After rebirth, I became a guardian maniac

Chapter 143 Su Ze Prison Break

Chapter 143 Su Ze Prison Break
The woman comforted her and said: "Okay, don't think too much about it, no matter who she is, as long as I give you the news about Qingying, you can take this news back to the Hall of Flame and give it to the Hall Master, trust them Will definitely trust you again."

Luo Shan nodded.

After Dahei knew that Yun Qinian was back, he specially called to ask her about her situation.

Yun Qinian didn't hide it from him, and directly told him about the game between herself and Luo Shan.

Dahei was very surprised.

"The boss deserves to be the boss, he is a bully! However, isn't it too cruel to let Luo Shan deal with his own daughter?"

Yun Qinian sneered.

"It's not the only way he can choose, as long as he wants, he can actually withdraw from the Hall of Flames immediately and bring their mother and daughter back to the Hunter Association.

As long as he is willing to let go of the bureau he has carefully arranged for so many years, there is still room for saving everything!

At that time, even if I go to Qinglong and Suzaku with the evidence of his betrayal of Lieyantang, Lieyantang will have nothing to do with him.

In short, it depends on how he chooses! "

Dahei muttered: "If it were me, I would definitely choose the guarantor."

Yun Qinian smiled, but did not speak.

She knew that according to Dahei's character, of course he would choose the guarantor.

Unfortunately, not everyone in this world is so kind.

In the eyes of some people, the benefits might be bigger than their own daughters?
Thinking of this, she smiled playfully.

the next day.

Early in the morning, Yun Qinian heard that Su Ze had escaped from prison.

I don't know which good-natured person posted this on the Internet.

There was an uproar on the Internet for a while, and everything was said.

When the media reporters learned that he was Yun Qinian's ex-boyfriend, they immediately came to interview her.

At this time, Yun Qinian was recording the third episode of "The Detective is Coming".

Knowing that there are many reporters coming, Li Xun hastily asked someone to interrupt the recording, and arrange a short interview with her first.

Yun Qinian did not object either.

Facing the menacing reporters, she showed a dazed expression like a little white rabbit.

"Su Ze escaped from prison? I don't know, I haven't contacted him for a long time."

A reporter asked: "I heard that this prison escape was planned by someone with energy and bribed the prison guards. Does this matter have anything to do with you?"

Yun Qinian looked at the reporter who asked the question and shook her head.

"It doesn't matter, I'm already married, and Su Ze is in the past. Besides, whether he went to jail or I called the police, will I be stupid enough to let him out again?"


Think about it, it seems to be ha.

Now that Yun Qinian's career is booming and her relationship is happy, there is really no need to provoke an ex-boyfriend who has committed a crime.

So the reporters quickly dropped the lead and left.

Yun Qinian breathed a sigh of relief, and was just about to go back to the recording studio when he suddenly received a call from Gu Jingchen.

She was a little surprised.

After connecting, she immediately smiled sweetly and said, "Honey, why are you calling me? Did you miss me?"

No one on the other side spoke.

Through the mobile phone, only the man's slightly heavy breathing can be heard.

Yun Qinian raised her eyebrows and asked again, "Honey, are you there?"

After a while, he heard him say in a deep voice: "I am here."

"I was scared to death. I thought something happened to you! What's the matter? Did you call me for something?"

Gu Jingchen was silent for a few seconds and asked, "Have you read the news on the Internet?"

Yun Qinian was taken aback for a moment, and soon realized what he was referring to.

Close your eyes and pat your forehead.

"I see, you don't suspect that I did it, do you?"

Gu Jingchen didn't speak.

Yun Qinian sighed.

"Husband, I said that I don't like Su Ze anymore. I just want to live a good life with you now. How could I do such a thing? Hasn't my performance in the past six months not dispelled your doubts?"

Indeed, before this incident happened, Gu Jingchen had almost dispelled his doubts.

In many cases, it even creates an illusion.

Yun Qinian loves him, just like he loves Yun Qinian.

But in the end, he was hurt too deeply. Even if those wounds healed, there were still scars.

As soon as news about Su Ze pops up, he will subconsciously return to a sensitive state.

I will worry and be afraid.

I was afraid that she would return to Su Ze like before.

He was afraid that his good memories of the past six months were all just her acting, his wishful thinking.

Yun Qinian seemed to be aware of his thoughts, and felt a little distressed.

"Husband, I know that I have done a lot of things to sorry you in the past, but haven't I changed now? You have to try to trust me. Only in this way can we live a good life. "

Gu Jingchen's breathing became heavier, and after a while, he let out a "hmm".

"Sorry, I was too sensitive this time."

Yun Qinian laughed immediately.

"It's okay. In fact, this also proves how much you love me. It's too late for me to be happy. I won't be angry."

Gu Jingchen also smiled.

The heart that was hanging in the air was let go because of her words.

However, even though Yun Qinian broke the rumor in front of the reporters.

On the other hand, the relationship between her and Su Ze was still on the hot search.

I don't know who wrote a short composition of [-] words, and wrote down the whole process of her and Su Ze from acquaintance to mutual acquaintance.

The writing style is simply beautiful.

If she didn't know that it was fake, even Yun Qinian would be moved.

Netizens don't know the inside story like she does.

After reading the short composition, I was so moved that I cried.

It's not easy to call Goddess!It is simply the realistic version of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai.

Because in the essay, Yun Qinian and Su Ze were written as childhood sweethearts, but Gu Jingchen became the Ma Wencai who fell in love with Yun Qinian at first sight, and then used his power to beat the ducks and force her to marry her.

Not only that, in order to make her give up, she also used tricks to frame Liang (Su) Shan (Ze) Bo and put him in prison.

As a result, a pair of mandarin ducks were torn apart like this, separated from each other.

Unexpectedly, Yun Qinian is not as useless as Zhu Yingtai in the TV series, she only knows how to cry and die for love.

Instead, he rescued Su Ze while Gu Jingchen was less prepared.

This is so touching, isn't it?

The power of love is great, love can conquer everything!
Yun Qinian and Su Ze, this pair of CPs are overwhelmed!lock me!

However, there are also some rational netizens who do not agree with this small composition.

After all, some time ago, Gu Jingchen and Yun Qinian announced their relationship, showing off their affection.

Besides, Su Ze's escape from prison is a crime after all, no matter who did it, it's not worth publicizing, right?
However, these voices were quickly overwhelmed by the saliva of the navy and young netizens who like to follow suit.

(End of this chapter)

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