After rebirth, I became a guardian maniac

Chapter 153 Mother's Relic

Chapter 153 Mother's Relic
"Get out! Get out of here too!"

Yunfan pushed her away angrily.

After being pushed away by him, Lin Yuan seemed a little aggrieved.

But seeing Yunfan staggering towards the bedroom, he still followed.

Here, as soon as Yun Qinian returned to the car, he opened the suitcases first.

I saw that there were indeed mother's supplies in it, but only a small part was left.

Most of the particularly valuable ones were sold off by Lin Yuan privately, and it is unknown where they are now.

She sighed, closed the trunk, started the car and left.

And this time, the other side.

Gu's Group President's Office.

Yu Chuan put a tablet in front of Gu Jingchen, and introduced: "In this auction in three days' time, there will be a total of two pieces of Mrs. Ye's relics.

One is a golden enamel dragon pattern vase from the Qing Dynasty, and the other is an authentic work by Wang Xizhi, which is said to have a history of more than 1000 years. Both of these two items were once owned by Mrs. Ye, and were later sold at a low price by Lin Yuan. superior. "

Gu Jingchen looked at the information on the tablet and nodded calmly.

"Arrange, I'm going to attend the auction in three days' time."

"it is good."

Meanwhile, on the other side.

Yun Qinian also got news of the auction from Dahei.

She said quickly, "You can get me an invitation, and I want to attend."

Dahei asked: "Do you still use your original identity?"

"No." Yun Qinian thought for a while and said, "Don't use Yun Qinian's identity, use Seven's identity instead."

She wanted to find those relics for her mother, and she didn't want Gu Jingchen to know.

So, you have to change your identity.

And the identity of Seven is undoubtedly the most suitable.

Dahei nodded, didn't say anything more, and immediately went down to do it.

On the morning of the third day, Dahei delivered the invitation to her on time.

At this time, Gu Jingchen had already gone to the company.

Yun Qinian just found an excuse and drove out.

When she came to the auction site, she saw that many people had already arrived in the venue, most of them were celebrities and dignitaries from all walks of life.

They gathered in twos and threes, chatting, or inquiring about the situation of tonight's auction.

Yun Qinian found the waiter and asked him to take herself and Dahei to the reserved box.

The auction won't start until half an hour later.

The two sat in the private room, knocking on melon seeds and chatting.

At this moment, Dahei suddenly stood up and said "Damn!"

Yun Qinian asked, "What's wrong?"

"Boss, who do you think that is?"

Yun Qinian looked in the direction of his finger, and saw a man wearing a black mask walking in surrounded by Lin Yang and others.

Is it G?

How could he be here?

Yun Qinian's face darkened.

Dahei said in a low voice: "That kid Lin Yang is here too, luckily the little raccoon is not here today, otherwise there must be a fight."

Yun Qinian sneered, "How do you know she's not here?"


Yun Qinian pointed to a certain direction in the hall, Dahei looked over and saw a familiar figure.

"Fuck! Why is she here?"

In the crowd, a seductive and charming woman was sitting there with her straight legs folded together, smiling and listening to the man next to her.

The man sitting next to her was tall, with a dark complexion, and his muscles bulged out of a dark suit.

Who is it if it's not the fifth girl?

"What are these two people doing? They have never been interested in this kind of antique auction, so why did they come here?"

Yun Qinian said lightly: "Do you still need to ask? Naturally, revenge is coming."

As the adjutant of the Seventh Bureau, Lin Yang came to Xiao Li'er in disguise and lied to her for four full years.

Afterwards, although Xiao Li'er didn't say anything on the surface, she definitely regarded this incident as a great shame in her heart.

According to her personality, it would be strange to let Lin Yang go.

Dahei was a little anxious, "Then what should we do? She is no match for that dog man at all. If there is a real fight after a while, should we help or not?"

Yun Qinian was very calm, "Let's talk about it when the fight really breaks out."

Soon, the auction will begin.

The first lot to appear in the auction is a gold enamel dragon pattern vase from the Qing Dynasty.

Ye Wanxin bought this vase at a high price when she first married Yunfan, and it has been kept in her room since then.

It wasn't until after his death that he was put away and put into a warehouse.

Looking at the vase on the stage, Yun Qinian seemed to see her mother through the vase.

She told Dahei: "No matter how much money he pays later, I will add it to the top. Be sure to get the things."

Dahei nodded, "Okay, I understand."

At the same time, in the box next door.

Gu Jingchen also said to Lin Yang: "I want this vase, no matter how much it is, take it for me!"


Bidding will begin shortly.

In addition to its collection value as an antique, this vase is also highly ornamental.

Therefore, there are many people participating in the bidding.

But even so, Yun Qinian was not worried.

She is determined to bring these two things back today, so she is naturally well prepared.

After instructing Dahei to remember to bid, he sat beside him and closed his eyes for a nap.

I thought the auction would go well.

After all, no matter how beautiful the vase is, it has its market value.

Those present are all experienced people. After exceeding that value, they will basically not continue to increase the price.

As she expected, after several rounds of asking prices, most people gave up when they heard the higher and higher numbers.

Until the end, only room 220 where Yun Qinian was staying and the guests in room 221 next door were left.

"The guest in box 221 bid 8000 million! Is there anything higher than 8000 million?"

The host's voice trembled with excitement.

Dahei lowered his voice and said angrily: "Boss, did the guests in room 221 deliberately target us? They knew that we were bound to win this vase, and they kept robbing us for 5000 yuan to buy something with a market value of up to [-] million yuan , are they sick?"

Yun Qinian is still calm and breezy.

"Dahei, there are a lot of rich people in this world. What's so strange about buying a favorite for 8000 million? Keep adding."

Dahei had no choice but to add more.

"9000 million! The guests in box 220 pay 9000 million! Anyone else add more?"

Box 221.

Lin Yang frowned, "Sir, do we need to add more?"

Gu Jingchen leaned on the chair, closed his eyes slightly, and said lightly: "Plus."

Lin Yang shivered, and raised the bidder.

"221 million!!! The guests in box 221 bid [-] million, which is exactly double the market price of this vase! But as the saying goes, money is hard to buy, so this vase will really fall. To the guests in box [-]? Let's wait and see! Is there anyone raising the price?"

(End of this chapter)

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