Chapter 195
He looked at the phone, Zhang Er couldn't figure it out.

Order a spicy rice cake and crispy chicken?

what does it mean?

But no matter how much doubts he had in his heart, he didn't dare to neglect, so he immediately called to order food.

This time, the other side.

Yun Qinian arrived at the door of room 1708.

The voice of a man on the phone came from the house, as if he was contacting the hotel driver.

She rolled her eyes, and after the other party hung up the phone, she cleared her throat and knocked on the door.


A vigilant voice came from inside.

Yun Qinian said with a thick male voice, "Driver."

Herman immediately relaxed.

As he opened the door, he muttered, "Why so fast? I haven't packed my luggage yet."

In the next second, he saw the girl standing at the door.

Herman's face changed drastically, and he closed the door immediately.

When it was too late, Yun Qinian blocked the door with her hand raised, and at the same time raised her leg and kicked Herman hard, kicking Herman in.

The door slammed shut behind him.

Seeing that something was wrong, Herman immediately went to get the pistol under the table.

How could Yun Qinian give him this chance, she flew over, kicked his hand away, then raised her leg and swept the pistol away.

Herman clutched his arm that was so painful from being kicked, and asked coldly, "Who are you?"

Yun Qinian tilted her head and smiled, "Driver, didn't you ask me to take you to the airport? Why didn't you leave?"

Hermann would believe her ass!

He gritted his teeth: "You are not a driver at all! You are from the seventh game!"

Yun Qinian: "..."

She narrowed her eyes slightly, and a look of displeasure flashed in her cat pupils.

What kind of bird is the seventh inning?Also worthy of being compared with her?
Doesn't this person know that what she hates the most is the seventh game?
She turned cold, slowly picked up the pistol, loaded it skillfully, and installed the silencer.

"Say it! Do you want to die sooner or slower."

Hermann was furious.

But at this time, he has nothing to do with the knife and the fish.

So I had to throw up my hands and surrender.

"Friend, I know what you want, I'll give it to you, I just ask you to let me go, how about it?"

Yun Qinian let out a "bah".

"Don't hang out with relatives here, who is your friend? Also, do you think I'm stupid? Is there anything I can't get if I kill you? Do I need you to give it to me?"

Herman: "..."

Just, very angry!

But what people say is true.

He said speechlessly: "Then what do you want? If you really want to kill me, you don't have to talk so much nonsense with me, do you?"

Yun Qinian raised her eyebrows unexpectedly.

This Herman doesn't seem too stupid.

He actually guessed what she was thinking.

Indeed, Yun Qinian came to fetch things, not to kill.

What's more, the employer has clearly stated that she hopes that she will not only recover the stolen materials, but also bring people back.

Yun Qinian has always kept her promise, and if she agreed to give the other party a living person, she would not just send a corpse.

She picked up a pair of handcuffs and threw them to Herman.

"Put your hands behind your back and handcuff yourself!"

Herman has no right to refute at all now, so he has to obey obediently.

After handcuffing him, Yun Qinian put down his pistol, walked over and handcuffed him to the coffee table leg with another pair of handcuffs.

After finishing all this, she patted the solid wood coffee table legs, and then nodded in satisfaction.

Then, go to the other side, turn on his computer, force him to enter the password and copy the data out.

Herman was still persuading unwillingly.

"Since you are not from the Seventh Bureau, you must be an intelligence hunter, right? Or a killer? I will double, no! Triple the amount they gave you! As long as you let me go, I promise you will not pursue it in the future." .”

Yun Qinian didn't bother to talk to him, after copying the data, she asked, "Is there any backup?"

Herman shook his head honestly, "Not anymore."

Yun Qinian thought about it, and felt that it's better to be careful about this kind of thing.

So, he lit a fire directly and burned the laptop.

Herman: "..."

Seeing him spend a lot of money to assemble his beloved thing for a long time and destroy it, I feel my heart throbbing with pain.

Yun Qinian didn't care so much about him.

She is a person who takes money to do things. In fact, she can already hand over a job with a piece of information in hand.

But she is a good service person, and she usually does not leave any worries for her employers.

As for anything else, it was beyond her consideration.

After Yun Qinian destroyed the computer, she started calling Dahei.

Gu Jingchen went to buy spicy rice cakes and crispy chicken, and should be back soon, she can't stay here any longer.

Therefore, the next thing still needs to be done by Dahei and the others.

Dahei quickly answered the phone, and he is on his way now.

The reason why I had to ask Yun Qinian before was that she was right here, near the water, so it was easier.

The second is that he was worried that it would be too late for him to rush over, although even if the other party arrived at the airport, he was still capable of catching him.

But that would be much more troublesome.

So he didn't bother, and let Yun Qinian do it.

But now, Yun Qinian had already taken the things, and the person stopped them.

They come back to finish, naturally there is no problem.

Dahei will arrive in about 5 minutes, Yun Qinian glanced at the time, guessing that Gu Jingchen should not be back yet.

So he was not in a hurry, so he sat in the living room and waited.

At this time, the door of the room.

Gu Jingchen looked at the situation in the room through a crack in the door, his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

He never knew that his Nian Nian could have this ability.

He easily restrained a top international intelligence officer and took away the information in his hand.

Judging from her tone, she seemed to have received money to do things for others.

Who is she then?

Gu Jingchen couldn't tell what was in his heart.

He fell in love with Yun Qinian when he saw her for the first time six years ago, when she was just a little girl who was not yet full.

In his eyes, she is just like a little radish, cute and funny.

Although sometimes a little fierce, but at most it is like a little wild cat with its teeth and claws, which can't produce any attack power against him.

But now...

He looked at the woman sitting calmly on the sofa, as if he had never really seen through her.

Yun Qinian seemed to have noticed something, and raised her eyes to look at the door.

At that moment, the door that had been pushed open a crack was closed with a "bang".

Startled, she quickly got up and ran to the door.

However, when she ran to the door, she saw that the corridor was empty. How could there be half a person?

She couldn't help frowning.

She was not mistaken just now, there was indeed someone at the door.

It's also her fault for being careless. When she first came in, she was only focused on dealing with Herman, and she didn't remember to lock the door behind her.

Who the hell saw that scene just now?
She frowned.

Just then, the phone rang.

Dahei said out of breath: "Boss, I'm here, I'll come up right away, just hold on for a while."

Yun Qinian gave an absent-minded "hmm" and hung up the phone.

Two minutes later, Dahei and Wu girl arrived at the scene.

Yun Qinian handed him over to them, and went back to her room without staying too long.

When she returned to Room 1888, she found that Gu Jingchen was not there.

(End of this chapter)

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