Chapter 18
A scream came in from outside.

Yun Qinian frowned, quickly closed the computer and looked out the window.

In the yard, Yun Qianyu was blocked by a big golden retriever, and was panicking and accusing the servant who led the dog.

"You don't have eyes, do you? You even led the dog this way when you saw me here. Can you afford it if you bite me?"

The servant defended in a low voice: "Ah Huang doesn't bite, and it's been here all along, you didn't see it coming..."

"You mean you still want to blame me? I really don't know why Jing Wan recruited a servant like you!"

Yun Qinian looked upstairs and raised her eyebrows.

Yun Qianyu is good at disguising, and most of the time she sees people with a considerate image, and she has never seen her so annoyed.

It seems that she is in a bad mood today.

Yun Qinian curled her lips, turned around and went downstairs.

In the yard, Yun Qianyu was still arguing with the servant.

A woman's voice suddenly came from behind, "Stop."

Both of them paused for a moment, and when they looked back at Yun Qinian, the servant's face turned pale.

"Too, ma'am."

Yun Qinian's gaze swept over her arm.

Yun Qianyu was still holding onto her hand, and her sharp nails had scratched a few red marks on it, and the red blood was almost visible.

A flash of pride flashed across Yun Qianyu's face, "Nian Nian, you came just in time, what's the matter with Jing Wan's servants? Are they all so unruly? The dog almost bit me without saying anything, and dared to contradict me Me, you must help me fix her today!"

The villain complained first, and the servant turned even paler when he heard her words.

Everyone knew that the relationship between Yun Qinian and Yun Qianyu had always been very good, and Yun Qinian was arrogant and domineering.

Although she has become a lot gentler these days for some reason, it doesn't mean that she is just right and wrong.

If you really blame him, let's not talk about anything else, I'm afraid the job will be lost first.

The servant hurriedly explained: "Madam, I didn't..."

"You don't have anything? Just now so many people watched, it was obviously you who led the dog to bite me and contradicted me, how dare you make excuses?"

Yun Qianyu was afraid that she would say something, so before she could finish speaking, he interrupted hastily.

Seeing this, the servant became even more anxious.

But she is an honest person from the countryside, and she usually just works hard, so she is not as eloquent as Yun Qianyu.

Being blocked by her few words, coupled with her anxiety, she didn't know what to say for a while.

Yun Qinian watched all this silently, and then spoke out after a while.

"Okay, don't say anything."

The servant froze, thinking that she was going to fire him, tears rolled down instantly.

"Madam, I was wrong, please don't fire me, this job is very important to me."

Jing Wan's job here is easy, the salary is high, and the most important thing is that it is very close to her daughter's school. If she is fired, it may be difficult to find such a convenient job for a while.

Seeing this, Yun Qianyu already tacitly assumed that Yun Qinian would be on her side, so she was even more proud.

"Now I know I'm wrong? Why did you go there just now? I think you country bumpkins are in a bad situation! You don't eat a toast and you get fined wine."

The phrase "hillies" hit the most sensitive part of the servant's heart.

She divorced early and brought her daughter from the countryside to Pingcheng. She worked hard and was frugal. Isn't it just to provide for her daughter's education and get rid of her status of being looked down upon as soon as possible?
But why, she has worked so hard, and she has done nothing wrong, yet she has to be insulted like this?

The clay figurine was still angry, but after being so excited by Yun Qianyu, the servant's temper also came up.

"Miss Yun, I don't know where I offended you. You said that Ahuang bit you, but it obviously never got close to you, but you, as soon as you came in, rushed on the rampage in a hurry, scaring Ahuang. Hide back.

Also, you said that I contradicted you, but I was just talking about the facts. Is it considered contradicting to defend myself?
Although I came from the countryside, I am not as noble as the rich ladies in your city, but I at least understand the most basic principles of life. Everyone is dirty! "

It never occurred to Yun Qianyu that a small servant would dare to say such a large amount of words to refute her.

I was stunned at once.

After a while, she realized that she pointed at the servant.

"You, who are you calling dirty?"

At this time, the servant has already broken the jar.

Anyway, judging by his wife's attitude, I can't keep my job.

It's better to vent your anger before you leave.

If you don't receive this salary, who cares if you are a daughter or a lady?

She took a deep breath and said angrily: "I'm talking about you! If you hadn't provoked our wife again and again, how could there be a problem with the relationship between the wife and husband?

As someone else's older sister, you don't guide her in a good direction, you always teach her to do some wrong things. I think you are simply harboring evil intentions!It's just seeking benefits for yourself under the guise of caring! "

What she said made Yun Qianyu so angry that his fingers trembled.

However, Yun Qinian was a little speechless.

Even a servant could tell that Yun Qianyu was using her, but he hadn't seen it for so long in his previous life?

Sure enough, she died unjustly.

Yun Qinian sighed, and said in a deep voice, "Okay, you don't need to say any more."

The servant seemed to have been waiting for her to speak, and said with a righteous face: "Madam, I understand what you mean, don't worry, since Miss Yun doesn't like me staying here, I won't make things difficult for you, I'll clean up now Things go away."

After she finished speaking, she turned and left.

Yun Qi laughed angrily after thinking about it.

"Who said I would let you go?"

The servant froze and looked back at her.

Yun Qianyu was also taken aback for a moment, but she quickly realized it.

Smiling proudly: "Yes, Nian Nian, this person dares to contradict me like this, and even scolds me, don't let her go away easily! You must help me punish her!"

When Yun Qianyu saw Yun Qinian stopping the person, she subconsciously thought that she was trying to vent her anger on her behalf and then drive him away.

Unexpectedly, Yun Qinian turned her head and looked at her sarcastically.

"Which eye of yours saw that I wanted to punish her?"

Yun Qianyu: "???"


"No, Nian Nian, are you still angry with me for what happened before? Didn't I apologize to you last time? I even knelt down to you. We are sisters anyway, you can't Just for such a trivial matter, don't you care about sisterhood?"

Yun Qianyu said a little uneasy.

Yun Qinian smiled, knelt down and patted Ah Huang's head.

"Are I disregarding sisterhood, or are you deliberately provoking trouble, sister, do you really think I didn't see anything?"

She tilted her head slightly, and a pair of obsidian-like eyes just hit Yun Qianyu's.

Yun Qianyu froze suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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