After rebirth, I became a guardian maniac

Chapter 185 Door-to-door threat

Chapter 185 Door-to-door threat
And the things she did were, after all, shameful.

If Yun Qinian really revealed the matter here, then she should stop messing around in this circle in the future.

Thinking of this, Ning Xi became even more anxious.

She shouted to Xiaoqin: "Go if you are told! What are you still doing?"

Xiaoqin bit her lip, not daring to disobey, and went anyway.

Soon, the door of the dressing room was closed.

Everyone was isolated, only Yun Qinian and Ning Xi were left in the room.

Ning Xi then said anxiously: "Yun Qinian, I didn't break the appointment on purpose last night, I really didn't want to hurt you, and I didn't know that Mr. Li was such a person, you, you shouldn't blame me, right? "

In fact, until now, she still has a little luck in her heart.

After all, Yun Qinian wasn't exposed last night, maybe she didn't go at all, so naturally she didn't know what she wanted to do to her.

Unexpectedly, Yun Qinian smiled slightly.

"Mr. Li? Kill me? What are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

Ning Xi was taken aback.

Can't understand?
Did she really...

She suddenly felt joyful, Yun Qinian really didn't go last night, did she?

Thinking of this, she quickly said: "I didn't say anything, I, I was just talking nonsense! came to me today, what do you want to say?"

Yun Qinian saw her little thoughts without reservation.

Without revealing it, she said with a faint smile: "I don't have anything to say, in fact, I came today mainly to give you a gift."


Ning Xi was startled again, and saw Yun Qinian taking out a small box from behind.

She put the box on the dresser and raised an eyebrow at her.

"Open it and see."

To be honest, Ning Xi was a little apprehensive.

She didn't know if Yun Qinian really didn't go last night or if she didn't go.

But since she was willing to come and give her a gift, she probably wasn't angry with her.

Thinking of this, she felt a little more at ease, and walked over to carefully open the box.

The box is pink, and there is a bow tie on the box with a ribbon.

Ning Xi opened it with hope.

Just when she thought it might be a necklace and jewelry that girls like inside, suddenly, an extremely ugly toad jumped out of it.

Where had Ning Xi seen this before, she screamed in fright, flung the box, and stepped back.

"You, are you crazy? What the hell is this?"

She threw the toad on the ground, croaked twice, and jumped under the table next to it.

Yun Qinian smiled but wasn't smiling.

"Don't Miss Ning like this gift? Don't you think you are very similar to it?"

Ning Xi was taken aback again.

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that some toads want to eat swan meat, and if they can't catch up with Xu Jiamu, they will take their anger out on others. They don't know that you think you are very clever, but in the eyes of others, you are like a clown. Am I right? Miss Ning."

Ning Xi didn't expect her little thoughts, which were hidden so deeply, to be punctured by her words.

Suddenly there was a sense of speechless embarrassment.

She gritted her teeth, stared at Yun Qinian and said, "Don't be complacent! If you say I'm a toad, how can you get any better? If it wasn't for climbing a high branch like Gu Jingchen, you think it's just because of your grandson of the Ye family How much higher is the identity of the lady than me?
I just don't care about you!If I really want to argue with you, I'm afraid you are not qualified to stand here now! "

Yun Qinian sneered.

"Oh? I don't know. What is Miss Ning capable of preventing me from standing here?"

Ning Xi froze.

She just said that on purpose just now.

After all, she is a rich lady from a wealthy family, who can show off her prestige in face, who wants to succumb to someone she hates?
Yun Qinian seemed to see her thoughts, and said with a smile: "Just now you were wrong, let me tell you the truth! Even if I don't marry Gu Jingchen, you are not my opponent."

Ning Xi said unconvinced: "Why? Don't think you are so great! If it weren't for Gu Jingchen's presence, you would be nothing at all!"

"is it?"

Suddenly, Yun Qinian's eyes turned cold, and she suddenly approached Ning Xi in a flash, a dagger fell from her sleeve, and fell across Ning Xi's neck.

Ning Xi was stunned by her actions, her eyes were dull, and she looked at her motionless.

Yun Qinian said coldly: "Did you see this dagger? Now as long as I apply a little force, your head and neck can be separated immediately, and I can guarantee that I will take myself out of this matter." Clean and clean, no one will suspect that I killed you, believe it or not?"

Ning Xi couldn't help trembling all over, she didn't know whether it was from fright or anger.

"You, how dare you! There are so many people outside watching you come in, if something happens to me, do you think you can get away?"

Yun Qinian sneered.

"It's really naive. Since I dare to come in and say these words to you, I naturally have the ability to kill you without anyone knowing. If you don't believe me, you can give it a try. dare?"

Ning Xi: "..."

A thought suddenly flashed in her mind.


This man is a complete lunatic!

You can say things like killing people casually, and you still have a dagger on your body.

What is she trying to do?
No matter how powerful Ning Xi is, she is still just a rich lady who has been spoiled too much.

She is very good at getting some medicine and framing people, but if she really wants to play hard, she probably has never even seen it.

Ning Xi finally realized that Yun Qinian was not joking with her, and immediately softened her tone.

"I was wrong. I really didn't mean to harm you. I was just obsessed. In fact, I also know that Brother Jiamu doesn't like me because of you, but I just can't help it!"

As she spoke, she gradually began to cry.

"We have known each other since we were young, and I have liked him for many years, you know? The biggest wish in my life is to marry him, and even entering the entertainment industry to film is to get closer to him, but he doesn't see me at all, he can not see me……"

Ning Xi burst into tears.

Yun Qinian was not sympathetic at all.

She calmly watched the girl in front of her cry, as if watching a silent show without any emotion.

The sound in the ear is automatically blocked, it is too loud.

I was too lazy to look at the picture in front of me, so I said impatiently: "Okay! I'm not interested in hearing about your bumpy emotional journey."

Ning Xi froze for a moment.

The following words were choked in his throat, he couldn't go up, he couldn't go down, and there were still tears on his face, as funny as he looked.

Yun Qinian sneered and said: "I'm not a man, your tears are useless to me, I'm here today to tell you, don't mess with me in the future, because you can't afford the price of messing with me! This is what I give you." last chance!
If you don't believe me, you can try again to see if I can do what I say. Don't talk about your brother Jiamu, I'm afraid that brother Jiacao and brother Jiahua won't have your share. "

After she finished speaking, she retracted the dagger, stabbed it in the back chicly, then turned and walked out.

(End of this chapter)

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