Chapter 408 He Misunderstood
This voice not only startled Murong Chi, even Yun Qinian was also startled.

After reacting, she quickly broke free from Murong Chi's arms and walked towards him.

"Gu Jingchen? Why did you come backstage? This is not..."

Before he could finish speaking, his wrist was grabbed by the man.

Immediately afterwards, a fierce and punitive kiss fell.

Yun Qinian couldn't help but widen her eyes.

In fact, it's more like a bite than a kiss.

As if with a strong sense of venting, he wanted to bite her lips.

After a while, Yun Qinian finally realized and pushed him away.

"Gu Jingchen, what are you doing?"

The man didn't really let himself be pushed away, but hugged her into his arms, and looked at Murong Chi who was opposite him provocatively.

The voice was as cold as if it had been fished out of an ice cellar.

"Murong Chi, let me warn you, if there are some things that are not yours, don't provoke them, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

Yun Qinian was stunned for a moment, before he could react, Murong Chi, who was standing opposite, smiled faintly.

"Is it because yours is still unknown, some things are not in the end, everything is unknown, isn't it?"

Gu Jingchen's eyes tightened.

Yun Qinian frowned.

She looked at Murong Chi with displeasure, and said dissatisfiedly: "Murong Chi, what nonsense are you talking about?"

What is yours and mine, do you really think she is a thing?

Yun Qinian struggled to get out of Gu Jingchen's arms, and asked, "Why are you here? Didn't you drink in front?"

Gu Jingchen was almost pissed off.

He said coldly, "You don't know why I came here?"

As he spoke, he grabbed her hand and stared at the man opposite him vigilantly.

"Less contact with this kind of person in the future. I don't have any good intentions. I don't know if I will lead you to ruin someday."

Yun Qinian was taken aback for a moment, thinking it was a little funny.

"Gu Jingchen, have you misunderstood something? He and I..."

"We are good friends from the beginning, if Mr. Gu insists on thinking too much, he will inevitably judge a gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain."

Before Yun Qinian could finish speaking, Murong Chi interrupted directly.

Gu Jingchen's face was very ugly.

Yun Qinian doesn't know what these two people mean, they are so nice, why are they so jealous as if they met an enemy.

In order to prevent them from fighting here, she quickly said, "Okay, Jing Chen, aren't you here to celebrate Mrs. Li's birthday today? Let's go out first."

Gu Jingchen probably didn't want to embarrass Yun Qinian, so he really went out with her.

In the room, Murong Chi looked at the backs of the two leaving hand in hand, his face darkened.

After getting outside, Yun Qinian couldn't bear it anymore and asked, "Why are you here today?"

After all, Gu Jingchen had never attended this kind of banquet before.

Gu Jingchen gave her a cold look, and said in a low voice, "Why, you can come, but I can't?"

There are thorns in the words, no matter how you listen, it will hurt your ears.

Yun Qinian frowned.

She said displeasedly: "Is there something you are hiding from me? Or is there a misunderstanding? Did I tell you that Murong Chi and I are just friends, or did you mistakenly think that we were hugging each other just now?" Have an affair?"

Gu Jingchen didn't speak, just looked at her with a cold look.

That gaze seemed to be saying: What do you think?

When Yun Qinian saw his eyes, she knew that he had misunderstood, and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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