After rebirth, I became a guardian maniac

Chapter 136 The Demon King of Confusion

Chapter 136 The Demon King of Confusion
After he left, Murong Chi came over and asked, "What did he ask you for just now?"

Yun Qinian said casually: "It's nothing, it's just nonsense."

Her attitude was so calm that Murong Chi didn't even know if what she said was true or not.

However, he was not inquisitive at all, seeing that he was unwilling to say more, naturally he stopped asking.

At this time, Hua Lin suddenly screamed: "I found the evidence!"

Everyone froze for a moment, and quickly ran towards her direction.

Hua Lin was holding a medicine bottle in his hand, and said excitedly, "Here is a bottle of drug, which was found in Sister Qi Nian's room."

Everyone looked at Yun Qinian in surprise.

Yun Qinian tightened her fingers, and said calmly, "Oh, that's not some drug, it's just my sleeping pill."

Zhou Ye quickly took the medicine bottle over and took a look, only to see that it really said sleeping pills.

He raised his eyebrows and looked at Yun Qinian: "I can't sleep at such a young age, and I still need to rely on sleeping pills to help me sleep. How many things have I pretended in my heart!"

Yun Qinian didn't look at him, but explained in a low voice: "I'm under a lot of pressure from studying, and I only eat two pills occasionally."

Zhou Ye smiled and said, "Aren't you a top student? How can a top student still have pressure to study?"

Murong Chi couldn't see it anymore, and stopped in front of Yun Qinian.

"Who said that a top student can't have pressure to study? You think everyone is like you!"

Zhou Ye's setting in this case is indeed the devil in chaos.

It's the kind that smokes, fights, drinks, and can do anything.

He touched his nose resentfully.

"Yes! You brothers and sisters are united, I can't say no to you, but this clue must not be let go."

He said, holding up his hands.

"Director, I'm applying for an autopsy."

The director quickly called back and agreed.

The body was then dragged out for an autopsy.

Of course, these are just a process.

Now that someone has discovered the drug, an in-depth examination of the body is a matter of course.

It’s just that this step is done by the colleagues in the director’s group.

I saw that I checked it pretendingly, and then handed over a piece of paper with clues written on it.

Zhou Ye hurriedly took a look, and saw that it was written that sleeping pills were indeed found in the body of the deceased.

He suddenly shouted in surprise, "I knew it must be like this! In fact, there is no need to bind it with any rope at all. You just need to feed the deceased sleeping pills and put her on the edge of the roof.

As long as she is still in a coma, she won't fall, but if she wakes up and subconsciously moves her hands and feet, she will fall because her body loses balance, am I right? "

Yun Qinian said coldly: "No, I have no motive to kill him at all."

"No! You have!"

At this time, He Xiaoxue suddenly spoke.

She looked at Yun Qinian seriously, and said in a deep voice, "You have a motive to kill because you fell in love with a man at the same time as her."

Yun Qinian frowned.

Beside, Murong Chi turned his eyes away and didn't look at them again.

He Xiaoxue continued: "Don't you think it's strange? They are obviously brothers and sisters, but why is one called Chi Xiaoliu and the other Yun Xiaoqi? They don't have the same surname at all!

Just now I found a paternity test report in Yun Xiaoqi's room, it says that the two of you are not biological siblings at all.

Yun Xiaoqi is your own, but Chi Xiaoliu was picked up by your parents from outside.

You learn the secret and fall in love with your brother who is not related by blood.

But I didn't expect that your brother fell in love with the school belle Su Xiaoxiao, that's why you killed her because of jealousy, am I right? "

Yun Qinian lowered her head slightly and did not speak.

He Xiaoxue sighed.

"Okay, now everyone vote!"

The plot has entered the present, and there is actually no suspense about the voting results.

Sure enough, everyone voted for Yun Qinian.

Yun Qinian was put in prison.

On the loudspeaker, the director team began to announce today's results.

Only a mechanical voice sounded: "The case was successfully solved, and the murderer Yun Xiaoqi was convicted!"

Everyone couldn't help cheering.

Zhou Ye was even more frightened and said: "Look! My analysis is correct, isn't it? Let you look down on me next time, if I am not the first to bring up this idea this time, you don't know how long you will go around What a circle!"

He Xiaoxue smiled angrily and said, "You still dare to take the credit? If it wasn't because Hua Lin found that bottle of sleeping pills, even if you have this idea, there is no way to prove it."

Hua Lin smiled shyly.

At this moment, a faint voice suddenly came from the side.

"You are so happy, but do you really think I am the only murderer?"

Everyone froze for a moment, and saw Yun Qinian holding the iron cage and looking at Zhou Ye coldly.

"Although I was the murderer who killed her body, you killed her heart! You are ignorant, and you have committed all kinds of evil! Not only forced her to be with you, but also photographed her in many different ways. Yazhao, using this to coerce her into doing many things she doesn't want to do!
Brother Xiaoliu felt sympathy for her just because he knew about it, and love came from sympathy.

After all, everything is your fault!

Although I am a murderer, you are not much better than me! "

Everyone turned to Zhou Ye.

Zhou Ye waved his hands in a panic.

"No, it's not... I... Sigh!"

He slammed the ID badge out of his pocket, "What kind of crappy character did the director team give me? How could a gentlemanly and funny person like me do such a shameless thing?"

Seeing this, Wen Wenjun couldn't help laughing, and raised his hand to pat him on the shoulder.

"Okay, this is the end of today's recording. Today's case is not so brain-intensive, and everyone can solve it relatively easily. I will treat everyone to hot pot after work is over!"

Hua Lin smiled and said, "Okay, okay."

Unexpectedly, at this moment, there was a sudden "bang" not far away.

Everyone was startled, and turned their heads to look, only to see that the place where Murong Chi was originally was was empty.

Not far away came a burst of smoke after the explosion.

A mechanical voice rang through the radio.

"A bombing happened suddenly at University A, and the school girl Chi Xiaoliu was killed. If you want to know who the real culprit is, please watch the next episode!"


With the order of the director, the program was completely terminated.

However, everyone didn't come back to their senses.

Everyone looked at the director in bewilderment.

"Director, what's going on? Isn't it all over? Why did someone die again?"

Li Xun said with a smile: "Didn't you hear what was said on the speaker just now? We'll see the outcome in the next episode, we're burying the thread in advance!"

"Oh, I see, so the next episode will not be MPC after all, it will be Brother Chi?"

(End of this chapter)

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