Chapter 181
Thinking of this, she didn't pay much attention and turned to filming.

And on the next street.

Yun Qinian keenly sensed that something was wrong with Ran Yue today.

She was dragged here by Yun Qinian. Ever since she entered the set, she kept her head down slightly, feeling a little depressed.

Yun Qinian asked curiously: "Ran Yue, what's wrong with you?"

Ran Yue glanced at her and shook her head.


"Are you feeling unwell? Why do I see that your complexion has not been very good?"

Ran Yue forced a smile.

"It's really okay, maybe it's because I got up too early and didn't rest."

When Yun Qinian heard the words, she suddenly understood.

She joked: "That can't be helped, who let you be my manager? Of course you are needed for such an important occasion today. You can go back and rest after finishing the makeup poster later! I will let Li Hu Give you a day off."

Ran Yue smiled and didn't say anything more.

At this moment, Du Ruhai's voice came from beside him.

"Miss Yun, you are finally here."

The two turned their heads, and when they saw Du Ruhai, Ran Yue's expression suddenly changed.

Perhaps she was wearing a peaked cap today and buried her head lower, but Du Ruhai didn't notice her.

Almost all of his eyes were on Yun Qinian, he stretched out his hand and said with a smile, "I've been waiting for you, and I'm afraid you won't come."

Yun Qinian smiled slightly.

Reaching out and shaking him lightly, he said, "The contract is signed, how could I not come?"

Du Ruhai smiled and said yes again and again.

But he knew in his heart that in fact, if Yun Qinian regretted the appointment temporarily, it was entirely possible.

After all, the variety show "Here Comes the Detective" has been really popular recently.

Before Yun Qinian signed his movie, "The Detective Is Coming" had only aired its first episode, and it wasn't that popular at the time, so her signing price was naturally not that high.

But now, although only a short month has passed, Yun Qinian's worth has risen with the broadcast of variety shows.

If you want to sign her again at this time, it will naturally not be the original price.

Du Ruhai is a new director, and he didn't get much investment, so he was tight on budget.

Most importantly, he heard something some time ago.

Yun Qinian seems to have a rich relationship with the boss of CN Entertainment.

Actors like this kind of wealthy family with a strong background are sometimes the most difficult to deal with.

Playing big names is secondary. The key is that they are not short of money, and they can break the contract if they want to. Du Ruhai is really afraid of meeting such people.

Therefore, he was a little polite to Yun Qinian when he first came up, and hoped that he could take good care of the Buddha so that she would not act like a demon during the filming.

But she didn't expect that Yun Qinian would be so eloquent.

She pulled Ran Yue and introduced: "Let me introduce you, this is my manager, Ran Yue, who is also the director of the agency department of CN Entertainment."

"Hehe, okay, Miss Ran..."

Before Du Ruhai finished speaking, he reacted suddenly.

"What did you say her name was?"

Yun Qinian raised her eyebrows, "Ran Yue, what's wrong?"

The blood on Du Ruhai's face quickly faded.

At this moment, Ran Yue raised her head.

A beautiful and delicate face came into view, she looked at Du Ruhai expressionlessly, and said, "Mr. Du, long time no see."

Du Ruhai looked at her in shock, and pursed his lips a few times.

After a while, a sound came out.

"You, your face..."

"Is it surprising that my face has been healed? I didn't do what Mr. Du wanted, hiding like a cockroach and mouse, and instead became the director of the brokerage department of CN Entertainment. Are you sad?"

Du Ruhai: "..."

Yun Qinian was stunned for a moment, feeling a little puzzled.

"Ran Yue, you...have known each other before?"

Ran Yue sneered.

Those delicate eyebrows and eyes no longer had the usual gentleness and calmness, but only endless indifference and hatred.

"Of course I do. The face I had before was thanks to Director Du in front of you! If it wasn't for him, how could I have fallen to that point!"

When Yun Qinian heard this, her expression quickly darkened.

She admitted that before today, she felt something was wrong with Ran Yue.

Regarding the new movie introduced by Ruan Yuzhen, although she said it was good, she obviously didn't think so in her heart.

Especially after knowing that Du Ruhai said that the script of this movie was also his own original creation.

Ran Yue's attitude at that time was a 180-degree turn.

Yun Qinian was a little puzzled, but she didn't want to ask too many questions, so she was forced to come here today, just to see what was going on.

Unexpectedly, there was such a festival between the two of them.

She looked at Du Ruhai coldly, and asked, "Director Du, my manager's face was splashed with sulfuric acid before, shouldn't you explain it?"

Du Ruhai opened his mouth, and after a while, he said in a low voice, "I'm sorry, I didn't expect things to turn out like that."

His attitude of not denying it at all made Yun Qinian's heart sink to the bottom.

"So, you really did this?"


Du Ruhai shook his head quickly, "How could I do such a thing to her? At that time, I..."

He hesitated.

Ran Yue sneered.

"There's no need to explain anymore! I don't need it, and I don't bother to ask for it! I said at the beginning, you walk your Yangguan Road, and I cross my single-plank bridge. Since I can say this, I can do it.

I'm not here today to ask you to explain, I'm here to work with my artist, so if Director Du has nothing else to do, please get ready to start working!We don't have that much time to talk nonsense with you here! "

Du Ruhai froze, and many words that he wanted to explain were blocked in his throat.

He looked deeply at Ran Yue, with guilt, nostalgia and reluctance in his eyes.

After a while, he finally sighed.

"Okay, then wait a moment, I'll go and ask them to start work."

Du Ruhai left.

Yun Qinian turned her head to look at Ran Yue, her eyebrows tightened.

"Ran Yue, why didn't you tell me that you knew Du Ruhai? And how did you get the wound on your face?"

What Du Ruhai said just now was very clear, Ran Yue's face was not directly injured by him.

She believed that Du Ruhai didn't have the guts to lie on such an occasion.

Sure enough, Ran Yue said: "He didn't make my face, it's just related to him. Nian Nian, this is a private matter between us, so don't ask any more questions."

Yun Qinian frowned even tighter.

"If you had told me earlier that you two had entanglements, I would not have accepted this drama, or should I regret the appointment now?"

Breaking the contract is only tens of millions in compensation, which she can afford.

Ran Yue smiled gratefully.

"It's really not necessary. I can distinguish between public and private. Besides, this script is really good. If you can perform it well, I will be very happy."

Hearing what she said, Yun Qinian couldn't hold on any longer.

"That's fine! If you have any questions, you must tell me, and I can help if there is any need."

"Ok, I know."

Soon, it was ready to call Yun Qinian over there to take makeup photos.

Only then did Yun Qinian bid farewell to Ran Yue and walked into the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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