After rebirth, I became a guardian maniac

Chapter 404 She's Special

Chapter 404 She's Special
Murong Chi shook his head, "You are too modest, no matter what others think, you are the best in my eyes anyway."

Yun Qinian didn't take it seriously either, she just took it as a compliment.

So she smiled brightly at him, "You are also the best in my heart."

Murong Chi's eyes lit up, and he asked, "Really?"

"Of course, you can see that you sing well and act well. You have won several movie stars at a young age."

"Then you say that when ordinary people reach this height, it is inevitable that they will float. It is light to be arrogant, and it is common to die by changing the law."

"But you don't. Not only that, you are also enthusiastic about public welfare and willing to help others. You led the last live broadcast of helping farmers."

"In the circle, I don't know how many people have helped. Anyway, even if you have benefited for ten days and ten nights, I can't say enough."

Murong Chi's smile got deeper and deeper, obviously very happy.

"If you don't tell me, I don't even know that I have so many advantages."

"It seems that I am really different in Xiao Nian's eyes!"

Yun Qinian did not deny it.

If it were someone else, she would naturally not be so familiar.

But Murong Chi was different, he was the little brother who had saved her when she was a child, and she already regarded him as an older brother in her heart.

With this layer of filter, he naturally feels that everything he does is very good.

While the two were talking, they saw two service staff walking in.

One of them said: "Hey, have you heard? Even Mr. Gu from the Gu Group has come, our director is really proud of himself."

"Where is the director's face? It's actually because Mr. Gu's wife, Ms. Yun Qinianyun, is also here, so Mr. Gu came here."

"Ah? You mean the hottest Yun Qinian in the entertainment industry?"

"Of course! Who else is there besides her? You shouldn't be a 2G surfer, and you don't even know that she is Mr. Gu's wife?"

The waiter was shocked.

"God, I really don't know if you don't tell me."

"It seems that our director really has a lot of face. Not only has President Gu been invited, but Yun Qinian has also come."

The two talked back and forth, then walked to the side, took a tray and went out.

He didn't notice the presence of the other two people in the room at all.

What's more, they didn't notice that the heroine they were talking about, that is, Yun Qinian was sitting behind the piano and watching them.

After the two left, Murong Chi smiled and said: "It seems that I'm going to be in your favor tonight, our great Miss Yun."

Yun Qinian rolled her eyes at him and glared at him.

"Come on! Have you memorized the lyrics? Hurry up and practice again."

The two continued to practice again.

And at this time, outside.

After Gu Jingchen arrived, he searched everywhere but couldn't find Yun Qinian.

So he asked Yu Chuan who came with him.

"Where is the lady, where has she gone?"

Yu Chuan was also looking for Yun Qinian everywhere, but he couldn't find it.

Seeing him asking, he said, "I didn't see where my wife is, is she resting in which room? Why don't you call her and ask."

When Gu Jingchen thought about it, he felt the same.

So he took out his cell phone and called her.

However, after a long time after the call was made, there was no one answering it.

He couldn't help but slightly frowned.

After hanging up the phone, Gu Jingchen didn't give up, and then made a few more calls.

But no one answered the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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