Chapter 3
Yun Qinian sat down in front of the piano.

She glanced at the crowd first, but did not see Gu Jingchen's figure.

Although I was a little disappointed, I still introduced it seriously: "The piece I want to play today is "Howdoilive", which translates into Chinese as "I Can't Live Without You". I just dedicated this piece to my husband Gu Jingchen. gentlemen."

Yun Qianyu was thinking secretly, when he heard her words, his expression changed drastically.

What, what?
Didn't they agree to accuse Gu Jingchen of marital rape on stage?Why did it suddenly become a confession?
At this time, Gu Jingchen, who happened to come out with Ye Chengfeng, was also shocked when he heard these words, and looked up at the stage.

I saw that the woman on the stage was beautiful and generous, without a trace of the arrogant and arrogant before, she was as beautiful as an independent princess.

She lowered her head slightly, and the moment her slender fingers were placed on the keys, smooth and melodious notes flowed out immediately.

Yun Qinian is actually very talented in music.

After all, her mother was Ye Wanxin, the queen of the music scene.

It's a pity that in her previous life, she believed what Su Ze and Yun Qianyu said, and felt that there was no way out for playing the piano, so she gave up halfway through her practice.

And in this life, she will never be so stupid again.

She will firmly grasp her talent, and one day she will stand on top of the world like her mother and become an existence that everyone looks up to.

Just when Yun Qianyu was gritting his teeth angrily, Su Ze sneaked in at some point.

"Qianyu, didn't you say that she would accuse Gu Jingchen of rape when she performed on stage? How did it become a performance?"

Yun Qianyu said angrily, "How do I know?"

After a pause, he was still unwilling to suppress the evil breath.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter if she doesn't accuse. Anyway, she drank that glass of wine, and today she can't change the result anyway. It's you, have you arranged the person I asked you to arrange?"

Su Ze smiled coldly.

"It'll be here soon, don't worry!"

Only then did Yun Qianyu feel relieved.

"That's good."

At this time, the sound of the piano on the stage has become lingering and full of emotion.

Yun Qinian remembered how kind Gu Jingchen was to her in her previous life, no matter what she wanted, he would find a way to get it, as long as she frowned, the things that made her unhappy would disappear immediately.

Apart from trapping her by his side, he didn't seem to have treated her badly in any way.

And what about her?
For some reason, he has been repelling him, trying every means to escape from him, and even thought of killing him.

Until the last moment, when facing Yun Qianyu's bomb strapped to the car, he pushed her out desperately, but he drove the car down the cliff.

Only then did she understand how deep-rooted this man's affection for her was.

Yun Qinian's eyes gradually turned red, and the guests in the audience were also a little moved.

It was originally a very sweet love song, but for some reason, when it flowed from Yun Qinian's fingers, it had an inexplicably sad atmosphere.

Even if you don't talk about the feeling that life and death go hand in hand, everyone has already felt it from the song.

Originally, it was widely rumored that Gu Jingchen and Yun Qinian were at odds with each other, but now it seems that what is wrong?
They clearly love each other very much.

Not only the guests, Gu Jingchen was also a little surprised.

He still remembered the title of the song introduced by Yun Qinian just now - "I Can't Live Without You".

I can't live without you...does it mean that I can't live without him?

Yun Qinian, you suddenly became like this, is it true or fake?

If it's fake, it's fine, if it's true...

Now that you have given people hope, don't let them down, otherwise even he doesn't know what he will do.

At the end of the song, there was thunderous applause.

Some female guests were even moved to tears.

sky!What fairy song is this?It sounds too good!

Have Yun Qinian's fingers been opened?To be able to play a simple piece of music so nicely!

Yun Qinian's mood was also a little turbulent. She sat there and took a while to calm down the emotions in her heart. She stood up and bowed to the audience.

Just as he was about to step down, there was a sudden commotion at the door, and a group of plainclothes policemen broke in immediately after.

"We have received news that someone took drugs and hid drugs at the banquet. Please cooperate with us to check."

The faces of the guests changed drastically.

The originally moving atmosphere disappeared instantly, and everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Yun Qinian's eyes tightened!

It was like this in her previous life, when she accused Gu Jingchen of rape in marriage on the stage, and Gu Jingchen was so angry that he walked away.

She suddenly became addicted to drugs, and at this time, the police just broke in, not only arrested her, but also found a small packet of K powder from the interlayer of her bag.

This incident caused a sensation in Pingcheng at that time.

Everyone knew that she took drugs at her grandfather's birthday banquet.

The proud daughter of heaven has fallen so far.

But Yun Qianyu, who reported and exposed her, has become synonymous with killing relatives righteously.

Yun Qinian's uncle Ye Yufeng helped Mr. Ye walk over.

"what happened?"

The policeman obviously knew him, and lowered his head slightly, "Mr. Ye, we received a tip that someone took drugs and hid them at your banquet, so we need to conduct a closed search here."

Ye Yufeng frowned.

"Did I misunderstand? Everyone present today is a celebrity in the business and political circles, so it shouldn't be..."

At this moment, Yun Qianyu seemed to have suddenly remembered something, and covered her mouth in disbelief.

A policeman keenly noticed something was wrong with her, and walked over, "Miss, what's wrong?"

Yun Qianyu's eyes flickered, "No, nothing."

"Not reporting the information is also against the law, please cooperate with our work."

Yun Qianyu trembled slightly, and then looked at Yun Qinian in embarrassment.

"I, I seemed to see her hiding in the bathroom just now... I'm not sure if I read it wrong, I must have read it wrong! My sister doesn't know how to take drugs!"

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the audience.

What?Yun Qinian took drugs? !

She is the granddaughter of the dignified Ye family, how could she play with such things at the birthday banquet of Mr. Ye?

But everyone quickly thought of the absurd things Yun Qinian had done these years, as if... it wasn't impossible?
The expressions of the guests suddenly became indescribable.

Looking at her again, his eyes were full of contempt and ridicule.

Yun Qinian smiled slightly.

"Sister, are you sure it's me you saw in the bathroom?"

Yun Qianyu nodded heavily, "I'm sure!"

The policeman walked up to Yun Qinian, "Miss Yun, please cooperate with us in the inspection."

Seeing this, Ye Yufeng's expression sank and he wanted to step forward, but was stopped by Mr. Ye.

He believed that Ye Canghai's granddaughter would not do such a morally corrupt thing.

If he did it, he deserved to be taken away by the police!
At the same time, the second uncle Ye Chengfeng also whispered to Gu Jingchen: "Hey, your wife is in trouble, why don't you go up and help?"

(End of this chapter)

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