and his hair is the most fashionable and messy dreadlocks nowadays, making him look rough and wild.

Wen Wenjun was the oldest among the few people present, and his seniority was old, so he took the lead and said with a smile: "You only recorded a variety show for two days and also played the piano? Are all young singers so hardworking now?"

Zhou Ye sat down, stroked his chin and smirked.

"It's not good if you don't work hard. After all, people nowadays are so powerful, and they are all masters of music. If I don't work harder, I'm afraid I will be shot to death on the beach."

As he spoke, he suddenly turned his head to look at Yun Qinian, and said with a smile, "Xiao Nian, don't you think so?"

Yun Qinian was taken aback.

For a moment, he didn't quite react to the name Xiao Nian.

After being dazed for a few seconds, he realized that he was talking to himself, nodded quickly, and then shook his head quickly.

"No, you are an original singer after all, and you have so many popular works, how can it be so easy to be photographed on the beach?"

Zhou Ye squinted his eyes and smirked, "Really? That's a good word to you, let me be popular for a few more years."

Yun Qinian: "..."

I don't know if it's her illusion, but she always feels that Zhou Ye's attitude towards her is a bit weird.

As if... you know her very well?
However, according to the information she knew before, Zhou Ye was a little familiar with him.

So she didn't think much about it.

Soon, the dishes came up.

Because Murong Chi's plane was late, the noon meal must be late, so everyone didn't wait for him.

After drinking and eating, he went back to his room to rest for a while, touched up his makeup, and then went to the recording studio.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he walked outside the recording studio, he saw dozens of girls standing on the side of the road, shouting frantically around a black car.

"Murong Chi! I love you!"

"Ah, ah, Murong Chi, you are so handsome!"

"Murong Murong, I think you are proud!"

"Brother, look this way!"


Through the window glass, one can see a cold and tall silhouette sitting in the car. The perfect facial contour can feel its charm and temptation even at a distance of several meters.

No wonder it is so popular, it seems that it is useful to be handsome!

Yun Qinian stopped with the mentality of watching the excitement. At this moment, the car door was opened by the assistant, and a slender and tall figure slowly stepped out of the car.

(End of this chapter)

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