Chapter 139

Netizens were shocked.

However, there are also some netizens who don't buy it, and send out expressions of eating melon and watching a show.

There was a godfather before, and an uncle after.

Well, the current female stars really know how to play.

Looking at the mocking comments, Yun Qinian was so angry that she wanted to smash her phone.

Fortunately, Ran Yue stopped him in time.

"Don't be angry, if you are angry, there will be no one to replace you. If it doesn't work, let's ask your uncle and grandpa to stand up and help you clarify. I don't believe that even Mr. Ye has come forward. Netizens still don't believe it!"

Yun Qinian clutched her chest and waved her hands.

"No, you can't let grandpa know."

Because of Ye Wanxin's early death, Mr. Ye originally did not agree with her entering the entertainment industry.

It's just that she kills first and plays later, the old man has no chance to stop it.

Now if he knew that Yun Qinian was scolded so much on the Internet, he would definitely be so angry that he would take her back and never let her set foot in the entertainment circle again.

Ran Yue sighed.

"Then what should we do? It's clear that someone is blackmailing you. Netizens won't believe anything we say."

Yun Qinian thought about it and gritted her teeth.

"It's really not possible, I can only announce it!"

She slapped the table and stood up.

Ran Yue was taken aback by her aura, and before she could figure out where she was going, the phone buzzed.

"Hey, what's the matter?"

The call was made by other employees of CN Entertainment's agency department. As soon as the call was connected, they said anxiously: "Sister Ran Yue, it's not good! Something happened to your artist Yun Qinian! Quickly read the news on the Internet!"

Ran Yue breathed a sigh of relief.

"I know everything about the Internet, and I'm dealing with it!"

"It's not the previous one, it's the new one... Oh! Yun Qinian is actually Gu Jingchen's wife!!!"

Ran Yue: "???"

She quickly hung up the phone and opened Weibo.

Sure enough, I saw that the first item on the hot search list was —— #云七念古景晨#.

At this moment, Yun Qinian also noticed that something was wrong with her, and came over and asked, "What's wrong?"

Ran Yue didn't answer her, but suddenly remembered what Yun Qinian had said to her not long ago.

She said that Gu Jingchen was her husband.

At that time, Ran Yue didn't believe it at all, and thought that Yun Qinian was just like those fans of Gu Jingchen outside, who just worshiped him fanatically.

But I didn't expect it to be true! ! !
Seeing that she hadn't spoken, Yun Qinian leaned over to look at her mobile phone.

When he saw the trending search on the screen, his pupils trembled.

As Gu Jingchen is the president of Gu's Group, Yu Chuan has already applied for a Weibo account for him.

It's just that it's been several years, and his account is still as clean as a newly applied trumpet, without a single Weibo.

There are also quite a few of his fans on the Internet who call him the national husband, or the most handsome diamond king in the universe, and then follow his Weibo, hoping to spy on his life from it.

But I didn't expect that after waiting for several years, I didn't even get a photo.

Now there is finally news, but is it the official announcement of the relationship?
How can this make people not sad, how not angry?
Those girls who like Gu Jingchen are mostly rich ladies and socialites from all over the country.

Ordinary girls either haven't seen his photos, or they feel that such a person is still too far away from them, and they don't dare to think about it.

Therefore, as soon as Gu Jingchen's Weibo was posted, the entire celebrity circle from all over the country and even abroad caused a shock.

What?Is Gu Jingchen married?

My wife is actually an eighteenth-tier starlet, what does her name mean?

What kind of terrible news is this? !

They don't believe it!Weibo must have been hacked!

Otherwise, it's the woman who posted it upside down, shameless!

At this time, a little sister in the circle said weakly: "Actually, if Gu Jingchen is willing, it's okay to stick to me."

The rest of the little sisters: "..."


"Kick out the group chat!"


Yun Qinian never expected that she and Gu Jingchen could reach this level of understanding.

She didn't want to announce her married status at first, because she was afraid that netizens would follow the clues and find out that she was Gu Jingchen's wife, which would have a bad impact on her future career.

But now she is being fired as a CP every three days, rumors spread, netizens are not bothered, she is bothered.

So I simply thought about publishing it directly.

Anyway, where her strength lies, real gold is not afraid of fire, as long as there are good works, she is not afraid of what others say.

Unexpectedly, before she had time to announce it, Gu Jingchen announced it first.

Yun Qinian looked at the statement made by Gu Jingchen on the Internet, with a satisfied aunt's smile on the corner of her mouth.

I saw that statement was very simple, but also very domineering.

Gu Jingchen: [Yun Qinian is my wife, the only one in this life, there is no doubt about it! 】

Below the statement, the inside pages of their marriage certificates are also attached.

Netizen: [Wooooooooow, what kind of fairy-level dog food is this!I'm sour! 】

[Overbearing wife protection, mom, I believe in love again! 】

[It was actually married a year ago?If I remember correctly, Yun Qinian debuted half a year ago! 】

[If she doesn't act well, she will go home to inherit billions of dollars, and if she doesn't act well, she will go home and become the richest man in the palm of the president, ah... I'm so sour, I adore it! 】

【So, Ye Chengfeng is really not her boyfriend anymore? 】

【New news!new news!The official blog of the Yip Group next door has posted, everyone hurry up and watch!Guidance@叶的集团. 】

So, everyone clicked into the official blog of the Ye Group.

But I saw that the official blog posted a Weibo 2 minutes ago, the content was very brief, but it was as powerful as the one Gu Jingchen posted!
Ye's Group: [Guan Bojun heard that the variety show of Little Miss will be aired, so he brought his whole family to congratulate him!I wish the little lady a happy life and a successful career, and the new variety show will be popular!Hold your fists together, hold your fists together. 】

Below Weibo, Ye Chengfeng, Ye Yufeng, Ye Yufeng's two sons Ye Tianci and Ye Tianyu, and even the housekeeper and cook of the Ye family all left messages one by one.

Because Mr. Ye didn't play Weibo, Ye Yufeng posted it on his behalf.

Ye Chengfeng: [Niece, second uncle is here to support you!Make a fist, make a fist. 】

Ye Yufeng: 【Niece, uncle is here to support you too! PS: Grandpa said he doesn't know how to play Weibo, let me tell you for him, go home for dinner on weekends, he misses you. 】

Ye Tianci: [Nian Nian, if the entertainment industry is not fun, then come home!Big brother takes you to do business and make money. 】

Ye Tianyu: [Nian Nian, don't listen to the elder brother, there is no point in doing business, how fun it is to study games with the second elder brother. 】

Followed by messages from the housekeepers and cooks.

As soon as this Weibo post came out, the Internet suddenly boiled like a boiling pot.

God!The whole Ye family came out just to clear up the scandal for Yun Qinian. Yun Qinian is really Ye Chengfeng's niece!
This is so magical!
Niece and uncle fried CP?Which brainless Sha B netizen came up with such a bad idea? ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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