Chapter 23 Happy Cooperation
Yue Shanshan had a murderous aura about her.

Yun Qinian raised the corners of her lips in satisfaction.

"It's very simple. I want you to pretend to forgive Yun Qianyu now, and not to announce her adultery with Xun Hongbao."

Yue Shanshan's eyes widened in shock.

"What? You still want me to forgive her?"

"Of course not. I said it was just pretending. A person can only understand what pain is if he falls from the highest place, and she is not standing high enough now. Miss Yue, you should understand what I mean, right?"

Yun Qinian's gaze carried a sense of bewitchment.

Yue Shanshan was stunned for a while before realizing what she meant.

Can't help being a little shocked.

It has to be said that Yun Qinian is right.

The current Yun Qianyu has just entered the entertainment industry not long ago, even if the Yun family and Lin Yuan paved the way for her, she is still just a newcomer who is far away from the eighth line.

This time, it was Xun Hongbao's fault that she was chosen as the heroine of Lin Weisen's movie by default.

In fact, she is not well-known in the entertainment industry at all, and even fewer fans.

If Yue Shanshan exposed her adulterous relationship with Xun Hongbao at this time, it would not attract many people's attention at all.

At most, it will become a joke for a while in the wealthy circle of Pingcheng, and when the limelight passes, no one will pay attention.

But if Yun Qianyu had once gained fame and fans, the situation would be different.

Thinking of this, Yue Shanshan felt a little excited.

The way she looked at Yun Qinian was different again.

"Why are you helping me? She's your sister."

Yun Qinian sneered.

The tone is casually distant.

"My mother only gave birth to me, when did I have a sister?"

Yue Shanshan was taken aback for a moment, but soon understood.

It seems that those rumors from the outside world cannot be completely believed. The two sisters of the Yun family have a very good relationship, and Yun Qinian is just a stupid idiot.

If the girl sitting across from her could be called an idiot, then there would be no smart people in the world.

Yue Shanshan nodded.

"Okay, I understand! But I won't let her act as the heroine in the new movie. If you want me to use my money to support such a bitch, unless I have a brain hole!"

"Then what are you going to do?"

Yue Shanshan sneered, "If I remember correctly, there is a female number three in this play, a supporting role! It doesn't matter if there are more or less roles, why don't we just let her play this role?"

Yun Qinian had seen this movie in her previous life, and vaguely remembered this female number three.

That's a vicious cannon fodder character.

She couldn't help laughing.

"In that case, it's a deal! Miss Yue, I hope we can have a happy cooperation."

Yun Qinian stretched out her hand and shook Yue Shanshan lightly.

When he turned to leave, he suddenly thought of something, turned back and smiled and said, "By the way, let me remind you again, if you have time, you can check the relationship between your best friend and Mr. Xun, maybe you will be pleasantly surprised."

Yue Shanshan was stunned for a moment, and when she realized it, Yun Qinian had already left.

Yuehua and Xun Hongbao?

Aren't the two of them just ordinary friends?Or introduce them yourself, what does it matter?
Yue Shanshan frowned, subconsciously feeling that Yun Qinian would not say such a sentence for no reason, but she couldn't believe it.

At this moment, Jiang Yuehua walked in from the outside.

As soon as he entered the door, he quickly walked up to Yue Shanshan and asked, "Shanshan, what did she tell you?"

Yue Shanshan looked up at her.

I saw this best friend who had been with me for nearly 20 years, her face was full of anxiety, as if she really cared about her.

But in those eyes, there is obviously more curiosity and vigilance.

She pursed her lips and said, "It's nothing, she just came to intercede with Yun Qianyu, probably because she thought you would make her look a little ashamed, so she just found a reason to send you away."

Jiang Yuehua breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that.

"Let me just say, what important things can she say to you as a dandy? Shanshan, you must not listen to her, that little bitch Yun Qianyu dared to seduce Hongbao, you must fix her well, and you must not take it easy Let go!"

"Hongbao?" Yue Shanshan frowned slightly, "I remember you used to call him by his full name all the time? Why did you suddenly change it now?"

Jiang Yuehua froze for a moment.

But he quickly covered it up with a smile.

"Damn, I'm talking too fast, it's the same name anyway, Shanshan, we've known each other for so many years, you can't doubt me, can you?"

Yue Shanshan sneered inwardly.

People often subconsciously call out the name they are most used to only when their mouth is fast.

It seems that she really has to check out these people around her!

Here, Yue Shanshan made up her mind.

On the other side, as soon as Yun Qinian left the clubhouse, she took off her mature and prudent disguise, and returned to her usual lazy and free-spirited nature.

She got in the car, picked up her phone, and called Yun Qianyu.

The phone was connected almost as soon as it rang, which showed that Yun Qianyu had also been waiting for her call.

"Nian Nian, how is it? Did she promise to let me go?"

As soon as the phone was connected, Yun Qianyu's eager voice came.

Yun Qinian hooked the corners of her lips, but the words she said were filled with anger.

"Don't mention it! This old woman, even if it is as smelly and hard as the stones in the latrine, I have tried my best to explain it to her!"

When Yun Qianyu heard her words, his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

"You mean, she won't let me go?"

Yun Qinian sighed.

"That's not true. She doesn't care about my eldest daughter of the Yun family, but also about my grandfather and uncles. She just promised not to expose the matter between you and Xun Hongbao, but there is one condition."

"What conditions?"

Yun Qianyu's heart rose to his throat.

"You can no longer play the heroine of that movie. I fought for you for a long time, and I won the role of the third female lead. Sister, you don't blame me, do you?"

Yun Qianyu was stunned for a moment, and then, he was almost overjoyed.

Blame her?

How can it be?

The affair between her and Xun Hongbao was found out, and I thought that this time the role was over.

Not to mention the lead actress, even Lin Weisen and Xun's Entertainment will not be able to act in her future movies!

Now Yun Qinian told her that not only can she continue to act in this movie, but she is also the third female lead?
How could this make her unhappy? ! ! !
You know, Lin Weisen's movie is not just for everyone. A newcomer like her can brag for a long time about a role that can show her face, let alone the leading role?

This is also the reason why Yun Qianyu would rather commit herself to Xun Hongbao than to win the heroine of this movie despite her high status.

Who is willing to work hard with their feet on the ground when they have the opportunity to rise to the top and soar to the sky?
(End of this chapter)

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