Chapter 170
Seeing him making a noise, the people around couldn't help but take half a step back, not daring to provoke him.

Yun Qinian naturally also heard this, raised her eyebrows slightly, and looked at him.

When she saw the man, she immediately smiled.

Who was she supposed to be? It turned out to be him.

Black Panther, if she remembered correctly, he should have been a member of a foreign mercenary regiment.

Rolling around on the battlefield all year round, after all, he still carries some bloody and evil spirits on his body.

It's a pity that this person was kicked out by the mercenary group because of a mistake.

Later, by mistake, he entered the Hall of Flame by virtue of his ability.

But in the Hall of Flames, they have never been reused.

Therefore, he accumulated a lot of dissatisfaction in his heart, and he wanted to find an opportunity to prove himself.

If the story only developed to this point, it would be considered inspirational.

Unfortunately, he went astray later.

Yun Qinian remembered that he happened to meet her in the previous life, just like in this life, when she first saw her thin arms and legs, she didn't care at all.

It was precisely because of this that he repeatedly exposed the flaws in his moves because of underestimating the enemy, allowing Yun Qinian to easily defeat him.

In fact, even if he didn't show his flaws, Yun Qinian could still defeat him.

It just takes a bit of effort, not so fast.

But he wanted to seek his own death. After Yun Qinian won the battle, he didn't care and accepted the title of Twelve Rakshasas.

There is a rule in the Raging Flame Hall. Whenever a newcomer, especially a position like the Twelve Rakshasa, has to complete a task very quickly to demonstrate his ability and loyalty to the organization.

Yun Qinian also received a mission to assassinate a corrupt foreign official.

Unexpectedly, when she was assassinating the corrupt official, she leaked the news and was betrayed to the other party in advance.

As a result, the other party was prepared and sent someone to ambush in the hotel.

Although Yun Qinian completed the task in the end, he was seriously injured.

Of course, the person who betrayed the news was the Black Panther.

He has always been unconvinced that he lost to Yun Qinian in the selection meeting, so he tried every means to get revenge.

Just in time, he knew that Yun Qinian was going to complete this task, so he notified the other party in advance, and suggested that the other party ambush Yun Qinian, so that she would never return.

Black Panther's abacus was rattling, but unfortunately, he miscalculated one thing.

That is, in order to hide his identity, Yun Qinian didn't really try his best when participating in the selection meeting.

Even in the moves, there are many changes, just to prevent Suzaku and Qinglong from seeing their origin.

This also led to the Black Panther thinking that her real strength was just that, so among the people who ambushed Yun Qinian, they only hired some ordinary killers, and did not hire those high-end killers who were top three in the international list.

Only then did Yun Qinian escape.

Thinking of all the past life, Yun Qinian's lips curved into a sneer.

Black panther, black panther, if there is a way to heaven, you don't go, but you want to break in if there is no way to hell.

In the previous life, something happened to her before she had time to take revenge, which caused you to live to the end unharmed.

In this life, you are not so lucky.

She gave Hei Bao a cold look, and said, "Did you just talk about me?"

Seeing that she still dared to talk to him, the black panther suddenly gained momentum.

"So what about you? A brat with no hair yet dares to make so many people wait. Didn't you see that even the two hall masters arrived early? You're a brat but you're late. How old do you really think you are?"

Yun Qinian narrowed her eyes slightly, and said with a faint smile, "If I remember correctly, the starting time of the selection meeting is 58:[-] pm, and it's only [-]:[-], how can I be late?"

Hei Panther choked and became even angrier.

"I said you're late, you're late, don't you agree with Bibi on stage?"

"Tsk, so irritable and irritable, if I were your enemy now, I'm afraid you would have already lost three points before the competition."


The black panther was furious, subconsciously raised his fist and was about to swing at her.

But at this moment, a majestic voice suddenly sounded in front of him.


Qinglong looked at the panther coldly, and said in a deep voice, "Shut up!"

Panther panicked immediately, and quickly explained: "Master, I didn't mean to make a noise on purpose. It's just that this kid doesn't understand the rules. I'm just venting my anger on you."

Suzaku sneered and said, "Which onion are you? You deserve to help us vent our anger? Besides, he was right, isn't there two minutes left? He is not considered late."


"To shut up!"

Qinglong spoke again.

This time, the panther didn't dare to say anything more.

There has always been a rumor in the Raging Flame Hall that the two hall masters have a bad temper and like to kill people when they get angry.

And after killing a person, there are 1000 million ways to make people unable to find even the bones.

Anyway, anyone who disappeared in the Hall of Flames before was probably killed by the two hall masters.

So, everyone is afraid of them.

The hall fell silent again.

With just one minute left, footsteps sounded outside again.

This time the footsteps were obviously much calmer.

Everyone secretly glanced towards the door curiously, wanting to see who this last person was.

Soon, a man in black casual clothes and a red mask with a painted face appeared in front of everyone.

He stood at the door and raised his hand to say hello.

"Hi, everyone, I shouldn't be late."

Everyone: "..."

Do you think this is a KTV?Still say hello?

Yun Qinian was a little surprised.

I don't know if it was her illusion, but she always felt that the figure of the visitor was very familiar.

But because he was wearing a mask, he couldn't see what he looked like, so Yun Qinian wasn't sure who he was.

At this time, a person in front spoke.

"Everyone is here, hall master, let's get started."

Only then did Yun Qinian withdraw her attention, and turned her head to look over, only to see that the person who spoke was Luo Shan.

Luo Shan is the altar master of the Pingcheng sub-altar, since this time the selection meeting is held in Pingcheng, he is naturally in charge.

Both Suzaku and Qinglong nodded, and they got up, Luo Shan then turned to face everyone, and said in a deep voice, "No.20's third election ceremony has officially started, please move to the competition stage."

As a result, the crowd began to walk to the competition platform in another venue in an orderly manner.

Yun Qinian just mixed in the crowd, trying to reduce her presence as much as possible.

But there was always a person squeezing her behind her, and when she looked back, it was the boy who came in last.

"Brother, are you rushing to reincarnate by walking so fast?"

The other party smiled and didn't care about her rude words.

"I'm sorry, it's my first time to participate in this kind of occasion, I'm a little excited, forgive me, forgive me."

(End of this chapter)

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