Chapter 155 Fighting again
Yun Qinian: "..."

She turned her head in disbelief and looked at the man behind her.

In the alley, the man stood tall and tall, and his black mask reflected a cold luster in the sun.

He said in a deep voice, "This time, you can't escape."

Yun Qinian pulled the corner of her lower lip stiffly.

"How do you know I can't escape? Also, who said I'm going to escape? I just went out to go shopping when I was bored. What, is it illegal to go shopping now?"

Gu Jingchen sneered, "Don't play tricks on me! Don't you know how many things you intelligence hunters have done that are detrimental to the interests of the country?"

Hearing what he said, Yun Qinian's brows and eyes also turned cold.

"I really don't know what I did that harmed the interests of the country. I don't know what happened to others, but at least the few of us have a clear conscience.

Over the years, we have indeed sold a lot of information, but we have never sold information from our own country. If this is considered a crime, then there are so many criminals in this world, I am afraid that the Lord Chief can't control it at all! "

"Strong words make sense!"

As Gu Jingchen said, he rushed towards her.

How could Yun Qinian give in, she raised her hand to catch his moves, and the two fought.

Since Gu Jingchen was able to become the top officer of the seventh bureau, his skills are naturally not formidable.

And Yun Qinian has been carefully taught by several masters since she was a child, and her skills are also very good.

The two fought against each other for dozens of rounds, and it was hard to tell the winner.

At this moment, a rough voice came from the side.

"Boss, back off!"

A smoke bomb was thrown over, Yun Qinian retreated in time, Wu girl immediately pulled her over the wall courtyard and ran to the other side.

At this time, Gu Jingchen was already surrounded by acrid and choking smoke.

After a while, he managed to rush out from the smoke, but the surroundings were empty, how could there be the figures of those two people just now?
He clenched his fists angrily.

Damn it!Another smoke bomb.

Falling into the same pit twice was the first time this had happened to him.

Seven, you are dead!
Thinking of this, his eyes hardened.

Just as he was about to turn around and walk back, he suddenly found something on the ground.

He walked over to pick it up and saw that it was a unique black button strung with a red thread.

He felt that this button looked familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

After concentrating on it for a few seconds, he was suddenly shocked.

is her? !

When Yun Qinian and Wu girl returned to the venue, Dahei and Xiaoli'er were already waiting for her in the parking lot.

The four of them got into the car together, and Yun Qinian asked, "How's it going, did you get the photo?"

"It was filmed. I told the organizer that there was something urgent and I had to leave first. They asked me to pay the money and take the things away first. It was in the back compartment."

Little Li'er handed over the two large boxes on the back seat.

Yun Qinian took it, opened it and looked at it, and was relieved to be sure that it was genuine at a glance.

"Thank you very much for today."

Da Hei smiled and said: "Boss, who are we with whom? Why are you being so polite? But Xiao Li'er contributed the most today. If she hadn't tripped up that Lin Yang, maybe we would have had to entangle with them for a long time."

Saying that, she even winked at Yun Qinian.

Little Li'er could not have heard his teasing, raised her hand and tapped him on the head.

Angrily said: "Shut up! Drive your car properly!"

Dahei made a zipper to seal his lips, and he really didn't speak any more.

Yun Qinian smiled and said, "Little Li, I know you won't let him go, but they have special identities, so don't rush this matter, take your time, and one day I will avenge you!"

Little Li'er's eyes darkened, and she said in a deep voice, "No need boss, I want to do this myself."

Yun Qinian raised her eyebrows.

She looked at Xiao Li'er, and she had sensed something from the other's expression.

I sighed secretly in my heart, and it was hard to persuade me any more.

He could only say, "Okay, tell me whenever you need it."


The four returned directly to the X Alliance.

On the other side, when Gu Jingchen returned to the box, Lin Yang was standing there with a guilty expression on his face.

"Sorry sir, I missed it."

Gu Jingchen frowned.

"Didn't get anything?"

Lin Yang was silent for a few seconds before saying, "When I was about to bid, the little raccoon appeared, she..."

Before Lin Yang finished speaking, Gu Jingchen already understood what happened.

He sneered, "What a way to divert the tiger away from the mountain!"

It took such a lot of trouble, even showing up to lure him out, just to get those two antiques.

But what puzzled him was that he wanted these two antiques because they were the relics of Yun Qinian's mother.

What is the reason for the other party?

Gu Jingchen remembered the button he picked up just now, and after a few seconds of silence, he ordered: "Go and check the details of that Seven, no matter what the price, I want all her information!"

Lin Yang's heart trembled, and he quickly replied: "Yes!"


It was half an hour after Yun Qinian returned to the X League that she realized that the button that she had treasured for more than ten years was missing.

She searched all over her body, but couldn't find any trace of buttons, so she couldn't help feeling anxious.

Little Li'er was the first to notice something was wrong with her, and asked, "Boss, what's wrong with you? Did you lose something?"

Yun Qinian nodded, and tightened her eyebrows, "My buttons are missing."

Dahei's eyes widened in surprise.

"You mean the button that the little brother left behind and you treasured for more than ten years?"


Yun Qinian felt a little annoyed.

When the younger brother left, both of them had nothing on them, so he left this button as a souvenir.

Over the years, she has been wearing the buttons on her body, one is for thinking, and the other is that she is afraid of leaving them at home. Unsuspecting servants or family members think they are just useless and ordinary gadgets and throw them away.

She thought it would be the safest to carry it on her body.

Didn't expect it to be lost.

Little Lier hurriedly said: "Look for it carefully, maybe such a small thing was put in which pocket and forgot?"

Yun Qinian said depressedly: "I have searched all over, but there is nothing."

She paused, recalling the scene of fighting that man before, and vaguely remembered something falling out of her pocket.

But at that time, she was too busy to take care of herself, and she didn't have the energy to distract herself, so she didn't care.

But I didn't expect that such an important thing would be lost.

"It must have been lost in the alley just now, I'll go back and look for it."

"Eh, don't go now."

Little Li'er stopped her in time, and persuaded: "You just came back from there, they want to arrest us, maybe they will lay an ambush in that place, just wait for us to go there, we will go when it gets dark at night, With your skills in such an environment, it would be difficult for them to catch you."

Yun Qinian thought about it and thought it was the same.

That alley is very remote, and basically no one walks it usually.

(End of this chapter)

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