Chapter 27 She Can Cook
Gu Jingchen didn't have any hope for her craftsmanship.

But when I saw the food served, I couldn't help being a little surprised.

I saw that the dishes on the table were exquisite and delicious, and just smelling the aroma made one's index finger twitch.

This... Aunt Li did it for her?

No, this dish is not Aunt Li's style.

Is that takeaway?

Gu Jingchen took a look at Yun Qinian, and silently decided that even if it was a takeaway, he had to pretend not to know, so as not to make the little girl sad.

However, when he picked up the chopsticks and tasted the first bite, he was sure it was not takeaway.

He has been to all the high-end restaurants in Pingcheng, and there is no restaurant with this kind of taste.

As for Yiyun Qinian's style, she would never go to that kind of small roadside restaurant.

So, she really did it?
Seeing him take a sip, Yun Qinian asked nervously, "How does it taste? Is it your favorite flavor?"

Gu Jingchen nodded.

It is indeed the taste he likes, light and not greasy, and all the ingredients are matched just right.

Seeing this, Yun Qinian laughed happily.

"As long as you like it, it's not in vain. I prepared all afternoon. Come, eat more."

As she spoke, she served Gu Jingchen food courteously.

Gu Jingchen didn't move, but looked at her deeply.

"For these dishes, you cooked all afternoon?"

"Yes." Yun Qinian said with emotion: "I haven't made it for a long time, and my skills are a little rusty, otherwise I can make it faster and more delicious, and you will know it in the future."

Gu Jingchen looked complicated.

He found that he couldn't understand Yun Qinian more and more.

Obviously in his memory, Yun Qinian didn't know how to cook at all, and even the chef seldom went in.

But now, she can cook a table of delicious meals by herself.

Is there a mistake in the information she learned, or is she hiding some secret from herself?

Thinking of this, Gu Jingchen's eyes darkened.

Yun Qinian didn't notice the change in his expression at all.

In fact, she really didn't know how to do anything before.

But in her previous life, after she was betrayed by Su Ze and Yun Qianyu, she hid abroad alone for a while, not only to avoid Gu Jingchen's search, but also to avoid the pursuit of those people in Lieyantang.

I dare not even leave the house all day long, ordering takeaway is not practical at all, let alone hiring a babysitter.

In order not to wrong her stomach, Yun Qinian had no choice but to try to learn by herself.

After a period of time, I really learned some tricks.

Although her skill is not as good as that of a state banquet chef, she is definitely better than an ordinary chef.

Seeing that Gu Jingchen was distracted, Yun Qinian asked nervously, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong with this dish?"

Gu Jingchen came to his senses and shook his head quickly.

"No." He paused, and sighed softly: "I just can't believe it. I always feel that everything I see now is fake. When I wake up from the dream, maybe everything will become the same again."

The man's deep pupils dimmed slightly.

Yun Qinian's heart ached, she immediately got up and walked over, wrapping her arms around his neck from behind.

"Gu Jingchen, you believe me, you are not dreaming, all this is real, if you don't believe me, try to pinch me?"

Gu Jingchen laughed, "Shouldn't I pinch myself?"

"I can't bear your pain."

The woman's soft voice, combined with the warm breath, sprayed on his neck.

The man's breathing became heavy.

Gu Jingchen tightened his fingers holding the chopsticks, and said in a hoarse voice, "Nian Nian, don't tease me."

Yun Qinian: "..."

The purpose was debunked, she stuck out her tongue, let go of Gu Jingchen and returned to her seat to sit down.

Gu Jingchen adjusted for a moment before pulling back his distracted mind.

"Tomorrow I'm going to France on a business trip."

Yun Qinian was taken aback, "How long?"

"If it is fast, it will be three or four days, if it is slow, it will be a week."

Gu Jingchen paused, looking at her with some inexplicable emotions.

"Stay at home during this time, don't worry me."

Yun Qinian naturally knew what he meant, and made a reassuring gesture, "No problem! I promise to wait for you to come back obediently at home."

After the agreement was made, Gu Jingchen boarded the plane to France the next day.

Yun Qinian woke up early on purpose and drove him to the airport personally.

Yu Chuan naturally followed Gu Jingchen, watching his president and his wife being glued together, singing in harmony, silently turned his head aside, so as not to be stuffed with dog food.

After sending Gu Jingchen away, Yun Qinian was not in a hurry to go home.

Instead, he went to another place.


The large-scale music talent show "Sound of Nature" sponsored by Qinggua Entertainment was held in a gymnasium in the city center.

When Yun Qi read it, the audition was already halfway through.

This is a well-reputed program in China. Yun Qinian wanted to participate in the previous life, but was stopped by Yun Qianyu.

Yun Qianyu said that it would not be appropriate for her to debut as a star as a married person.

He also said that no matter how talented she is, as long as she knows it, there is no need to show it to others.

She talked a lot about Yun Qinian, and she gradually accepted her opinion.

Thinking about it now, heh!

Anything inappropriate or unnecessary is bullshit!
It's just that she is afraid that it will be difficult to suppress her when she comes out!

And the greatest last wish of my mother in her previous life was to hope that she could continue to develop the music industry.

That being the case, what reason does she have to give up?

Yun Qinian signed up late, and the numbers she got were relatively late, so she had to wait for a while.

She sat on a chair and looked around at the other contestants who were either excited or anxious.

Someone lowered their voice and said, "Hey, have you heard? In addition to Cen Ge and Xie Jinyao, the judges of this audition also have a mysterious mentor X."

"Mr. X? Who is it?"

"I heard from the person who entered in front that it seemed to be Lin Senwei."

"No way?! Isn't Lin Senwei a director? How could he be a judge of a music show?"

"Who knows! But I heard that he seems to be choosing a female lead for his new movie."

"Really? If we are selected, wouldn't we make a lot of money?"

"Just dream. Lin Senwei's vision is notoriously picky. It's probably just going through the motions. It's impossible to really choose from among us."

The whispering next to him continued.

Yun Qinian raised her eyebrows unexpectedly.

Lin Senwei is here too?Or for the heroine?

right!She remembered!

The name of Lin Senwei's movie this time is "The Pianist". The heroine is a piano genius, but has a perverted split personality.

She was bullied by her stepfather since she was a child, squeezed out by her sisters, abused, and stared at.

But she did not give up the light, no matter how much she suffered at home, she still worked hard to blend in with her classmates at school.

I thought I could live in peace like this, but unexpectedly, a final performance ruined everything.

(End of this chapter)

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