Chapter 21
This is a property report of the Xun family.

It was supposed to be a very private thing, but it was easily available to Yun Qinian.

After reading this information, if she was only suspicious before, Mrs. Xun's death in her previous life had something to do with her husband.

That's almost certain now.

Because this information shows that almost all the properties of the Xun family were originally in the hands of Mrs. Xun.

But recently, many assets have been secretly transferred out.

Due to the superb methods and the concealment, people who are not proficient in this area can't see it at all.

But between husband and wife, if it is for normal purposes, why would they secretly transfer it in private?
It can be seen that there was already a problem between the two of them. Perhaps Xun Hongbao had long been dissatisfied with his wife who came from a wealthy family, but because of the power of his father-in-law's family, he did not dare to speak it out, only dared to make small moves in private.

But what happened to Yun Qianyu became the fuse that ignited the flame of hatred in his heart.

After all, Mrs. Xun has a strong temper. If something like this happened, even if she let Yun Qianyu go for the Ye family's sake, she would definitely not let her cheating husband go.

Among other things, as far as the economy is concerned, sanctions will definitely be imposed.

In this way, Xun Hongbao will only be more dissatisfied.

Coupled with Yun Qianyu's instigation, it's not surprising that he did something utterly devoid of conscience.

Thinking of this, Yun Qinian's eyes flashed a cold and dark light.

What's the difference between this Xun Hongbao and Su Ze who killed his wife together with Xiaosan?
They are all ungrateful, wolf-hearted beasts!

You know, before the Xun family climbed up to the Yue family, they were actually very poor.

And Xun Hongbao is a poor student with nothing.

It is because of the help of Yue Shanshan, who is now Mrs. Xun, that she is able to sit where she is today.

But when he was successful and full of ambition, he cheated on his mistress, killed his wife, and monopolized the family property...

It can be seen that he is also a cruel master.

For such a person, Yun Qinian would rather kill him by mistake than let him go!
So, help Yun Qianyu?

Ah!Go dreaming!

She sneered, put the documents in her hand into her bag, got up and left.

At this time, in a high-end club.

Yue Shanshan didn't sleep last night. She never thought that her husband, who usually looks honest and loyal, would cheat on her, and the girl who cheated on her was the heroine of the movie he invested in!
When exactly did they hook up?
How long have you been together?

Yue Shanshan was extremely angry in her heart, and at this moment, her best friend next to her was also very angry.

"What do you call this? When Xun Hongbao was penniless, it was you who took him in and gave him money and effort to invest in him. He is what he is today.

Now that you are in your prime, betray you?Does he still have a conscience?

And that little bitch named Yun Qianyu, I heard she is the stepdaughter of the Yun family?The Yun family has some status in Pingcheng anyway, so aren't they afraid of embarrassing it?I'm so mad just thinking about it. "

Yue Shanshan sneered.

"It's just a stepdaughter, what shame is there? Do you really think that she has entered the Yun family and changed her surname to Yun, so she will become the eldest lady of the Yun family? In fact, she is just a parallel importer from outside!"

"You're right, so what are you going to do? You can't just let them go, can you?"

Yue Shanshan showed a stern look.

"Let's not talk about Xun Hongbao, I will definitely ban that little bitch! The man who dares to seduce me, hmph, I will make her unable to get along in the entertainment circle in the future!"

The Yue family was originally an entertainment company, and they have a great voice in this industry.

My best friend was a little worried when she heard the words.

"The Keyun family..."

"What is the Yun family? I'm afraid that a soft rice boy who also borrowed his wife's natal family to make a fortune? Don't say that Yun Fan's wife Ye Wanxin is dead, even if Ye Wanxin is still alive, I'm not afraid!"

"You are right, the truth is on your side, of course we are not afraid!"

The two were talking when Yue Shanshan's cell phone rang suddenly.

She looked at the unfamiliar caller ID on it and frowned.

"Who is it?" My girlfriend asked.

"do not know."

After Yue Shanshan connected the phone, she heard a clear and pleasant female voice.

"Mrs. Xun, hello!"

Yue Shanshan asked vigilantly, "Who are you?"

"I'm Yun Qinian, Mrs. Xun should know me, right?"

Although Yun Qinian is a dude, he is still very famous in Pingcheng, even if he has never seen it, he has always heard of it.

Sure enough, Yue Shanshan showed a sneer.

"It turned out to be you, why, are you here to intercede for your cheap sister?"

On the phone, Yun Qinian chuckled twice.

"It's hard to say whether to beg or not. I have something here. I want to show Mrs. Xun first. Is it convenient for you now?"

Yue Shanshan frowned even deeper, and turned to look at her girlfriend next to her suspiciously.

Because she turned on the speakerphone after connecting, so my best friend heard it too.

The two women looked at each other, and the best friend signaled her to agree.

So she said: "Okay! Then I will send you the location, but I only give you half an hour. If you don't arrive in half an hour, then..."

"Need not."

Before she could finish speaking, she was interrupted by the other party.

There was a smile in Yun Qinian's voice, "I'm already downstairs in the clubhouse, I'll be up in two minutes."

After Yun Qinian finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

Yue Shanshan stared at the hung up phone, dumbfounded.

Her best friend was also a little surprised, with her mouth slightly open, it took a long time to react.

"No... how did she know you were here?"

How did Yue Shanshan know?
She sighed and put away her phone.

"Maybe I just saw it by chance. Forget it, don't think about it so much. Let's talk about it when she comes."


Not long after, Yun Qinian really came in.

Since she didn't sleep all night last night, Yue Shanshan's spirit was not very good, so she invited her best friend to come here today for a beauty treatment.

Confiding while taking care of it, it's time to relax.

Originally, after being relieved by my best friend, I feel much better.

But when he saw Yun Qinian, the gloom and anger in his heart burst out again.

The girls who came in from the door were young and beautiful, with a tall figure without a trace of fat, and their exquisite facial features seemed full of vitality against the backdrop of their smiles, which belonged to the vitality that they could not achieve at their age.

Her eyes darkened, and she asked straight to the point: "Miss Yun said on the phone that she wanted to show me something, but what is it?"

Although Yue Shanshan asked this question, she didn't expect her to show him anything of value.

At most, it was just to plead for Yun Qianyu and deliberately put it off.

Unexpectedly, Yun Qinian laughed.

"Mrs. Xun, of course the things will be shown to you, but you, my friend, may need to avoid them for a while."

As she spoke, she glanced at Mrs. Xun's best friend.

(End of this chapter)

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