Chapter 129 Surprise him
After she finished speaking, she hung up the phone directly.

Soon, Li Xun, the director of the "Detective is Coming" program group, received the news that he was replaced.

He couldn't believe it, and confirmed with the staff who came to inform him several times.

"What you said is true? Did I hear you right? The higher-ups are going to replace me?"

The staff is also a little helpless.

"It's true, you heard it right, you were replaced."

Li Xun was furious, "How is that possible? Don't you guys know who I am? My brother is Li Hu, and Li Hu is the president of CN Entertainment! Half of this CN Entertainment is owned by him, how could I be replaced? "

Seeing that he was already at this time, the staff still dared to yell loudly, and quickly stepped forward to cover his mouth.

"Brother, my dear brother, please keep your voice down! Don't you understand? You offended someone who shouldn't be offended, and even Mr. Li couldn't afford to offend him, so that's why you were replaced? "

"Who? In this entertainment circle, is there anyone else that my brother can't afford to mess with?"

The staff kept secret.

"I'm not sure about this. If you are really unwilling, just ask Mr. Li."

Li Xun was naturally unwilling, and immediately went to find Li Hu.

At this time, Li Hu had just finished answering Yun Qinian's phone call, and was sitting in the boss chair with a face full of exhaustion.

The door of the office was suddenly opened, and immediately after, Li Xun was seen walking in angrily.

"Brother, I heard that someone removed me from the "Detective is Coming" program group? What's going on here?"

Li Hu was originally angry at Li Xun's behavior, but when he saw that he still had the face to come to question him, he was furious.

He stood up and slapped him across the face.

Li Xun never expected that his brother, who always loves him, would beat him.

All of a sudden.

"Brother, why did you hit me?"

"Why should I hit you? Not only do I want to hit you, I also want to kill you!"

After speaking, he grabbed the ashtray and rushed towards him.

Li Xun was so frightened that his legs went limp and he ran away.

"Brother, if you have something to say, you have something to say! I'm your younger brother, won't your parents be sad if you kill me?"

Speaking of his parents, Li Hu finally regained some sanity.

He threw the ashtray heavily on the table, and said out of breath, "Do you know who you offended this time?"

Li Xun was full of grievances, touched his head and said, "Who could it be? Didn't I just cut a newcomer's gossip and top-notch ambiguous tidbits?"

"A newbie?" Li Hu sneered suspiciously, "Li Xun, listen to me! She is our chairman, the chairman of CN Entertainment, do you understand?"

Chairman of CN Entertainment?
How can this be?

Li Xun froze for a moment, unable to believe it.

Li Hu threw a stack of company materials in front of him, and said coldly, "Look for yourself!"

Li Xun picked up the document with trembling fingers, only to see that the legal person name of the company on it was Yun Qinian.

sky!What did he do?
He actually blackmailed his big boss, and also said so many outrageous things to her!
At this time, Li Xun's face has completely changed.

Li Hu said with sullen eyebrows: "As a brother, I advise you, if you want to continue to hang out in this circle, you should go to the chairman and kowtow to make amends, otherwise don't mention you in the future, I'm afraid I will be implicated by you!"

At this time, Li Xun also realized the seriousness of the matter.

Some time ago, he was not unaware of the news that CN Entertainment was acquired by someone.

But the identity of the other party was mysterious, and he never disclosed his identity from the beginning to the end of the acquisition.

He originally thought it would be some big international consortium, but he didn't expect it to be Yun Qinian!
An eighteenth-line star in the entertainment industry?
Who could have imagined this?
Li Xun said with a bitter face: "Brother, I was wrong! I really know I was wrong now! You tell me Yun Qinian... No! Where does the chairman live, I will apologize to her right away!"

Li Hu said in a deep voice: "I can give you the address, but if you can't settle this matter, don't come to see me in the future! I don't have your brother!"

After he finished speaking, he took a pen and wrote a string of addresses and threw them to him.

"get out!"

Li Xun hurriedly occupied Odie, and then he moved away as if he had received a life-saving straw.


After Yun Qinian finished calling Li Hu, she didn't pay any attention to the Internet.

After all, for her, public opinion on the Internet is far less important than things in life.

During this period of time, she has been busy filming and recording variety shows, and has little time to go home.

Although Gu Jingchen didn't say anything on the surface, she could feel that the man was already very dissatisfied.

It just so happened that today was the first anniversary of her and Gu Jingchen's marriage, so she decided to make a dinner herself, as compensation for him, and it was also a surprise.

Since it's going to be romantic, of course the place for dinner can't be at home.

Fortunately, Yun Qinian was very familiar with Pingcheng, and soon found a five-star Michelin restaurant.

She first bribed Gu Jingchen's client and asked him to ask Gu Jingchen to have dinner in the restaurant at night on the grounds of discussing business.

Then when he arrived, he would find that all the dishes were made by Yun Qinian himself.

The so-called entertainment is actually a candlelight dinner for two people.

At that time, before the flowers and the moon is under, romantic drinks and deep affection...

I feel excited even thinking about it, it's perfect!

Yun Qinian will do it immediately when she thinks about it.

So he quickly contacted the customer, booked the restaurant, and prepared the ingredients.

Everything is ready, just wait for the time to come and cook the dishes and wait for Gu Jingchen to come.

At this time, Gu's Group.

Just as Gu Jingchen came out of the conference room, he heard Yu Chuan whisper, "President, the boss of Cen's asked you out for dinner tonight, saying that he wanted to talk to you about the cooperation issue last time."

As Gu Jingchen walked into the office, he asked, "What's the date today?"

"December 7."

Gu Jingchen paused.

He seemed to remember something, and said without looking back: "Push."


Yu Chuan was a little surprised.

You know, Cen's backing is from the government, and the cooperation with them was achieved after a long time of hard work by the CEO.

How can you just push it?
But Yu Chuan didn't dare to say anything about Gu Jingchen's decision.

Followed all the way into the president's office, saw him tugging at his tie, and asked, "Is there any new interesting restaurant in ** City?"

Yu Chuan quickly replied: "Indeed, there is a newly opened five-star Michelin restaurant called Camerin."

"Tonight, let them prepare more food that my wife likes."

Yu Chuan was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized.

Oops!Look at his pig brain, he forgot such an important thing.

No wonder he said that today the president seems to have changed his gender, and the workaholics don't love work anymore.

It turns out that today is his and his wife's wedding anniversary!
(End of this chapter)

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